Hawkeye #11

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: David Aja Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 26, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 37
9.6Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

“Pizza is my Business” …before it’s too late for us. THE breakout character of 2012… becomes the breakout character of 2013... as PIZZA DOG gets his own issue.Literally… the entire issue… it’s all from the dog’s point-of-view.Pizza Dog gets hired to solve a crime -- the grizzly murder that shocked Team Hawkguy -- and the only thing more shocking than THAT… is what happens the end of THIS.Seriously. This is not a joke! Even the coloring. Dog issue. We’re all gettin’ fired. PLEASE READ…

  • 10
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Jun 28, 2013

    Pizza Dog is amazing, and Pizza Dog #1 is probably one of the best comic books I've ever read. Fraction and Aja really outdid themselves with this book. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 26, 2013

    Man's Best Friend is also the star of the week's best comic, as Fraction and Aja truly up the ante on visual storytelling to tell the unique tale of Lucky the Pizza Dog. Innovative, experimental and ambitious, this comic isn't just a palate cleanser, but a meaty story in its own right. Way more fun than it has any right to be, Hawkeye #11 is a must-read not just for people who enjoy quirky, humorous comic book stories, but for anyone who wants to see the bar raised on sequential art. Read Full Review

  • 10
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Jun 29, 2013

    Normally, I'd fear overselling the virtues of a comic like this, but I'm not really sure I could: it's easily the best single issue I've read this year. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Crux - Cal Cleary Jun 28, 2013

    Look, if you read my reviews here regularly, you know I can be a pretty tough reviewer. So I'll let this sentence sum up my opinion: I'm going to stop writing now because I'm embarrassed at how much I'm gushing over this issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 27, 2013

    "Hawkeye" #11 is a charmer from start to finish. I love the bold choices that Fraction and Aja made, and I appreciate that what could've been a throwaway issue ended up being incredibly gripping by the end of the comic as we move past the events of the previous installments. Add in Hollingsworth's beautiful flat colors and it's another big, big winner. I'll be shocked if "Hawkeye" #11 isn't on next year's Eisner Awards ballot; it's both excellent and different. Well done, all involved. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Jun 29, 2013

    Hawkeye #11 is one of the most unique and well done comics you will ever read. And it's quite the emotional roller coaster too. It will make you laugh your ass off, and then cry your eyes out, and then both at the same time. Just buy it.  Read Full Review

  • 10
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Jun 27, 2013

    I can't imagine another creative team pulling off a story like this without breaking stride. Matt Fraction, David Aja, and Matt Hollingsworth just told a story about a dog in a crappy apartment building with virtually no dialogue and the overall Hawkeye story is still gonna be a different place in issue 12 than it was at the start of issue 11. If that isn't a grand slam, I don't know what is. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jun 26, 2013

    Fraction and Aja appear to be an unstoppable force creatively. The notion of an issue focusing on Hawkeye's dog sounds absolutely ridiculous, but the execution of it by these two creators is simply fantastic. They took a risk, as they have all throughout Hawkeye, and it has paid off – Hawkeye #11 is absolutely brilliant. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Blue Raven Comics - Jack Reid Jun 30, 2013

    Incredible art by David Aja keeps the reader enthralled in the world of Pizza Dog right up until the last page. A bold move by Fraction and team, but it comes together amazingly with a shocking finish. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Front Towards Gamer - PNeafsey Jun 29, 2013

    Lockjaw got sort of a dumbed down caption box system to tell you what he was thinking where as here it's all done with Pizza Dog's facial expressions. There are some major plot revelations in the book that I do really wish we could have seen the full dialogue for (no spoilers here on what they are) but I think Fraction will take us back to those moments next issue. I don't know what else I could say about this book beyond what I've already said praising its quality, innovation, and just gung-ho embracing of the comic format medium so I'll just say this: the book features a fight scene between a mystery solving dog and Russian assassin dressed as a mime, come on you want to read this book now. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Jun 27, 2013

    Hawkeye 11 really stands out as an example of unique storytelling. You don't need to know about the characters in order to appreciate the brilliance of Aja's artwork. All you need to do is look at the images and see what's going on. The result is a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 30, 2013

    Experimentation with the form in a mainstream superhero comic has become more commonplace, but a perfectly effective and successful experiment is something of a rare beast indeed. Treating the dog as the hero of his own story is a simple, but brilliant idea, and the execution from the creative team pushes it into perfect single issue territory. Hawkeye #11 is a delight, with hidden depths in its seeming simplicity, making me think that Fraction, Aja and company (particularly letterer Chris Eliopoulos, who makes Lucky's perspective concrete with his amazing design/production work) can do pretty much anything. Read Full Review

  • 9.9
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Jun 26, 2013

    It certainly is clear that I loved this issue, and I think it comes to the perfect end at page 18. Only, it keeps going and those last two pages ultimately strike the wrong chord for me. Still, this is a Marvel comic book featuring a dog who loves pizza, and that alone makes it worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 1, 2013

    It's brave, it's smart and it's entertaining as can be. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Jun 28, 2013

    For an idea that may have started as a joke, the idea of a Pizza Dog issue will, ultimately, be seen as inspired thanks to the raw talent of the creative team involved. While the story may be simple, focusing more on how the character of Pizza Dog exists within the confines of the book's universe, it's entirely engrossing thanks to the unique way it is presented to the reader. The mystery of the rooftop may not be the crux of the issue as was thought, but it gives an insight to the character of Pizza Dog (a sentence that, likely, has never been typed before) and allows the reader to connect with him beyond him simply being a dog. It may have started as a joke, but thanks to the creative team the Pizza Dog issue will likely go down in history. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 29, 2013

    This is probably one of the most imaginative comics you'll read all year. Lucky doesn't suddenly become a talking dog or anything like that. He's just an old mutt sniffing around and stumbling into trouble. He can't talk to Hawkeye or really help defeat the bad guys, but he can still feel sadness, fear, anger and lust. The story is very entertaining, though I'll admit to probably missing some of the subtext. But that's just me. The best part of the issue, of course, is the art. Aja outdoes himself. Lucky is full of personality, and Aja just draws very good animals. You can really feel Lucky padding along through the apartment building. And the little icons they use to denote what Lucky can smell are delightful. Do yourself a favor and check this issue out, at least to see what it's like. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Jun 26, 2013

    Hawkeye #11 is a hell of a lot of fun, and Marvel deserves a lot of credit for letting Fraction and Aja devote a whole issue to a one-eyed mutt who can't talk or fly (sorry, Krypto the Super-dog). Whether you're a Hawkeye lover, a dog lover or a pizza lover, Hawkeye #11 is a fantastic one-of-a"kind read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Jun 26, 2013

    Hawkeye is a book that doesn't take itself too seriously, and that's a good thing. Far too many comics take themselves too seriously. Too many try to do the “Dark Knight Returns” and all too often it comes off as lame. Thisis comics after all. More books should follow inHawkeye's footsteps and give us incredible stories like this. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - joedwardlewis Jun 27, 2013

    Hawkeye #11 is a masterclass in sequential art, of which Will Eisner would be proud. When it comes to comics, Fraction and Aja are mans best friend. Is there any chance of a team-up between Pizza Dog, Krypto Dog and the Beasts of Burden?Share this:Share on Tumblr Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jun 29, 2013

    Certainly something of a breakthrough in storytelling for this medium, although purely in terms of substance, it depends too much on a reader's familiarity with the ongoing plot to be effective. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Jun 30, 2013

    Basically, this particular issue of this book was a huge gamble, but seeing how great the creative team behind it has been for eleven issues, it's no surprise that they pulled it off. If they don't win all the awards this year for their work on 'Hawkeye', then that would certainly be a surprise. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Jun 30, 2013

    Matt Fraction, David Aja, and Matt Hollingsworth deserve plenty of accolades for going out and trying something like this. Especially because they stick the landing so very well. Pizza Dog was already one of the best supporting cast members in the Hawkeye book, but with this issue, it's clear that he's also a deep and well-rounded character that just so happens to be a dog. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Jul 11, 2013

    This is yet another issue of the series which are all taking place at the same time but from the perspective of the different people (and animals) involved. Most importantly this issue and the series remains a lot of fun and issues like this help to advance the medium. Read Full Review

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