• Thanos is dead... Long live the NEW Thanos!
• But who will it be?!
• Will the new Guardians of the Galaxy find that person in time before the universe comes crashing down?
Rated T+
Though plenty of story arcs are running through this title, it's balanced well, giving each arch it's own chance to shine without being either overpowering or shallow. Read Full Review
Geoff Shaws art is great. There are some great panels with great art throughout. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #2 is not just a step up from the previous issue, it's a step up for its namesake. Cates and Shaw demonstrate a level of craft that is almost unrivaled in superhero comics at the moment. Blending the absurdity of Cosmic Marvel and the genuine human emotion of an indie book, this creative team demonstrates exactly why a few years from now they'll be the biggest names at Marvel. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy is one of Marvel's best series now. A great book that is perfectly fine for new readers to pick up. While there are some moments I feel left in the dark, everything essential is clear. A complex story that is dealt with fairly expertly here. Read Full Review
No series since has been truer to the Guardians of the Galaxy since the legendary 2008 run. Read Full Review
A quieter step-back issue that invests in character moments and funny exchanges while still pushing the grandiose plot from Guardians of the Galaxy #1 forward. Theres clearly a huge scale and big plan at work here, and Im excited to follow it through to its ending. Read Full Review
I'm really hoping this series picks up a bit, I really want to love it. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy is not quite the series that I had expected it to be, but it really has been an interesting read so far. They're making good use of their expansive cast to build up the tension, giving us an idea of the battle we're heading towards. Read Full Review
I liked this issue for how it builds up Star-Lord and makes him the leader he's always meant to be. There are also conscious character moments that will be fun to explore as they develop. Cates and Shaw are always juggling a few threads well, keeping the chase for Thanos's head in the thick of things. Read Full Review
There's still a lot to like here, especially if you like these characters because Cates has a great handle on their voices but the narrative does feel slight in comparison to the last. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #2 is a fine follow up, but I wouldn’t call it a must read. Die-hard cosmic fans will want to pick it up, but everyone else will be okay if they hold off for now. The character moments don’t pull you in like they should, and the art is fine when the colors aren’t being distracting. I’d maybe wait to read my review for next issue. Read Full Review
Cates at least has a solid handle on the overall story and the individual characters, but too many odd choices in terms of how he uses those characters and what he expects the reader to already know hold the issue back. Read Full Review
I think I'm in love.
I need more of these idiots being ridiculous, I love them all.
Cates started Guardians of the Galaxy with a great first issue. Now let's see how things go in this one.
The Good:
I really like Peter's struggle with Gamora and their past.
It's basic but I do like how Cates shows the team and how they aren't getting along.
Shaw's art is pretty darn good throughout the issue.
I like this other Guardians that is forming.
The Bad:
Keeping in quality with last issue, we get the much needed focus on our new Guardians as well as their adversaries.
Donny Cates marvel comsic stuff is just brilliant.
I really enjoyed this. The art was great. I thought it was really funny at times, especially the Groot and Cosmic Ghost Rider battle. The new team introduced seem like its gonna make a fun rivalry. I really hope the character shown at the end joins the team. Overall im just really hyped for whats to come.
God, this is great. Loving this book.
Peter Quill is shell-shocked and apathetic and completely fails to pull his new team together. Eros resurfaces and does much better at assembling a team of Dark Guardians to hunt Gamora. I'm not sold on the overall direction of the plot and I've already forgotten about the art, but sweet sassy molassy, the script is good. The wit and snark used to polish individual lines is mirrored in the confident pacing and always-surprising structure. I don't know how all these plot twists will fit together, but each one is delightful when it arrives.
I thought the issue was up to par, but definitely not my favorite. I love Donny Cates as a writer and have total faith in him. i believe he is going to make this an amazing book and is building up to something big involving a fight between the two teams and possibly the black order. The art was amazing as always from Geoff Shaw, the two of them together make a really great team. However i expected it to be a little more fast paced for a second issue or maybe a little more background into some of the characters on the teams. I'm hoping sometime in the near future we get to see beta ray bill vs cosmic ghost rider, i personally am 100% down for that fight! other than all that it was entertaining, had a few laughs but very little progression. i'm still looking forward to issue 3 and am excited to see where Donny Cates takes this. more
Not as stellar as the previous issue for it mostly focused on team dynamics rather than advancing plot. That said, I really love the way Cates voices all these unique voices and relates his story to the continuity of the Guardians of the past five years or so. I will continue reading this even though this felt mostly like filler.
"We will guard this galaxy"
A nice follow-up to the first issue, but one that is rather slow paced.
There's mostly talking, people arguing about who to kill or who not to kill and Star-Lord not giving a single "f" about anything. And then some more talking from cosmic Two-Face... or is it cosmic Professor X?
The one thing that is undoubtedly great about this issue is the art. Geoff Shaw and Marte Gracia are doing a Marvelous work here. The characters, their facial expressions, the backgrounds, all of it looks really good.
So, yeah, I'm not really on-board with this book as of yet, but the story and premise behind it seem interesting so I'm hoping the book will convince me to itself.
Starlord speek to Kitty ... Why not ... But why ? And this long ...
Then a give some cover to boring Phyla & Heather.
Then try to stop a fight (Already) between Groot and the more stupide idea ever (Cosmic ghost rider).
Then we have Tivan in trouble agains Hela (The only good time but it seem cast forgot the powerfull Collector in Harras' avengers).
Then like that another heroes have survived but with no clue how. And Starfox is not only badly hurt at his face he also have Professor xavier 90's chair.
And like Nebula take a lead in the movies, she make her way to the other team.
How originals !
Cover - I see what they do here, nice ^^. 1.5/2
Writing - And they lost me. This was boring and not very well told. 1/3
Arts - I didn't like much the style. That do the work but it's to well behaving. And not much background too. 2/3
Feeling - I'm already out 0/2 more