For months, Matt Murdock and those closest to him have been plagued by demonic entities bound to Matt's soul! Now one of those demons has bound itself to one of the people Matt cares about MOST! (Spoiler: They're not on the cover!)
Rated T+
Overall, this is a solid issue and one of the few comics I genuinely look forward to reading each month. Read Full Review
It all comes together for what is the best Daredevil issue of Saladin Ahmed's run. Read Full Review
Zagaria delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue. The visual style works really well to bring out the character expressions and emotions. Read Full Review
Daredevil #15 is an enjoyable character piece that adds some great elements and sets up future issues. It would be great to get some resolution, but at least there are moving moments as Daredevil makes a confession. It's a fascinating idea to have Matt Murdock take on the Seven Deadly Sins, who have possessed many from his world, but we're on part 15 of this long arc, making it quite the trial of endurance. Read Full Review
Matt continues to track Jason and only finds corpses of people brutally murdered by the demon of Wrath that pursues him from hell.
Elektra helps patrol these findings. She explains to Matt that he must stop blaming himself for the situation, all these demons that represent different capital sins, do not coincide with Matt, that is, Matt is not a hardened sinner, he is neither lazy, nor envious nor a food eater, especially he is not lustful, Elektra explains in detail why he is not lustful, excellent dialogue that makes Matt Murdock blush.
Daredevil visits Father Javi to explain in detail how a demon took Jason, Father Javi offers him the sacrament of confession and also explains to him that everything that ha more
I was off this book for many issues and this is my first comic back and I have to say it's better than when I left it. I don't know if it's worth going back to catch up but if I get bored I may do it. Def won't be spending $5 per book to add to the collection though.
if there is one thing I can appreciate about Daredevil. It's that his series is pretty consistent.
I liked the issue. It does not feel like its must read, but it's enjoyable. I like the 2 Daredevil dynamic and curious how this legal issue will proceed.
Art: 3/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6/10
This is such a frustrating series. So many great concepts, but it’s brought down by bizarre pacing and terribly inconsistent artwork. Within this one issue, Zagaria has some great panels, but then he draws Matt looking like a child. I’m also finding Ahmed’s voice for Elektra increasingly off, made all the more apparent by how solid Erika Schultz has been for the character.
Most misleading cover ever! This storyline with its pseudo-religious Catholicism can't end too soon.