• Spinning out of the events of THE HUNT FOR WOLVERINE: WEAPON LOST, a nightmare Matt Murdock never knew he'd have has come true - MIKE MURDOCK IS FLESH AND BLOOD IN THE MARVEL UNIVERSE!
• Now, there's someone running around with Matt Murdock's face, which can only spell trouble for the Mayor Without Fear!
Rated T+
DAREDEVIL #606 is a perfect starting point for new and old fans to jump on. Soule gets readers caught up immediately with what's essential and doesn't waste any time digging into his story. Soule, Soto, and Cowles are the three amigos that make this comic exciting, engaging, easy to follow, and great to look at! Read Full Review
Daredevil #606 is a tight and enjoyable read, with gorgeous art that just seems to jump off the page. Read Full Review
The real gem is the cliffhanger, however. With such a mind-bending conclusion staring the reader in the face, long-standing readers of Daredevil are left with many questions as to what the devil Soule has planned. Buckle up, the crazy coaster is going uphill for another run. Read Full Review
I was actually a big fan of this issue. I especially love the art by Phil Noto, but what I really appreciate is the transition that Charles Soule makes from the previous story arc. It doesn't wash over it, it builds upon the foundation, and expands the tale. Read Full Review
Phil Noto's style is impressive. The story's back and forth between mild-mannered conversation and dynamic action allows him a lot of opportunities to show his versatility. He does faces very well. Playing to his strength he throws in a lot of facial close-ups amongst full body action shots. All in all this book was a pleasure to behold and read. Read Full Review
A healthy crop of gritty storylines is bolstered by a beezer of a twist ending in Daredevil #606. He's headed after Wilson Fisk with Inhuman help, he's doing an admirable job filling in for the NYPD - if he can just survive a left-field guest star, Daredevil will be on top of the world. Solid visuals by Phil Noto enhance Charles Soule's clever, busy script and easily justify sliding this arc onto your pull list. Read Full Review
It really feels like a soft reset for the series, a reminder that Daredevil functions best when fighting mobsters and dealing with street level problems. Read Full Review
Daredevil #606 was another excellent chapter in Charles Soule's ongoing narrative in this series. Soule's understanding of where he wants to take Daredevil and how he will challenge Matt Murdock continues to prove to be the strength of his writing. That clear direction help make Daredevil #606 feel more than just a set-up issue as there were multiple sub-plots going on at the same time. Read Full Review
Daredevil #606 may be built on some less-than-optimal storytelling, but the issue itself holds together well. We get to see Matty tangling with Hammerhead and nail guns, and we get to see the return of some solid characters from Soules own Inhumans titles. This one is worth a read. Check it out. Read Full Review
The start of a new story arc, Daredevil #606 is a solid issue in one of Marvel's most solid series. Read Full Review
This is a nice return to form for a series that seemed like it had gotten away from Soule a little bit last arc. The story and dialogue are back to being sharp, and Phil Noto does a great job with art. I still wish that Soule had leaned more into the plot points that he'd introduced earlier in his run (like vigilantes being able to testify in court). Soule seemed to have a real plan in the first two thirds of his run, but it didn't really go anywhere after that. Hopefully he can at least end things off with a decent final arc.
This was really good and I liked it a lot. There was a line in it that I really enjoyed and I can't remember the line now but I want the record to show that I liked it.
The story is average, but the artwork is glorious.
"Idiots. The Hulk doesn't text".
The story juggles between Matt setting up a team with the help of Frank McGee to investigate and build a case against Fisk and Hammerhead, who uses the current situation in NYC to remind everyone how much of an asshole he is, ending with a crazy twist that Murdock has a twin brother who's not exactly an upstanding guy.
The pacing in this issue was great, and the dialogue flowed well. The fight against Hammerhead looked great and had a little spin to it to make it exciting, and the concept of Mike Murdock is an interesting way to complicate Matt's life even more.
The art here by Phil Noto was excellent, probably the best besides Ron Garney.
This issue was a real step up and return to form for Soule. the last arc was just too bonkers and this was much more grounded, which is exactly what was needed. This artist killed it as well. I hope he stays on board for a while, his daredevil and action scenes are really well done. Hopefully we continue this into the next issue.
Matt rallies Inhuman help to bring down Mayor Fisk, keeps villains at bay while the NYPD is weak, and closes the book with a truly unlikely left-field twist. The script bops along at an excellent pace and the art is generally good with flashes of gorgeousness, but this doesn't quite hold up as all-time great if you slow down to look at it closely. The plot, in particular, is quite contrived. Still, there's no reason to overcompensate negatively. It might not be all-time great, but that doesn't mean it's not good.
Art: 4/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10
This is just... weird. Make no mistake, Daredevil 606 is a perfectly paced issue and Phil Noto is by far the best artist yet. But why suddenly make Mike Murdock real? He’s been a joke of Matt’s imagination since the Stan Lee days in the 60s but Soule made him a real character. Just... weird
Getting centered again after the clusterf*** that was the last arc. This one is looking promising, I particularly like the line Matt delivers while everyone is recording him on their phones.