New York City is under siege, and it's up to Matt to lead the troops to defend the city he loves! Will these new players help him stem the chaos, or unleash a fresh horror on Daredevil and company?
Rated T+
The Beast is a bit more wily than I expected and looks an awful lot like Mojo from the X-Men. This was a good fake-out and a believable gambit for the Hand. This is a story that is building steam and about to blow up in everyone's faces. So keep tuned if you like the drama of political intrigue and Super Hero action! Read Full Review
Easily one of Marvel's best books right now, the only reason not to pick up Daredevil is if you don't like comics. Read Full Review
This arc continues to build on the great story started in the Mayor Fisk storyline and the end of this issue creates a new wrinkle for Daredevil and company. Read Full Review
This book continues to excite and impress me between the striking story directions Soule makes and the beautiful scenes Henderson and Milla craft. Next month promises to intrigue as readers say, "Oh yea, he WAS here all along!" See you then. Read Full Review
The premise of the order is fine, but it's the placement that felt off to me. Would I read a book about the Order of Dragons? Yes, but not in the middle of THIS story. Maybe it's because Soule was hitting too many grand salamis that now his base hits feel like outs? My hope is that bringing Biggie back (Kingpin) will help wrap up this story well. Read Full Review
Some life has been injected into this book! I want to sing it to the heavens. Whether it was Soule having fewer comics to write (which I think that was temporary) or it was Mike Henderson coming on the book I don't know but this book has gotten good again. It has energy and intrigue again. It has me saying buy this comic again. Read Full Review
Writer Charles Soule is walking a very thin line right now between crazy awesome and absurdly stupid. Read Full Review
I love that there are fancy flying fight priests now, this is canon forever.
"So today. This one time... I'm the sword".
This comic is getting into silly territory but Soule manages to keep the story going in an interesting way, especially with Fisk coming back.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10
catholic super ninja warriors
Father Jordan is sick but it kind of feels like he came out of nowhere to save the day. Also the hand kind of came out of nowhere. I hope Soule knows how to end his run.
Father Jordan twists this particular Daredevil vs. Hand fight in a weird Hellboy direction. Introducing his "Order of the Dragon" burns up entirely too much space, and the action in the balance of the book is hurt by weak visuals. This is leaning hard into "forgettable popcorn comic" territory, much as the creators might hate to hear it. For all the attention lavished on the Order, their merits and appeal remain way too hypothetical.
I'm not really sure what's happened to this run...Soule was KILLING it for the first 5-6 arcs, and now...an army of flying warrior catholics? What happened to the grounded story with crisp dialogue and sharp writing? Soule seemed like he had a plan, a vision, and now it seems like he's just making stuff up as he goes. He introduced one of the coolest ideas in Daredevil's recent history with the whole legal fight to have vigilantes be able to testify in court, and what came of that? Nothing. Which is SO disappointing cause it had so much potential for the story going forward. I really hope Soule gets back on track, cause he was off the rails with this issue. Art is great, hence the "high" score.
Though I’m all for more Catholic characters in comics, this just all seemed so ridiculously goofy and silly compared to a rather realistic and grounded series
Okay, I think we're getting a bit carried away. Also, there is no way Matt is sneaking off to be Daredevil without anyone noticing, ridiculous.
Honestly, it wasn't horrible, but the whole idea is pretty dumb and the series is a going a direction a should really stay away from. Soule was doing really well, but this most recent arc is really dumb in my opinion.
Overall the story is decent enough. The art on the other hand is embarrassing, Marvel needs to get better artist. It’s sad to see what Marvel has become. I’m done supporting them. obviously Disney doesn’t give a shit about the books anymore.