Even though you blasted this with a bad review. I do agree that Morgan is not a good fit for this book.
• MATT MURDOCK's gambit reaches its endgame...
• ...but will this be the victory he was looking for, or the start of something far worse?
Rated T+
One thing that became clear as I read this issue was that I will be keeping an eye out for this entire creative team. Soule, Morgan, Milla. All of them. They all blew me away with this issue and I can't wait to read the next one to see where Soule is going to take us next. Read Full Review
I'm not sure how nonlegal buffs will like Soule packing this issue with legal terminology. However, if you are a fan of the man under the horns this is a great book. Art perfectly describes pacing with the chronology from Milla's coloring. Read Full Review
Daredevil #25brings “Supreme” to a gripping conclusion, being one of the most impressive Matt Murdock centred issues to date. Taking his case against petty criminal, Slug, to the Supreme Court, our crime fighting lawyer enters a rather unique fight, with the end product giving us a refreshing take on the character in the process. Read Full Review
Final Verdict: 8.4 " “Daredevil” #25 continues to spin a wild new status quo shift directly into the ongoing series and maps out the next phase of the title. Read Full Review
It's not often we get a book that is mostly Matt Murdock, and this one was an exciting one seeing what Matt can do in the courtroom. Charles Soule being a lawyer really knows how to write this side of the series. I recommend pickin it up and seeing if Matt was successful or not in his battle to change the Marvel Universe and it's costumed Vigilantes. Read Full Review
This was definitely an interesting comic, and it does promise a new era for the Man Without Fear. I think this was a good waypoint, a touchstone, for Daredevil, and I look forward to what Soule has in mind next for Matt Murdock. Daredevil #25 does earn a recommendation, and its ambition didnt fail it even if it took some shaky chances. Read Full Review
Stylized art and excellent dialogue combine to make a compelling read. Read Full Review
The art is pathetic with little to no backgrounds. Every one's face looks like a used catchers mitt. It certainly isn't worth 3.99$ an issue kind of art. The story though...is better this issue. I feel like the only well thought out moment was Matt's five minute rebuttal though. I really think this story would have been better served as a foot note unfolding slowly through out Soule's entire run on Daredevil. Instead of its own stand alone story arc. Read Full Review
This was incredible. I don't even care that the art was subpar, or that I didn't understand a lot of the lawyerese that was spoken during the court scene. This was a phenomenal issue and I was totally captivated from start to finish. I really can't understand why people consider this to be one of the weakest Daredevil runs...it's honestly shaping up to be one of my personal favourites. I've said it before, but Soule's writing is SO sharp and so consistent. He has done something truly special with this run. Matt's big idea to change the legal system and give vigilantes the ability to testify in court is a status-quo shifting move and adds an incredibly interesting twist to Daredevil's world. It feels...fresh. Exciting. I'm really looking formore
Story wise this is an incredible arc. I would rank it higher if the art was better.
Sure, I’m not a huge fan of the art for this story but the writing is so damn good like come on. I see a lot of people whining about the art and I agree, I don’t think Alec Morgan is the right fit for Daredevil but that doesn’t make this unreadable. The fact that Soule is a lawyer himself makes the writing, specifically in the courtroom, so well done.
A satisfying conclusion to the arc. Matt’s speech at the end was amazing and I liked how the arguments were presented as if they were an actual fight.
Tons of legal vocabulary that I mostly failed to understand but that’s ok, because that makes this arc all the more realistic. Matt has developed so much these last 25 issues and that’s a sign of a good run
This was a very good issue to end the Supreme arc. I really enjoyed this arc a lot because, we got to see Matt and learn a lot about what he is trying to do. Matt and Foggy are back on the case too, which is always a good thing. I would like to get back seeing Daredevil though. The only big knock I have on this issue is the art. Morgan has not been a good fit for Daredevil. The art is not bad it just does not fit the book as well as the artists before. The ending leaves the kingpin looming around and that is always a plus for me.
I like the legal arguments being represented as a physical fight. It leans a bit heavy on the idea of the 11th hour speech.
Art: 2.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 6/10
Matt Murdock (and Charles Soule) have spun this whole "let superheroes testify in court" case up onto the point of a knife in order to maximize the drama of the final decision. While this issue does reveal that decision, exactly what it's going to mean to Matt, Daredevil, New York, and the rest of the Marvel Universe is still very much a mystery. The script presents fascinating ideas and some great dialogue, and it definitely deserves better than Alec Morgan's woeful art. But this isn't a case of flawless words assassinated by bad visuals; even with better (i.e. competent) art, there would still be some weaknesses in this script.
Please... seriously, I'm begging you Marvel.... please bring Ron Garney back. I get that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and I am sure Alec Morgan works really hard to make this book happen.... but this is not the artwork for this book.
Daredevil deserves better than this, Charles Soule deserves better than this, America.... deserves better than this.