Daredevil #95

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Stefano Gaudiano, Lee Weeks Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 28, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 15
7.3Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

The second big year of award-winning creators Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark's explosive run on Daredevil is here, and if you think Matt Murdock's life is going to start getting simpler, think again! As Matt tries to deal with the changes in his life, and find a way to move forward, a threat from his past begins to creep toward daylight. And with the post-Civil War fallout all around him, the price of being Daredevil just got even higher. The next mystery begins in "To The Devil His Due" - Part One of Five.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Mar 30, 2007

    Brubaker has managed to neatly avoid the whole Civil War debacle by moving DD out of the country during that period (and the writer seems to take pains to avoid mentioning details of the event this issue), and I couldn't be happier, as this is one title that is making such a success of its current direction that any interference from the crossover would have undoubtedly had a negative impact on readers' enjoyment of the book. Costumed superheroics, criminal intrigue, legal machinations and human drama; this issue is one of Brubaker's strongest on the title so far, showcasing his ability to reconcile these elements of the book with flair and outlining some compelling plotlines which utilise longtime Daredevil characters in a new and innovative way. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Mar 31, 2007

    Daredevil #95 wasn't anything amazing, but it was still a solid read. Brubaker has an interesting story arc in store for us. Daredevil, along with Ultimate Spider-Man and X-Factor, is one of the most dependable reads that Marvel publishes. With a new story arc starting with this issue, this is a great time for new readers to give this title a try. If you like crime stories and street level heroes then I don't think you will be disappointed with Brubaker's Daredevil. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Mar 29, 2007

    The coming story arc has a lot of potential, and this issue does a decent job of setting it up. I dont have any doubts that Brubaker will once again capture the greatness of this title, but right now its dragging in the mud a little bit, which is completely understandable, especially coming off of the last arc. Read Full Review

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