Daredevil #68

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 15, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 17
7.0Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

GOLDEN AGE PART 3 As Matt Murdock's past catches up with him, the original Kingpin is there to deal the punishment!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Dec 20, 2004

    Nevertheless, these are small blips in an otherwise consistently excellent book. Im thrilled to see where this arc goes, tying together as it does the many elements of Matts life under Bendis pen the King of Hells Kitchen status, the public outing, the White Tiger Affair and looking to condense even further the real-world, gritty noir feeling that the creative team have brought to this title. I cant wait for the next issue, and thats got to be a firm recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Lucinski Dec 20, 2004

    The By now, were all used to Bendiss storytelling methods and gimmicks. While still effective, they are no longer a surprise. While little mysteries remain (Was that MGH Bont used to kill his associate? Why is Gladiator helping Bont? Will there be a new White Tiger?), its the big question that drives this series. What will be the status quo at the end of this story arc? Hopefully, Bendis has a good explanation for how Daredevil gets out of this one. Read Full Review

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