Daredevil #118

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Michael Lark Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 22, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 13
8.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Did you think it was going to be easy for the Kingpin to waltz back into New York City? Or did you smarten up and realize that every crook and super-villain who ever had a grudge against him would crawl out of the woodwork and try to kill him?

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Apr 20, 2009

    This book continues to impress the living heck out of me. Brubaker has taken this comic fan and given me an appreciation of Matt Murdock and company beyond my expectations. This story is going to be one of the classics from the latter half of this decade. Brubaker has taken the villains and made them characters to revel in and be repelled by. His hero is human and his hero's friends are as doubtful as your own. This story is nowhere near complete yet, but it has been well worth the price of admission so far. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Apr 22, 2009

    Rereading what I've written so far, it'd be easy to get the impression that I didn't enjoy the issue at all. That's not the case. The idea of Kingpin and Daredevil teaming up for one last rumble with the Hand is immensely exciting, and even if the two never share a panel in this issue, the prospect of their pairing is enough to make even this quiet issue seem somewhat eventful. Likewise, Brubaker's handle on Kingpin is pitch-perfect, and I'd glady read a scene of Fisk eating a sandwhich if Brubaker wrote it. My biggest problem with this issue goes back to my distaste for the way Brubaker has structured most of his arcs on this book, with all the juicy stuff coming at the beginning and end, and the middle resigned for quieter issues like this. This creative team doesn't have too many issues left before they hand the reins over to Andy Diggle. Obviously, I'd prefer each one to be as riveting as possible. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Apr 21, 2009

    If Whoopi shows up, I'm going home. Great story so far, hopefully it will build to the denouement we are all hoping for. Read Full Review

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