TEMPERS FLARE! Take an overly-emotional empath and add a hearty dose of psychosis, and what do you got? A recipe for disaster! Also: A belligerent boyfriend, an enraged archer, an unsound cyborg, an agitated alien, a testy tactician, and a livid team leader. Yes, Titan tempers are running hot, but the angriest person of all, dear reader, will be you if you miss this issue!
The team does seem to be getting along a little better this episode, and there's a clever twist at the end that reveals what's really going on, so this arc may be picking up momentum. Read Full Review
Titans #20 is a tense build up that leaves us an emotional mess. Read Full Review
Unfortunately John Layman has fallen into the trap of relying on Raven as the focal point that it impacts the development of the other Titans. Read Full Review
Layman's winning streak continues! A MODERN MASTERPIECE!!!!
Fun issue
I don't hate this storyline. I do dislike that Nightwing is still a part of the team after giving this big speech about how he was putting the team in danger by staying. It just feels like a gimmick instead of Donna earning the position. Even Cyborg still sees Dick as the leader. He pulls him aside to tell him he's leaving instead of going directly to Donna. I do like the beserk emotion plotline and the use of psycho pirate.
My Comic Review Channel -https://youtu.be/ZgWaACulBS4
Good solid and fun chapter by the team. I’m intrigued by where this storyline is going, particularly after the last page!