THE TITANS ROSTER GROWS! It's a new day in the DCU, and the future is bright! Why, then, are the Titans looking backward, reliving their most horrific and traumatic moments, again and again, stuck in an endless loop? And who's the temporal tyrant behind this time-bending torment? Here's a hint: Time will tell.
This is a very fast-paced issue with some great visuals, and it ends in a way that hints that Clock King's threat is far from gone and may be about to combine with one of the deadliest foes the Titans have ever faced. This is a solid follow-up to Taylor getting the band back together so far. Read Full Review
Titans #17 is a fun second part to this new story, and it's about time the Titans got the respect they've earned! Read Full Review
Titans #17 delivers a mix of psychological drama and action, supported by a competent creative team. Layman's storytelling keeps the narrative engaging, while Woods' art effectively conveys the story's darker themes, even if it doesn't push any visual boundaries. The issue builds tension well and sets up intriguing possibilities for the future without feeling overly ambitious. Read Full Review
Titans #17 is an early statement comic book for John Layman and Pete Wood as the new creative team for this series. They do an effective job giving Clock King a two-issue story to put him over as a threat while showing the strength of a Donna Troy-led Titans team. Read Full Review