STAR CITY ON THE BRINK! After his encounter with the Fresh Water Killer, Oliver Queen has even more questions regarding the ecological disaster in Star City, which leads him deeper into his own history as the threat comes even closer to Oliver's home.
Green Arrow #21 is another great story that may leave readers questioning their awareness of chemical tragedies in their greater communities. Read Full Review
Chris Condon usually works in modern western noir, with morally complex characters, and even though the setting here is very different, it feels like he's working with a lot of those same themes. I don't know the last time I remember a series taking such a drastic shift in tone from one run to another. Read Full Review
This isnt just another superhero story; its a meditation on accountability, responsibility, and the limits of even the most capable heroes. Oliver Queen is used to being the one who finds solutions, but here, hes forced to face a problem where even his arrows wont be enough. That sense of helplessness, combined with the weight of the crisis, makes for an incredibly compelling read. Read Full Review
Overall, Green Arrow #21 is a strong entry in the series, delivering a compelling mystery with a personal touch. Condon's writing and the consistently effective art create a suspenseful and engaging reading experience. Fans of Green Arrow and detective stories will find this issue particularly satisfying. Read Full Review
Green Arrow #21 is a strong installment of one of DCs unsung heroes during this DC All-In era. Read Full Review
The opening pages on how some citizens struggle with housing really do hit hard because it's all too relatable. I also really like the art in this story as well. It reminds me of Andrea Sorrentino
This story, for the second issue in a row, has lapsed into inertia. It would’ve worked well in the 70s Social Justice era or even the 80s Grell era, but coming after Williamson’s exceptional run, this is falling flat on its face—and the sales reflect it. This book is headed for the cancellation heap if this direction continues. Make Ollie fun again, and bring back his family! Or a great villain. Something…anything!