The moon colony built around Superwoman’s Fortress of Solitude is under siege! Shape-shifting aliens have come to this place of peace in search of Lynari, a refugee from their homeworld. It’s a bad move on the part of these intergalactic bad guys: if Kara Zor-El offers you sanctuary, there’s no way she’s going to let anyone get their monstrous hands on you. Let’s just hope this gamble is worth it, because Lynari’s secret-the one that got her in trouble in the first place-could mean bad news for everybody!
There's a lot of good stuff coming out of "Future State," but this story of strength, sacrifice and hope transcends it all. Read Full Review
This might be a two-issue event tie-in, but it's begging to be more. I don't know if Sauvage can do a monthly book, but she and Bennett need to be given the opportunity to do as many Supergirl titles as they want. So far, this is the first Future State title to come together into a classic. Read Full Review
Marguerite Sauvage really is an amazing talent. She takes the script and does amazing things with it. Bennett writes a brave script too and honestly this turns out great by the end. Read Full Review
The character exploration that this miniseries has crafted with Kara Zor-El arrives, after some punches here and there, to a beautifully thriving ending, with the majestically beautiful art highlighting every note. Read Full Review
When all is said and done, Future State: Kara Zor-El Superwoman #2 brings its story to an excellent conclusion. Karas journey, what she teaches, and what she learns along the way is a filling and meaningful tale. Read Full Review
Kara's tale is brief in this Future State Multiverse. It is almost that of a glimpse into a legend. It was time for her to not be the second chair or even the third…but a time to have her featured solo for what she brings to the DC Universe! Well done! Read Full Review
Kimara wants the Starfall Jewel from Lynari as atonement for the murder of her family members. As Lynari is under Karas protection, Kimara finds herself in battle with Superwoman. As we learn the history of Lynaris people, a new side of Kara emerges. In order to prevent a catastrophe, Lynari must take control of her situation and face Kimara head on.The Story: Marguerite Bennett crafts a tale of the opposing emotions of despair and hope. Superwoman becoming the catalyst of a significant change is inspiring, yet sad. It gives the reader a sense of humanitys struggle to endure hardships while maintaining joy.Bright, colorful, pastel panels fill this issue. Its a dizzying array of pinks, purples, and light blue. There is definitely an airy, feminine whimsy that belies the seriousness of the subject. It makes for an interesting juxtaposition. Read Full Review
Kara Zor-El Superwoman is one of the books that I was looking forward to, being a fan of most of Supergirl's incarnations. On first glance, the book could thought of as too different from the majority of DC's products or even previous Supergirl series. But upon reflection, this little two issue story continues the vibe of who Kara Zor-El is. Read Full Review
"Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman" #2 contains beautiful art alongside a generic script and strong ending. Read Full Review
This glimpse of a potential future for Superwoman felt like it was lacking something whether a credible threat, greater focus on the evolution of its title character or just the overall rusher flow of the story. Kara's post Earth stories could make for engaging reads, but this mini-special doesn't do enough to sell that potential. Read Full Review
Future State: Kara Zor-El Superwoman #2 wraps up the Future State version of Kara Zor-El in a way that makes Kara sadder and pitiable more than the hero she's always been. The art oscillates between gorgeous and blinding, and the story, for better or worse, is done. Read Full Review
This being labeled a Kara Zor-El book seems like false advertising. This angry, jealous, villainous character isn't the Supergirl I want to read. Read Full Review