Detective Comics #945

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Al Barrionuevo, Carmen Nunez Carnero Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 23, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 50
8.1Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

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"The Victim Syndicate" part three! Batman is trying his best to hold his team together, but Spoiler might have every reason to walk out the door...and others might follow!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Konrad Secord-Reitz Nov 23, 2016

    This issue was great, I really lovedhow each character is developed further, especially the exchange between Batwoman and Batwing. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Jon Arvedon Nov 23, 2016

    Detective Comics #945 is yet another example of Tynion’s outstanding ability to juggle multiple profound plot points, while simultaneously fleshing out a diverse and dynamic ensemble cast. Like the previous issue, the cliffhanger conclusion of this chapter highlights Tynion’s level of expertise when it comes to the serialized format. Despite the unfamiliar additions to the art team, the sequentials round out what ends up being one of the most captivating issues of Detective Comics under Tynion’s reign. Whether the reveal on the final page is an ephemeral plot device or merely a red herring shouldn’t take long to be answered. In any case, the suspense will likely have you be chomping at the bit for #946 when it finally hits stands. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 23, 2016

    Detective is one of the few comics that can get by with weaker fill-in art. Tynion is crafting one of DC's best books right now and the final page's cliffhanger ensures the thrills won't be stopping anytime soon. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 26, 2016

    Detective Comics may not be packed to the gills with superhero fisticuffs, like a lot of Bat-books, but when you're playing with one of the best casts in all of comics, I'm definitely in favor of getting the most out of them. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Nov 23, 2016

    As the Victim Syndicate sows disruption in the team through Stephanie, already fractured by the death of Tim Drake, Batman and Batwoman struggle forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Nick Liu Nov 23, 2016

    Detective Comics #945 takes a quick breather from the breakneck pace of the last issue to let us revisit and reground ourselves with the Batfamily. Every character gets their chance to show us how the repeated tragedies and events over the past couple months have taken their toll on them. All of this adds up to a powerful, emotionally resonant issue that once again places Detective Comics within the ranks of DC’s best current books. Fans of Batman, Batwoman, Azrael and the rest of the extended Batfamily should not miss out! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Nov 24, 2016

    This issue is all about presenting you with ideas and getting you to think. It's about putting yourself in someone else's shoes and seeing the world through their eyes. I believe character exploration is one of Tynion's greatest strengths and because he is always so right on target regarding their portrayals, hecan spend entire issues doing “nothing” and still keep me enthralled. It doesn't bother me that they aren't out there hitting the mean streets and cracking heads because I actually care about these characters, what they think and how they feel. If you share my sentiments, you're going to have a good time with this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Joe Ruggirello Nov 24, 2016

    Tynion continues to deftly balance the team aspect of this book, though Orphan can always use more screen time. This series has done wonders for Clayface as his evolution continues, though it remains to be seen just how heroic Basil can be. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Avi Weinryb Nov 25, 2016

    All in all, there's a lot to enjoy here, even if the plot itself was put into motion via the cliched demands of a new villain. Readers should look forward to seeing how James Tynion IV concludes this arc. We're rooting for him to stick the landing and leave us with something worthy of the time invested in the proceedings. With a salty mix of characters and some solid dialogue, the inconsistent art can be overlooked this time. The next piece of this story arc can't come soon enough. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 23, 2016

    Time to suck it up and talk about your feelings, because Detective Comics #945 has that in droves. Characters are revealing pain and guilt which makes for interesting character work. The plot moves very slowly however, and it's hard to shake the feeling that the comic pads itself out with unimportant scenes so as to fill its pages. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 23, 2016

    James Tynion continues his Victim Syndicate story by showing the Detective Team instead of the new villains.  Why that seems an odd choice, Tynion does a good job showing us that those weird costumed freaks (sorry if that's insensitive) aren't the only ones caught in the crossfire.  This is a more personal issue and while the art wasn't great, it does set up the story going forward. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Kevin Gunn Nov 23, 2016

    The art in this issue seems out of place and jarring, and it left me wondering what happened to Eddy Barrows? The illustrationsseemed less like a comic book or graphic novel and more storybook. It just seemed out of place, and matters weren't helped by having 2 artists working on the story. Tynion has set the bar very high in previous issues, and I hope there is a big payoff coming in this arc. Read Full Review

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