In the concluding chapter of the two-part "City of Bane" interlude, Batman and Catwoman pull a job to stop Bane's supply ship from smuggling dangerous cargo into Gotham City. It'll send a message back to the big guy that his reign of terror is soon to be over...but what does it also signal for the future of Bruce and Selina?
Batman #79 completes the double-dose of BatCat content you always wanted. Kings writing and planning combine with masterclass art from Mann and Morey. Were reaching the crescendo of this run, and its nothing but peaks. Read Full Review
Batman #79 is another one of the more quiet, character-driven issues in Tom King's run and, like many before it, an excellent example of just how good this run truly is. Read Full Review
Batman #79 is a thrilling, entertaining issue that deals in adult themes without forgetting that comics are here to entertain and enthrall. The main characters feel like real people, with all their flaws, and their strengths, too. Read Full Review
As Ive said previously, Tom Kings Batman isnt big action sequences and super heroics, but his flair for character has given us a very human take on an eighty-year-old character in a way that I dont think we have ever seen before. I am looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here. And if my wife is reading this, you totally kissed me first. Read Full Review
This amazing interlude in the City of Bane storyline should restore even the most cynical reader's faith in King as a writer. Am I hyped up for Batman's return to Gotham? To echo Selina, “Quoth the Kite-Man: Hell yeah.” Read Full Review
King has set up a hell of a fight. I just hope from here that he delivers. I think he should now that everything is coming to a head. I'm buckled up and ready to see where this comic book takes us. It should be exciting for sure. Read Full Review
Batman #79 finds beauty and pathos in Batman and Catwoman's enduring romance. Read Full Review
This issue is a much-needed rest and victory for Bruce and Selina, and provides a triumphant note to herald their return to the City of Bane. Read Full Review
We all know some grim stuff is coming as Batman and Catwoman return to retake Gotham, so this break arc is a nice breather before this title heads into the last six issues of its run. Read Full Review
Overall, Batman #79 is a fantastic conclusion to a mini-standalone story focusing on Batman and Catwoman. It's a fascinating delve into their historic relationship and feels like a natural evolution from King's Batman #50. Read Full Review
Clay Mann has some beautiful art in this issue. All of the scenes on the beach and every shot of the two of them together is framed and executed brilliantly. Read Full Review
A quiet, but not uneventful interlude on a beach brings Batman to a new level of self-understanding right before ripping the carpet right under his feet. This issue won't appeal to the folks who read primarily for the explosions, but it will be an important issue for just about everyone else. Read Full Review
Instead of going back and forth about where, they agreed to disagree and consider this key moment " before they head into the latest biggest fight of his life " as another chance to start over. The may have met on a boat. They may have met on the street. But they know for a fact that they met, for the third time, on the beach. Read Full Review
The moustache is fake, just another corporate bait and switch. 0/10 Read Full Review
BATMAN #79 cuts to the thematic core of Tom King's multi-year story. While still diverting from the main action, it lays out vital context and sets us up for the climactic showdown. It's an essential issue. Read Full Review
A happy Bruce? A reinvigorated love? Bane is sooooooooo gonna get it. But it still remains to be seen what happens when Bruce finds out that Alfred is dead. Read Full Review
WhileBatman#79 has a lot of great moments, it feels too familiar. It is almost as if King could not decide which Bat/Cat resolution to use, so he just did both. As beautiful looking as the art is and how great King's script is, it cannot escape the fact that it contributes nothing to the story arc. Read Full Review
While having a slightly better sense of direction than last issue, Batman 79 ultimately is another skippable issue beyond Mann's stellar art. Read Full Review
Unfortunately, drawn-out moments of romantic tension on the beach do little to whet one's appetite for the pending battle for control over Gotham. Read Full Review
A perfectly fine issue that shouldn't exist. This issue should have been bundled into the previous issue instead of drawing out all this beachfront banter. Read Full Review
If this interlude was a standalone story, Batman #79 could've been seen as a great arc that showed how Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle's love has evolved. Unfortunately too much time was wasted on recycled dialogue, giving almost zero progression to the "City of Bane" event. Given all that has gone down in Gotham City, the lack of urgency throughout Batman #79 is deeply disappoint. At this point, the faster Batman and Catwoman return to Gotham City the better King's overall "City of Bane" event will be in the long-term. Read Full Review
This issue continues the story with Bruce and Selina but unfortunately, the quality is nowhere near the same caliber. It's not a total loss. We finally get answers when it comes to the mystery of how Bruce and Selina really met but at the same time, that one revelation doesn't save this issue from feeling like a filler issue. This issue isn't that bad, but it feels very bland. Read Full Review
There's nothing of substance here. Whether you're analyzing the conversations between Bruce and Selina or preparing for the upcoming battle, it's all pretty bland and boring. There's no benefit to reading this issue. No plot progression. Hardly any character development. No cool action. Just good art. Thus continues my love/hate relationship with Batman. (Love the art teams/ hate the scripts.) Read Full Review
I loved this issue. I would have liked a little more on the boat action. It would have been nice for it to have been more covert. But over all I enjoyed reading it. The art was beautifully drawn. Would love to have a poster of the one scene on the beach after they fought Magpie. Though without the words.
I loved how Bat's wouldn't let her keep the diamond and how he takes it away from her. So funny.
To have the boat and street debate settled in such a character-building way was awesome. I loved how Bat explained his feelings on it to Cat and how they decided to make that beach now how they met. It was so powerfully written. Though I figured it out a long time ago except for the beach added part. If you take in what they were wearing and the history of how they see themselves it was really a no brain-er to figure out. Though by writing that in there King just totally aged the characters again seriously.
What I loved the most about this issue though was it proved me right on my review I posted for the last issue. I said that Damian went in there because of a plan that Bat and Cat came up with and not on his own decision. I also said that I bet Alfred was switched out somehow and I think Bat confirming Alfred as saying he was safe proves that as true also. Even though it doesn't out right say so in the comic. I'm sure that's because they want people to be talking about it and wondering if he's is dead or not. I would be very very surprised if it turns out he really is dead.
For all you King haters......
Next year we are getting a black Batman. So you will have something new to hate on I'm sure. I for one am looking forward to what that means for Bruce and Selina. Unless their series is going to be them taking a break from Gotham for awhile. Maybe he will be following her to where she was living during the break up, to help her clean up the crime there? It will be interesting to find out how it plays out. All I know is that the new Batman I believe is to be around for a year or there about. more
Even better than the last issue. I am sorry everyone who hates this run, this might be my new favourite run. I love the Batman and Catwoman relationship too much.
We could explore the implications of loving a romance like Bat/Cat and then deciding who's most pathetic.
Or the implications of being unable to respond to every review about comic books you disagree with. While adding absolutely nothing...
I think my stance is pretty clear. This comic and this review don't need a long retort.
And my stance is that it is pathetic. This is just a comic run. Get over it.
I think everyone should take that advice. Including myself.
in all seriousness, i'm actually very curious as to what your other favorite comic runs are now.
If you mean in general... Animal Man (all of it), Swamp Thing, Omega Men, Justice League International/Europe/America (anything with Giffen/DeMatteis), Hellblazer, Green Lantern (all of it... except post-Sam Humpgries Green Lanterns), and Sandman. Probably.
I was just listing DC. If you want indie... I love The Maxx, Scud, and The Mask, TMNT, and others.
I like many Marvel books but none I would put up there as my favourites. Except Vision, which isn't a run, but a limited series... and also by Tom King. Funny that.
If asking that question was supposed to reveal my bad taste. I don't feel embarassed at all. I feel embarassed for anyone who doesn't see the quality of these books.
Denny O'Neil is an excellent choice. i liked the Morrison run of Animal Man and loved the Wein/Wrightson run of Swamp Thing. Hellblazer was also terrific. always wanted to check out the Maxx. that's Sam Keith right? The Mask also looks cool. what TMNT did you read?
i'll be honest, i'm not exactly loving the IDW TMNT atm. the main series has been ranging from mediocre to fan-fiction garbage. now they've brought in a 5 turtle. that's a desperate cry for attention. i really hope they wrap the series up soon before they drag it into the dirt anymore than they already have. the Eastman/Laird Mirage TMNT will always be my favorite. sure it wasn't perfect. but issue #1, the Leonardo One-shot, issues #10 & 11, and 'Return To New York' were pretty close to perfect!
The original Mirage run is my favourite. I am not reading current IDW TMNT but the 5th turtle reminds me of that live action show in the 90s' The Next Mutation, which hardly anybody seems to remember (probably for good reason)
most definitely! nothing ever will come close to the greatness of the Eastman & Laird Mirage. even at the end of the run "Shades of Gray/City at War" was not as good as the early issues. a lot of the fun element was missing. but it was still good. you aren't missing anything by not reading the current IDW TMNT. it drags on and goes nowhere. plus they milk their fans into having to buy tons of mini-series and one-shots just to complete the story. ...yeah Venus DeMilo, the 5th Turtles. just awful!
This issue, just like last time, is a character issue that focuses on Bruce and Selina. Except that this time around it's more related to the main story as it gives us some answers we wanted to know and keeps to plot going, albeit in a slow pace (which I like because it's a much-needed break from all the action of the last issues).
I'm going to say it again. I like the fact that we got an issue the focuses on Bruce and Selina because I think it's one of the most important aspects of King's run. I think this issue was necessary because not only it explores Bruce and Selina's relationship even more, it explains why they are even there. It ties in the interlude to the main story nicely.
Oh, and don't even get me started on the art. more
There's a whole 12 issue series that's supposed to explore their relationship. We've had 79 issues exploring their relationship. We had 2 issues of "City of Bane" and we need a relationship break?!
It's in a much different context now. For the first time since #50 we get an issue about Bruce and Selina. Like I said, I've been waiting for something like this for a long time. It's fine if you don't like it but I do, and in that case, I don't have much to say.
" It's the beach"
Another issue rewarding for the ones who like the series and an empty filler for those who doesn't believe in the Bat/Cat live story.
Even though i understand that King writing can be criticized, i find it very touching as always. We now know were Batman counter-attacks is leasing and I hope his return will be epic.
Like everyone i will celebrate Mann Drawing who is one of the best i've ever seen and I think it wouldn't been half as good if it wasn't for him.
I enjoyed this issue a lot. While it doesn't entirely drive the story forward, it is advertised as an interlude so I can give that a pass. It is an issue that is needed because when and if, Batman and Catwoman end up together in the end, you can't say that they just got together with no build up.
King's run has been very divisive especially recently in City of Bane. The first part of this interlude worked for me, but will the second half deliver?
The Good:
One thing I can never fault with any of King's run is the art. Like last issue, Clay Mann creates a masterpiece of pencils.
I like the calmer pace of this interlude like the last issue
The dialogue... isn't as good as last issue, but it ain't the usual pain it would be either.
The Bad:
The connectivity to City of Bane is quite poor and when it is done, it isn't too believable nor is it well done.
Progress has stalled again but not as much as usual.
While slightly worse than last issue, I still enjoyed this issue quite a bit. I probably couldn't read another issue like this but that's why it's an interlude. more
I don't understand why this story had Magpie on the cover art if she was only involved in two panels. It would've been better King actually involved Magpie and her crew carrying the venom in this issue.
Okay. Here we go again.
I'm normally a fan of Batman from Tom King, but there's only so much I can take of repeated dialogue and repeated stuff before I start getting bored. Cat and Bat declaring their anguished love for each other works about once, maybe twice, but three times? Can we please move on to Gotham now? Damian is in trouble, Alfred is potentially dead, and Bane has control of Gotham. Yet even with that, you're STILL focusing on Bat and Cat. I get it, they forgive each other, they're 88% happy now with each other, move on please. I'm hopeful for the moment they do, but until then, yawn.
Art is great, though.
Another week and another average Batman issue. I agree with another reviewer, this could have been one issue combined with the last one since basically it has the same story. The big saving grace of these past issues has been clay Mann's art, DC has some immensely talented artists in their roster right now. Otherwise, you could watch the dark Knight returns and get the gist of the whole Batman gets broken and has to come back to Gotham plot.
"He's safe"
I've read somewhere on the internet that Tom King said in some interview that issues #78 and #79 were the most important that he ever wrote. I don't think I agree with that statement. I think his most important issue will be issue #86...
However, this issue wasn't all bad. It's still decompressed as hell throughout but has some redeeming qualities.
Just like last time, the art is just magnificent. Every panel looks gorgeous, with the page where Batman and Catwoman are standing, with Moon in the background, being the standout. That page, minus the speech bubble, would look great framed and hanged on the wall.
What else? Oh, we've got some crazy calisthenics at the begging, Selina yet again sounds like an actual human being, the boat/street debate is FINALLY settled (thank the Bat-gods) and we get a little news coverage of the Gotham City situation that actually helps sell the idea of the whole country (government) being okay with what's going on there.
Six more issues to go. more
I guarantee in issue 85 Batman and Catwoman will exchange an argument about the boat/street.
Great art and nice Bat-Cat moments. But still, the biggest issue I have is that this slow comic with nice moments doesn't fit with City of Bane arc. It is not bad, just feels so pointless.
King's Knightfall would be great, if the pacing wasn't so bad. I guess he likes to write more slowly-paced Batman issues, but then he shouldn't write it at the same time he is writing his Knightfall.
Great art let down by tedious plot.
Tom, no one wants this filler crap anymore. We know you aren’t going to go anywhere with it after what you pulled with The Wedding. Just drop this Bat/Cat obsession and go back to the actual story
This issue was BUUULLLLLSSSHHHIIITTTT!!!! Seriously, so much of this sucked. Except for the art it was exceptional as always. The big revelation was that they met on the street AND the boat but decided to settle for now having met on the beach. That was idiotic. And now it turns out that Alfred magically signaled that he was safe so Bruce sent his 13 year old son into a city controlled by the villains that all kicked his ass. Sounds like great parenting and tactical decision making. Since Alfred was very much not safe, assuming that was Alfred, there should be more here but this is King so it may just be yet another dropped plot thread. We get more ridiculous dialogue and some ridiculous couples yoga that I’m not even sure is physically possible. I give it a 3.5 and it’s all for the art. I can take bad art if the story is good but great art with a shitty story just does nothing for me. more
i definitely agree with this! he has had issues taken away from him and he STILL needs all this decompression and filler. what a hack!
Great art, no doubt about that. But King has actually made me think Bane should be in charge of Gotham, and that's not good.
How I could I say that? Easy. Bruce and Bane are offering two different options for Gotham. Option A is having a violent vigilante who breaks the law to stop crime, but actually can't stop crime. Street crime is still terrible. The Joker and friends are still mass murderers. Then there's option B, where there's a violent vigilante who uses illegal means to fight crime, but can control street crime and can stop mass murderers like the Joker and friends from being mass murderers.
I know who I pick. And King, that's probably not what you were going for, making me think Bane might be the solution. Let's face it, to quote Batfleck "Alfred we're criminals, we always have been." At least Bane is a criminal who gets things done. King has actually made Bruce look ineffectual, weak and lame. Not a good look.
Also Selina tells Bruce she met him as hooker girl (something I will always hate - screw you Miller) before Bruce became Batman and before she became Catwoman. Batman and Catwoman met on the boat. So King has made both origins canon. Yawn. Also, stop working Kiteman into your stories. He's lame and always will be.
We learn, between fan service shots of both Bruce and Selina, that they're going to steal Venom from Magpie. Is their whole plan to stop having Venom go to Bane? It better be better than that.
Also, apparently both Bruce and Selina carry their costumers around so they can quick change if they stumble across and armed robbery.
We also learn why last issue and this issue don't have any reaction to Alfred's "death." The scense take place before Bruce sends in Damian, but apparently after Gotham Girl defeats Captain Atom, who is now under arrest.
All this is so lame. GAARRGH.
Or I could be wrong. more
This and the previous issue should have been one comic. It's fascinating how King manages to stretch even so boring an shallow arcs, despite his run being cut short 15 issues from planned 100.
This issue is like listening to Tomi Lahren or any other propagandist, you name them. You see the mouth moving, but you don't hear anything of value or substance coming out of it. It's just nonsensical gibberish, a never ending waterfall of babble reminescent of toddlers.
Long story short, Bat and Cat decide to return to Gotham, that's the only thing that happened last two issues, so feel free to skip this one, I just spoiled you basically everything it contains. You're welcome.
This comic is boring and these characters are unbelievable.
Using entire issues to get across a single bit of information is a quintessential example of decompression. Last issue, I thought we had the reconciliation, but I guess we still didn't, since the end of this issue pretty much mirrors the last. Except now they explain that peculiar meeting problem that we all thought was Doomsday Clock/Rebirth related, but nope it was just some poetic bullshit that sounds nice to a sixth grade reader but falls flat if you've ever learned the term "melodramatic." I also liked how I chalked up Damian's actions in Batman #77 to Damian always being a shit, but it turns out Bruce made the brilliant call that got Alfred killed. Or maybe this is a repeat of I Am Suicide, where Batman's plan is so overcomplicated and circuitous that we'll all be scratching our heads about how necessary it all was by the end. There's nothing much to say about this issue as it exists in a vacuum. It's a character issue, but the characters are as one-note as always, so it falls flat for me. I wish that Knightmares issue about how Batman didn't love Catwoman was the reality of this romance, because it'd fit their chemistry a lot better than what Tom King wants us to think. At least it wasn't as insipid as issue 78. more
Yeah, this may as well be some overcomplicated trash, but this time I doubt. I Am Suicide had some substance, contrary to this arc. I don't care anymore, I just wait for King's successor to cut the crap and bring Alfred back with no shits given.
I truly wonder if Alfred's death is the hyped up change and not the marriage. That'd be so cathartic, honestly. All this time we were promised a wedding and we'll never get it from Tom King, at least. The first three arcs felt like they had something to say. After that, the run has just been a meandering affair. The "I Am..." trilogy is one I remember enjoying, but I don't dare go back to. Just in case it's as bad as the rest and I just didn't notice because King's tricks weren't as old.
"Alfred signaled. He's safe." I don't think our favorite butler is really dead. I hope.
Well, it says at the beginning of the issue in an editor's note that this issue takes place before issue 77, so I don't think that means he's alive.
We'll see,but I really hope that Al is ok. You can't have Batman without his trusted butler.
I'd argue that you could. I'm not too broken up about Alfred's death. I don't really care. But putting that aside, I truly do think Batman is possible without Alfred. It'd have to play a role beyond just being the status quo, but it could be done (and hopefully done well).
Yes, i don't think its a problem to kill a major character as long as it affects the story properly. The death of Damian was short but it was well done for exemple and even though i liked the series it was one of the problems of HiC. We can only that if Alfred is really dead, it will be made interesting
I'm not surprised that you're not broken up about it. It was handled poorly and was just there to shock. I rolled my eyes when I saw it. For example, the recent "death" of Leslie Thompkins in DC was done much better. And I'm not even quarter as much attached to her as I am to Alfred.
I was pretty frustrated Leslie wasn't killed, to be honest. That may have been a real status quo shaker. As for Alfred... if only his death meant something, anything, maybe it'd be different. But King established himself as another JJ Abrams, who sets up big twists, but never offers answers. What's the point of setting up the marriage, and now Alfred's death, if they won't impact the run, since he's finishing it in 2 months?
I don't think Batman knew about the Alfred threat. Damian and Tim found out themselves and Damian chose to go anyway after learning what he did. My source? The book.
Actually, I missed the part Egon brought up... now I am not sure anymore. It sounds like Alfred escaped Gotham and signaled he was safe, so Batman sends Damian in knowing that... I guess we will see. I heard it apparently isn't a fake out because of how people reacted to #77. It might have been written so it could go either way.
The sweetest justice will be when the next writer completely ignores this nonsense run.
Tom King has 2 go-to jokes in 80 issues: Bat-Cat/Boat-Street and "I'm Batman so I punch people."
Solicitations say Alfred is indeed dead. And what other than a dead Alfred should be the big change King was teasing? Surely not the beach yoga.
Beach yoga is a pretty big change for Batman, you have to admit.
Oh, yeah, definitely, beach yoga sure is something new. I just hate teasing stuff, promising revolutions, an then doing nothing with them. If King wanted to kill Alfred of, he should have done that 40 issues ago.
Seeing how King likes to be "deep and profound", the big change is probably Batman realizing he can be happy and still be Batman.
Am I The only one, who doesn’t care at all about whether Batman is happy or not? He should just fight crime& concentrate on that. If I want to see love stories I watch Vampire Diaries.
Not worth the effort, just look at my previous review.
Clay Mann is great as always, Tom King is not.
"Dear lord, why do I even try?" - Tom King (Batman #77)
Decent art, more useless, boring story from Tom King.
The sooner he's removed from Batman, the better!
Another issue of garbage. I can't wait for this to be over so Bendis can game over and it be even WORSE.
The sooner king fucks off from this book the better
It’s a slap in the face of loyal batheads to force them to pay $5 every two weeks without any fuckjng story at all
just another day at the beach
featuring Bat and Cat beat some people up on a boat.
"Another day at the beach." Well said sir. I actually wish I came up with that line. You are my hero. Keep up the good work.
I also don’t want to read this issue. Havent even read the last. I reached the point, where I don’t care about his run anymore. It’s just so bad& boring.
You don't have to read it: Catwoman and Batman reconcile, Batman sent Damian into Gotham, Batman and Catwoman are coming to Gotham. Probably next issue.
Quinn - thank you. there really isn't much else to it than that. i mean i didn't take anything else away from this comic other than this is a complete divergence from what this arc started as. and now we are thrown meaningless filler of fun in the sun, while Batman acts like an assclown while Gotham burns! this is complete HO®§£§H!†!!!
Well put @myconius If Batman send Damien, hes to blame for Alfreds death as well, which seems to be permanent due to solicitations.
thank you @Darkseid24 - yeah i've been seeing the solicits for upcoming issues and think it's so frigging dumb that an actual good Batman run like Tomasi's Detective comics would have to cater towards some HO®§£§H!† garbage like Tom King's Batman. i'm seriously thinking about stop buying any and all new DC single issues. there's a good chance i might cancel the collected editions i have on pre-order as well. as it is i'm buying less and less DC Media. i might stop buying them completely.
@myconius Same. I wish Tomasi would just ignore Kings crappy writing as he originally did. I also cancelled some Comics I wanted to buy, because this is getting too stupid for me. Kings run feels like a 10 year old wrote it.
@Darkseid24 i also wish Tomasi could ignore this Tom King Trash. but it might not be his choice. this sounds like some forced garbage from editorial. you know how Dan DiDidiot loves killing characters off. it makes headlines. wether people like it or not is not important to him. he just loves attention. yeah it's sad cancelling comics like that, but if they keep tossing us garbage, it's like they are leaving us no other choice. yeah! 😂 a ten year old that ate too much sugar & paint chips! 😂😂
for years people always wondered what "DC" was an abbreviation for. well now we all know it stands for "Dog Crap".