YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Superman is on the verge of discovering who's been luring reformed villains back to a life of crime, but the question remains--why? When he tries to convince Scorch to help him, they're ambushed by a mysterious organization that holds the answers he's searching for. Is Superman ready to face the truth?
Action Comics #1084 wraps up a story about reformation and literal/metaphorical loss of hope that goes hand-in-hand with Superman. By this storys logic, hope is in our DNA and thats really uplifting and comforting just make sure supervillains dont steal it. Read Full Review
This arc was overall middle-of-the-road as it promises interesting themes with a convoluted plot. This issue is just okay with standard art and some questionable plot choices. I am interested in what the next arc brings. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1084ends the 3-part adventure on a sour note when Superman and Scorch defeat villains who may not technically be villains while turning a blind eye to a killing. John Ridley's lopsided script is exactly the type of Superman storytelling DC doesn't need, even if Inaki Miranda's artwork is great. Read Full Review
The finale to this three issue storyline is rather mediocre. It feels very by the numbers, and while you can tell it’s supposed to be some sort of moving, “gray area” thing to “challenge” Superman it comes off very pedestrian. There’s no real insight, it just feels like something you’ve read before. Had the characters involved been more significant it would’ve had more impact. It’s not something that can be pulled off within three issues effectively without a deeper connection for the reader.
This storyline was a waste of time and resources. I barely cared about any of the characters or their motivations. Poorly plotted, very little character development of any depth, no action except for a weak page or two of a very lame fight with paper-thin villains. John Ridley shouldn’t be writing Superman stories. Such a comedown after Waid’s epic.