Matt LeMaire's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The MacGuffin Reviews: 130
8.8Avg. Review Rating

I started off with words that might have seemed like they were praising this book perhaps too hard, only to go on further and lavish more and more praise on this unique and exciting tale–this was not by accident, but by design. FATALE does indeed go out the way it should, with a compelling final chapter that provides a satisfying and triumphant conclusion to a story that is not only creative and challenging, but a standout example of what the visual storytelling medium is capable of. If you haven't read this series, don't wait a second longer: read FATALE!

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THE UNWRITTEN – APOCALYPSE #7 is yet another great issue of the series as it heads toward its conclusion. Not content to rest on their laurels or slow down for even a moment, Carey, Gross and their collaborators deliver yet again, with an issue that mixes styles of dialogue and art to delightful effect. There's something truly special about The Unwritten, and it's on full display here.

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THE X-FILES SEASON 10 #14 is a fantastic issue that is absolutely perfect for fans in so many ways–this is everything we could have imagined (and more) when the series was originally announced. If you're a fan, you're doing yourself a disservice if you haven't checked the series out, and if you're not (yet), what are you waiting for? My only gripe is that I have to wait a month to see what happens next!

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UMBRAL is still a fantastic read, and while issue #7 may lack the punch that issue #6 did, it more than makes up for that in establishing some of its characters' mysterious motivations and leading us to question just who is loyal to Rascal and her goals. This deft character work by Johnston combined with the great art of Mitten leaves us with another issue filled with fantastical wonders and dark corners of our nightmares and we simply just can't enough–Umbral continues to be a fantastic series and one of my favorites each and every month.

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GHOSTED is awesome and it shows no signs of slowing down, even as we are given a bit of an aside in between arcs. Williamson has created an exciting and twisted world in this book and in collaboration with his artistic partners, has brought it to devilish life in ways that make us scream for more. And as we start to get clues into what may be truly haunting Jackson Winters, I can't wait to see what's next.

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As we get deeper and deeper into Harris and Morazzo's GREAT PACIFIC, it only continues to get better, and issue #16 is yet another fine example of what this creative team can accomplish. We're now seeing call-backs to previous story beats and events and the payoff so far is fantastic, leaving us with an intriguing story and an aching to see where it goes next–we simply have no idea and that's the best part. Great Pacific may take place on an island full of garbage, but this is exquisite storytelling at its finest.

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SPREAD #1 serves as a fun and effective debut issue that more than anything else, leaves the reader intrigued with what's to come. There's some well done world building here, but it's the introduction of our main characters that will keep us hooked from here on out. With a fun cliffhanger to lead us into issue #2, you'll definitely want to stick around to see where Spread leads.

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NAILBITER has a great concept that is executed extremely well thanks to a dedicated creative team in Williamson, Henderson and Guzowski. With a sense of dread that never lets up, Nailbiter is a sure-fire hit that hits hard with a captivating mystery that continues to keep us coming back for more. The deeper we get into this frightening town, the more I want to know, even if it means we might end up like Carroll–which is part of the thrill.

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Month in and month out, SHELTERED is an absolute joy to read, with a creative team that doesn't let up and clearly has a solid plan in place. As the tension rises, we find ourselves trapped along with the kids of Safe Haven with only one key difference, we get to walk away when the issue is over–and that's something we can't say for them. SHELTERED is tense, claustrophobic, lonely and always fascinating and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Authentic, gritty, dangerous and compelling as hell, SOUTHERN BASTARDS is a wicked southern tale that will not let up. Aaron and Latour have something truly special here and with each passing issue, it only serves to get better. Moreover, Aaron and Latour know how to provoke all of our emotions, from the most mundane to the darkest, and we just have to love them for it, month in and month out. Now, grab me some fried chicken and let's watch the game, you bastards.

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Overall, DEAD BODY ROAD has been a great revenge tale, and is exactly what Jordan set out to do–much in the vein of classic revenge tales, this one ends violently and devastatingly, but not without some hope for the future and an important lesson: if you're going to seek out revenge, it's best to dig two graves. Packed with breakneck action, intriguing characters, and fantastic art, you should check out this series.

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We've had 9 issues of SHELTERED now, and I still can't get enough. Ultimately, it's the well-formed character drama and art that makes this book work so well, and with so much more likely to come, I can't wait to see what Brisson, Christmas and Chankhamma have up their sleeves. Sheltered is well worth your hard-earned comics money and should have a place on every pull list.

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The feeling of authenticity is what separates SOUTHERN BASTARDS from a lot of other comics on the stands. This feeling that we're now in a place that is wholly unfamiliar, but feels frighteningly real in all the right ways hits all of the right emotional notes, provoking us to stick around and ride out the coming storm. Image has a lot of great books currently being published, but few are as unique and authentic asSouthern Bastards. Put this on your pull list…now.

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I knew SOUTHERN BASTARDS was going to be good–after all, with this kind of talent involved, it's to be expected. What surprised me is just how drawn into its world I was, feeling as though Aaron and Latour have dragged us kicking and scream into a world that frightens us, intrigues us, and even compels us to love it in some twisted way that we will soon to come to understand. Certainly being from the South themselves, Aaron and Latour look to have another great series for us and I can't wait to get deeper and deeper into the story of the Southern Bastards.

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With the close of its first arc, UMBRAL shows that it still has plenty of tricks up its sleeve and Johnston and Mitten continue to show that this is a great fantasy series with a compelling lead character in Rascal. Serving as our anchor in this adventure, we can't help but follow Rascal as she learns more about the past, the Oculus and the dangers she may have to face if she is to find resolution. This is great stuff, and now's the perfect time to catch yourself up, so get on it!

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It should come as no surprise that THE UNWRITTEN " APOCALYPSE #4 is yet another fantastic issue of this spellbinding series. As Carey and Gross head toward the end of this wonderful series, they have clearly put a lot of effort into bringing it all to a close with a bang, calling back to important events throughout the series' run and giving us a whole lot of payoff. For longtime fans of The Unwritten, this is everything we could ask for and more"which is one hell of an accomplishment.

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If you're looking for an action fix, look no further than DEAD BODY ROAD. However, come in expecting just action and you'll get something more, finding yourself drawn to these enigmatic characters, just aching to know more about them yet never feeling frustrated. It's an impressive feat to pull off, but Jordan and Scalera do it time and time again. And after the way that this issue ends, I'm excited to see where it goes next.

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SHELTERED is a great comic, with a fantastic story built on great character work and wonderful art, with issue #8 being no exception. Brisson, Christmas and Chankhamma have something special here and the narrative grows in intrigue with each passing issue. If you're not already picking up this book, what are you waiting for? Don't miss out before it all comes to and end!

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Bringing it all back to where we started, then, this is it for THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN. Slott and Gage have built one fantastic story here, and while it has indeed come to an end, they have set up the future very well, planting some important seeds that look to be harvested both in the near and distant future. The real treat, though, of this entire run, is that we got a chance to see what it's like to be Spider-Man through the eyes and mind of his greatest foe, learning something about Otto, Peter and what it means to be a hero throughout the process. Things may not be quite the same going forward, but this was definitely a story worth telling, reading and remembering. If you were on the fence about THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN, don't ever hesitate to read it in its entirety. You won't regret it.

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THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #30 is a great issue and leaves me truly excited for the grand finale next issue. It's fast-paced, exciting and contains a fun development that is surprising and affecting in equal measure. This issue is a strong argument for just how effective this entire run has been, showing that Slott (with Gage's assistance) had a plan that showed us a different side of Otto Octavius and was well worth the ride. Well done.

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THE WALKING DEAD looks to be heading to a rather exciting–and potentially divisive–ending for “All Out War,” but issue #124 keeps the great story moving expertly. This has been an exciting arc, and as we get close to the end, I really can't wait to see how it all shakes out. Just please don't kill Rick…yet.

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The most important goal of THE UNWRITTEN – APOCALYPSE (if I can make such a claim) is to wrap up the story of Tom Taylor and his friends in epic and satisfying fashion, and issue #3 is yet another clear indication that Carey and Gross have truly saved the best for last. This really is shaping up to be a wonderful final volume of the series and it leaves me eagerly anticipating the next chapter each and every month. This is storytelling at its finest, folks.

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ALEX + ADA is not filled with explosions, violence or superheroics, instead filled with human drama on a very intimate level–a drama that can resonate with nearly anyone. It's this effective use of drama and an examination of the human experience that makes the book so compelling, coupled with some interesting and striking art. Alex + Ada may be a comparatively quiet book compared to many others on the stands, but its narrative and characters are no less intriguing as a result.

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While THE BOUNCE #11 feels a bit decompressed when compared to last issue, there's still a lot to like here as the series continues to leverage its strengths. As we get closer and closer to answers–and perhaps a large-scale confrontation–the excitement is amped up and Casey and Messina look to deliver something big.

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DEAD BODY ROAD #4 is a bloody–and very fast–good time, with the sense of speed really coming through in the art. Jordan–and especially Scalera–should be applauded for being able to accomplish such a frantic car chase so well in this visual medium. It never lets up and leaves us craving more by the end. Even as we get more answers as to what's going on, we can't help but crave more and the visceral thrills provided by Dead Body Road ensures that we'll be anxiously awaiting the next installment.

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FATALE continues to be utterly fantastic and where some series tend to lose a bit of steam as they reach their conclusion, Fatale is not suffering that problem. Instead, the series continues to be compelling in every way, and the intimate focus on our key characters allows us to spend the final issues of the series with fleshed-out, well developed characters that we have become so very attached to and invested in. Brubaker, Phillips and Breitweiser are doing a wonderful job here and I can't wait until next issue.

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This issue may not be heavy on character moments, which is probably my only knock against it, but when the mythology looks this good and proves to be compelling, it's hard to be bothered anyway. Johnston and Mitten again prove that they've got a winner here and the more we learn about this exciting world, the more excited I am to see what's next. Moreover, with the return of a character we thought we'd lost, there's a palpable sense that something big is bound to happen soon and we're on the edge of our seats as we wait to see what's next. Simply put, UMBRAL is a fantastic comic that should capture the attention of fantasy and non-fantasy fans alike and continues to get better with every issue.

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With issue #10 of THE BOUNCE we get so very close to a very important and potentially game-changing moment in the series and it proves to be an intriguing, well-paced read. As usual, the art is truly on-point and as we get closer to some answers, we can't help but be drawn in by the mystery–ensuring that we'll be back for the next issue next month.

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If the revenge story wasn't exciting enough, it's the addition of some history that makes DEAD BODY ROAD #3 even more intriguing than the first two issues of this fun new series. Jordan's great dialogue and characters coupled with Scalera's art make for a violent romp that is equal parts hard-hitting and engaging. Do yourself a favor and check out DEAD BODY ROAD.

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Thanks to its strong character work and art, SHELTERED continues to be a fantastic read each and every month. We may not sympathize with many of the people left in Safe Haven, but we're certainly intrigued by them. With each passing issue, the story grows more interesting and Brisson, Christmas and Chankhamma have a winner on their hands here. If you're not checking this series out, you're truly missing out.

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Simply put, UMBRAL continues to be a fantastic read with issue #4 and is a series that no one should miss. If you haven't delved into this wonderfully engaging and exciting book yet, you need to head on over to your comic store (or online at Image Comics) and pick up the first three issues. You'll be instantly transported to another world and you'll never want to leave that place–even if the Umbral scare you to death.

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Still, it's important to note that the entire story comes together really well, feeling as though this really is a new beginning for Matt Murdock. Knowing that the same creative team is onboard for the foreseeable future makes it all the more exciting. DAREDEVIL #36 is a perfect superhero comic, representing a great example of a strong creative team letting loose with their various talents to bring us something utterly fantastic.

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Simply put, THE UNWRITTEN – APOCALYPSE #2 is yet another example of just how on-fire this series is. Packed with great art, fantastic moments and mysterious revelations, this is one fine comic. As we barrel towards the end, there's one thing for sure–The Unwritten continues to be a hell of a ride and Carey, Gross and company are hitting it out of the park.

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Truly the most intriguing part of Alex + Ada continues to be the underlying debate about the difference between the humans and androids and the implications of allowing for sentience. Of course, the fears of sentience causing death and destruction loom after the Nexaware Massacre, but it's really a question of whether Alex is willing to take the risk to release Ada from her shackles. As he continues his search for something more from Ada, what will his choice be? Certainly I'm not going to spoil it, but issue #4 of ALEX + ADA is yet another engaging read that fans of the series will definitely enjoy.

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GHOSTED #7 is yet another issue that proves that this series has a lot of life in it, and even if you're here for the ghosts, it'll be the characters that make you stick around. The more we learn about Winters and his, ahem, affliction, the more intriguing he gets, along with the world in which he inhabits. If you haven't hopped onboard the Ghosted train yet, what are you waiting for? Scare yourself up a copy of the first trade and catch yourself up–you won't regret it.

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DEADPOOL is simply a great series under the stewardship of Posehn, Duggan and Hawthorne. An effective combination of drama and humor is what makes it work so well. Additionally, as their long-term plans continue to bear fruit, we're left with an intriguing narrative that continues to improve with each passing issue. If you're reading this book, you should definitely add it to your pull list.

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Simply put, THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN is on a roll as we rocket toward its endgame. Slott has put so many intriguing pieces in play that you can't help but anxiously await each page turn to see what's next. As the chess game between Otto and the Goblin plays out, we, the readers are the real winners, and I can't wait to see how it all ends.

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So far, “All Out War” has been a great event, packed with excitement, loss, violence, and even introspection and reflection. More importantly, it has shown just what THE WALKING DEAD really excels at: character drama and issue #121 is yet another fine example of that. This is how an event is done and with the future looking rather bleak for the survivors, this is an exciting time to be reading the series.

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As FATALE winds down to its finale in issue #24, issue #20 proves that Brubaker, Phillips and Breitweiser have certainly saved the best for last. As story threads begin to connect and Josephine goes on the offensive, the only annoying part about this whole thing is that we have to wait another month to see what happens next.

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Still, with the gorgeous art of Morazzo providing us with magnificent vistas of trash–yeah, it sounds weird, but it's true–and Harris' knack for great character work, there is certainly a lot to like in this issue. GREAT PACIFIC continues to be a great read every month and the story of New Texas as we follow the growth and trials of Chas Worthington is utterly fascinating and a whole lot of fun.

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As a debut issue, THE FUSE #1 is a strong entry and makes a great case for picking up the series. If you're a fan of detective stories, sci-fi or cop shows, you're in for a treat. Hell, even if you're not, this is a book worth picking up. As we're quickly thrust into an intriguing new sci-fi world along with Dietrich, you can't help but be excited for what's to come.

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THE MERCENARY SEA #1 shows that Symons and Reynolds have the chops to bring us an exciting and fun adventure story set on the high seas. The swiftly paced writing coupled with the unique art show that this is yet another series to watch from Image in 2014. If you've got an inch for adventure, The Mercenary Sea surely looks to scratch it, so get onboard The Venture and let's set sail together.

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THE BOUNCE continues to be a compelling read thanks to some great writing from Casey and more fantastic art from the team of Messina and Harris. As the grand plans start to become more clear, the stakes have been raised and the book has only become that much more engaging. Filled with great action, intrigue and relatable themes, The Bounce is a great choice each and every month and should not be missed.

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Ultimately, though, this is another successful issue of SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN that really speaks to some of the strengths of this series. While Ghost-Peter may have worn out his welcome previously, the choice to bring him back is working well so far, thanks to the way that Slott has integrated him into the story. Coupled with the dangling plot threads starting to coalesce into something bigger, there's a lot to be excited about as the series rockets toward what is sure to be its biggest (and perhaps best) storyline yet.

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Most importantly, THE UNWRITTEN continues to leave us with so many questions. Even as it provides satisfactory answers, we're left wondering about what's next and where it all might be heading. Above all else, though, it's Carey and Gross' insistence that we continually re-examine the role of stories and narratives in our own lives and the history of the world–and indeed our place in them–that makes the book so utterly fascinating. Even as the book winds down with the final salvo of issues in APOCALYPSE, it shows no signs of slowing down, which is just fantastic.

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With six parts of this big event over, it's clear that Kirkman and his collaborators mean business when it comes to THE WALKING DEAD and “All Out War.” This is an event that allows for some great character moments combined with bombastic action and serves as a potent reminder of just how great this series is–and can be. This is an arc not to be missed.

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CHEW continues to be a delight, and issue #39 proves to be no exception as we get some great character moments and humor packed in with some interesting developments. Sometimes, it may seem like the praise sent Chew's way is starting to sound like a broken record, but the truth is, the book is so damn consistent, that it's hard not to feel that same sense of satisfaction you get when finishing a delicious home-cooked meal when you finish your monthly visit to the Chew universe. Still, I'm ready and waiting for more.

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DEAD BODY ROAD #2 is yet another successful issue of the series, with yet more of the action and intensity that made its debut so fun. As we watch as Gage tries to get closer and closer to completing his revenge, we're captivated by just how far he's willing to go, even if it means leaving a trail of bodies in his wake.

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Three issues in and UMBRAL continues to be a fantastic read that seems to be more grand and interesting with each passing issue. With some great writing and art, it's no wonder that this issue is such a hit. You'd be a fool to pass this one up, so head to your local comic shop and pick up your copy before the Umbral devour it.

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If there's one issue I have with the book so far, it's that it doesn't yet come off as anything more than a revenge tale. Therefore, its strength is also its weakness in some ways. But while this straightforward approach could be a negative aspect of this series, it works well to quickly grab your attention and leave you wanting more, which will likely prove to be far more important going forward. As it is, DEAD BODY ROAD is a fun and exciting first issue that grabs a hold of you and doesn't let go, leaving you anticipating the next chapter.

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So far, UMBRAL is more than just a fantasy story, and with an intriguing lead, an inventive world, and a great script, this is yet another series from Image to watch. As we continue to follow Rascal on her quest, we know one thing: it won't be easy. At least the decision to pick up this comic is.

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GHOSTED continues to be a great read, and the continuing and twisted adventures of the doomed Jackson Winters is a great reason to head into your local comic shop. Williamson continues to maintain that Ocean's Eleven-heist vibe–even with less characters–while mixing it with the dark and twisted sensibility we've come to appreciate so far and it works really well. I'm truly looking forward to see where this arc leads us–and how much more haunted Winters can become.

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As yet another arc comes to a close, Carey and his collaborators show that SUICIDE RISK has a lot of life in it thanks its compelling narrative and well-defined, yet mysterious characters. And just when it seemed like things were looking up, yet another wrench was thrown into the works, and we're left with another exciting cliffhanger. If you're not reading this book, what are you waiting for? I'll wait here, impatiently, for the next issue while you catch up. I promise.

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DEADPOOL continues to be an entertaining read thanks to some strong writing, humor and some great art. With this current arc building off of so much that has come before, there's a lot to like here, and with the promise that things are only going to escalate from here, there's a definite reason to keep looking forward to the continued adventures of Deadpool.

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Without a doubt, some people will be turned off by the subject matter, but they are truly missing out on a great read. SEX CRIMINALS is fun, witty and genuine in ways you couldn't even anticipate, and this doesn't change with issue #4. If you're not reading this book, give it a try–it will pleasure you in many unexpected ways. And now, I feel dirty (in a good way).

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SUICIDE RISK continues to be one of my favorite books to come out each month, and as the book continually leaves you guessing what's coming next, it shows no signs of slowing down. Carey and Casagrande have crafted a unique and exciting tale here, and if you're not reading this book, you're truly missing out.

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FATALE #19 is yet another stellar issue of a series that just doesn't quit. My only issue with the book is that we need more, but the fact that it can always leave you craving so much more is an achievement in and of itself. With the close of the 90′s arc and the revelations it brings forth, I can't wait to see what Brubaker, Phillips and Breitweiser have up their sleeves next.

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It's no surprise, but THE X-FILES SEASON 10 #8 is yet another engaging issue of this series. Thanks to some dedicated"and talented"creatives involved, this series is a success and one I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to not only comic fans, but dedicated and hardcore X-Philes. Many may have fretted that the show has been off the air for so long, but this book truly scratches that itch, and continues to give us a great reason to catch up with Mulder and Scully.

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DEADPOOL continues to be a great read every month, thanks to a great writing and art team that sees our titular character exhibiting some growth and development. Many may have originally picked up this series for the comedy, but it turns out that it's Duggan & Posehn's knack for telling great and engaging stories that will keep you coming back…again and again.

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But I think the best part of The Superior Spider-Man truly continues to be the fact that in spite of everything going on, it all feels like it's leading somewhere. Often, the problem with juggling so many different story threads is that they all feel disconnected. Yes, this may have been the case in the past, when we knew very little, but the more that we learn about where Slott is heading with this saga, the more we start to see just how connected everything is and how it all dovetails nicely. In fact, there's no sign at all that this series is going to slow down at all, instead building to what looks to be a crescendo moment that will bring everything to a head. As it is, this is the main thing that drives the story forward and makes us look forward to the issue each and every month. Of course, it helps when it has great art to complement it too. But THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN continues to impress with issue #21, and I'm excited to see just where this ride leads.

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THE BOUNCE continues to be a comic that I look forward to each and every month, thanks to its deft combination of superheroics and heady themes about belonging and identity, and issue #7 shows no signs that the series is about to slow down. Its creators certainly have something special in their hands here, and as we get more and more revelations, readers are left with more and more to be excited about.

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THE WALKING DEAD‘s “All Out War” is off to a great start, with part 2 building on what has come before and upping the intensity tenfold. If this is only the beginning, I truly can't wait to see what Kirkman has in store for the rest of the arc. So shamble on over to your nearest comic book store and pick this book up.

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UMBRAL is off to a great start, and the combined talents of Antony Johnston and Christopher Mitten look to take us on an adventure to the darkest recesses of this fantasy world, challenging us to face what hides in the dark. In quickly establishing our hero and the central conflict, this first issue serves as a great chance to pick up this series and see just what's in store. So face the darkness and give UMBRAL a read.

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My biggest issue with SUICIDE RISK is that it doesn't come out enough–it feels as though once a month is not enough. After seven issues, I'm easily invested in the story of Leo Winters (and wherever it may go) thanks to the combination of Mike Carey and Elena Casagrande. This is a great, character-driven superhero story that feels like so much more. If you're not reading SUICIDE RISK, you're missing out, so get on it!

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IRON MAN #18 is an exciting and intriguing start to a brand new arc, one that looks to continue to question what Tony Stark's role should be–whether he wants to be questioned or not. Gillen has shown time and time again that he gets Stark, and knowing that this arc will truly challenge Tony's ego and visionary label proves to be an exciting prospect as we consider Iron Man and Stark's role in the future of the Marvel Universe.

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Overall, I'm excited to see how Brunswick and Bogdanovic wrap up REALITY CHECK next month, most especially for the effect that it has on Willard and his world going forward. Going in, I never thought that it would be Willard that would prove to be the most compelling character, but he is. As we reach the end, I'm happy that Brunswick has wisely chosen to dole out Willard's past to us methodically, making us understand just what it is that makes him tick…and more importantly, what inspires him.

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ALEX + ADA #1 is a fascinating and well done debut issue that most assuredly leaves me wanting more. The main reason for this is that it sketches the life of someone searching for something more, and that something is companionship, which so many of us seek in our lives every day. Moreover, Luna and Vaughn take their time in developing Alex's world and his emotional landscape before setting the stage for his future as Ada arrives in his world, leaving us impatiently waiting to see where this new connection will take them both.

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FATALE is consistently excellent and is simply one of the best books being published by any comic company in existence. The book is layered, expertly-crafted and illustrated and seems absolutely unstoppable. If you haven't been reading FATALE, do yourself a favor and catch up: you too will enjoy being enraptured by the enchanting allure of Josephine, and she'll never let you go.

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Yet the best thing about GHOSTED #5 is that it shows that there is still a lot of mileage to get out of this story. In the course of a single issue, Williamson manages to give us some illuminating character moments, while (seemingly) wrapping up the Trask story in a satisfying way and setting the stage for what is to come. Like I said, I had my doubts that this was something that could be sustained as an ongoing series–even though it's been nothing short of fantastic–but this issue proves that Williamson and Sudzuka have a lot of tricks up their sleeves and that we will continue to be haunted by GHOSTED for a long time to come.

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If there's one thing for sure, it's that this event has been quite exciting, and even as it heads towards its impending conclusion, that sense of excitement remains. As we get a better sense of exactly how and where Hickman is heading in his grand plans, INFINITY holds up where many other events have failed, and I can't wait to read the next chapter.

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THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN keeps on going, giving us more and more reasons to be hooked on this tale of Otto Octavius as Spider-Man. It may have been a little rocky at the start, but each issue continues to show that Slott can get a lot of mileage out of this story. As the problems continue to increase for Otto, it leaves us clamoring to figure out just how it will all come crashing down.

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THE UNWRITTEN is brilliant, and issue #54 is a fine example of what this book and its creators can accomplish. Moreover, this is a book that consistently leaves me questioning the nature of stories and the effects that they have on the world and our belief systems. That this book has such an effect on me is nothing short of amazing, and I cannot recommend picking this up enough. You've got a few months before it starts up again to catch up, folks, so get on it. You will not be disappointed.

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Simply put, IRON MAN #17 is an excellent bookend to Gillen's first year on the title, setting up what looks to be an exciting and groundbreaking future for Tony Stark as he embarks on an all-new journey that no one expected. And if there was any doubt in anyone's mind that Gillen had BIG plans for Stark, this should prove them wrong. Well done.

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Overall, though, what makes THE BOUNCE such a great read each time out is the sense that nearly every character in this book is looking for something more–something that will make them feel whole, complete, that one thing that will allow them to be themselves and no longer have to hide some essential and important part of themselves. Some may be heroes who want to feel like they belong, while others are searching for something that they once got so close to achieving. But rest assured that each and every one of them is stuck in two places at once, which means we get to enjoy the fantastic drama and action that results from their search for their true identity.

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When it comes down to it, GREAT PACIFIC really is something special, and it's because it's so different than anything else on the market that it's always a breath of fresh air–a weird thing to say about a book that has an island of garbage in it. But it's the character work, the political machinations and the fantastic art that makes this book a consistent winner, and if you're not already reading Great Pacific, you're really missing out.

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So while PRETTY DEADLY #1 is not perfect, it accomplishes one of the most important things that a debut issue should do: it makes me intrigued to read more. DeConnick and Rios have set up an interesting world here, filled with some shady characters and a unique setup, and I'm excited to see where this all leads.

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Overall, SEX CRIMINALS #2 picks up right where issue #1 left off, giving us Jon's backstory and filling in just a little bit of the main storyline. But what really makes this book work is that Fraction and Zdarksy wisely focus on the relatable, real, and often-hilarious relationship between two people with some wacky powers–Jon and Suzie–and that same incredible sense of discovery, confusion and pleasure that follows along with them, just like we experienced so long ago. That's why Sex Criminals works, and why you should be reading it.

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VELVET is utterly fantastic, and I could not give this book higher praise. When it was announced, I couldn't wait for it, and now that it's here, it's exciting to know that so many people will be exposed to this fantastic book. Now, I just have to impatiently wait for the second issue, lurking in the shadows…

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This is yet another great issue of AVENGERS, but it's ultimately a little hard to recommend if you're not currently following along with Infinity and New Avengers. Yet, if you are, this is as always, a solid read filled with fun moments, great writing, and wonderful art from Hickman and Yu.

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Mike Deodato again provides the art for this Infinity tie-in, and he continues to be a great match with this book. His work with shadows and darkness, and the general combo noir-superhero aesthetic of his art looks great and captures the tone of the series well. Moreover, even in the more vibrant battle scenes, Deodato's art continues to shine, and his work capturing the epic nature of the battle for Wakanda is quite impressive. There are many moments throughout the issue where Hickman allows Deodato's art to speak for itself, relying on his strong ability to depict emotion, and that emotion really shines through, giving us everything we need to know in understanding exactly how each character is feeling at that very moment. Simply put, NEW AVENGERS #11 is yet another excellent addition to Hickman's run and if you haven't been following this series, you've been missing out on something great.

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What can I say, though, about Ryan Stegman's art that I haven't said before? By all that is holy, he can drawn one hell of a Spider-Man book. Everything here is up to his usual exceptionally high standards, and while the issue is somewhat light on action compared to previous installments, it allows Stegman's character work to really shine through, aided by the fantastic visual of the world falling apart as a result of the time meddling. But what really is striking is the sequence where Otto tries to recall Parker's memories, and Stegman treats us to panels that include classic versions of Spider-Man moments with Otto in Parker's place, complete with a look right out of the past. Juxtaposed with the present-styled art, and I'd note that these were some of the coolest Spider-Man pages I've seen in a long time. Honestly, THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN just wouldn't be the same without Stegman's art, as he has truly come to define the character and his world.

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DEADPOOL is a really fun series, not only because it's usually funny, but because Posehn and Duggan are clearly having a great time with the book and it seems that they've been allowed to simply tell the Deadpool story that they want to tell. The results are wonderful, and this more serious than usual arc has been fantastic so far thanks not only to some well done art by Declan Shalvey, but because Posehn and Duggan have begun to explore a different side of Deadpool while paying off moments from issues past.

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GHOSTED is a great series, and as it progresses, it shows clear evidence that there's a lot more going on here than we originally thought. As Williamson and Sudzuka start to unfurl their story with each issue, the intrigue is upped and the potential for fright increases tenfold. Add in some mostly engaging characters–with more to come as the series continues–and there's not a single reason why GHOSTED shouldn't be something you pick up each and every month.

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While INFINITY #4 leaves me a little worried about where this is all heading, the fact that one big moment just happened rather than being the expected ending was a relief, and maintains the faith that Hickman has something else in story for us by the time the series ends. INFINITY continues to be an engaging read 4 issues in, and I'm looking forward to seeing so many of these threads come together as we head into the final two issues.

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While THE WALKING DEAD #115 is light on action, it does a rather great job of getting us ready for the conflict that it truly about to boil over. If this were something that was spaced out over 12 months, I might have an issue with the dearth of action here, but knowing that it won't be long until we get the next chapter, I'm instead (im)patiently waiting to see what happens next. What I do know, though, is that thanks to Kirkman's excellent character work, whatever happens will have a real impact.

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CHEW continues to be a great read with issue #37, and it's easy to see why this book is loved by so many, with its abundance of humor and great characters. Of course, it could also be the food pornography, but that's a different story for a different day. As it is, CHEW should easily be at the top of your pull list each and every month as Layman and Guillory continually bring the goods.

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ROCKET GIRL #1 is a fun debut, filled with some good scripting and some wicked good art. As a first issue, it successfully sets up the series, and is only let down slightly by some underdeveloped side characters–but this is only the first issue, right? But so far, this is yet another fun read in a long string of great books being published by Image, so what are you waiting for? In our 2013, you should check out ROCKET GIRL.

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So yes, the first issue of THREE isn't perfect and is a little light on character development, but by the time you've reached the conclusion, you'd be hard pressed not to want to come back for a second issue. Even if the three slaves that will prove to the book's focus going forward aren't enough for you, the questions that the book's plot raises provide a lot of compelling reasons to keep reading, and for me, that's more than enough. Count me in, Helots.

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SUICIDE RISK keeps getting better, and issue #6 is yet another fine example. While some books may suffer from expanding their scope too far, this is not one of them, thanks to Carey's focus on Leo Winters and his family, maintaining our personal connections to the grand events unfolding. There's simply a lot to like when it comes to this book, and that's why it's constantly at the top of my reading list each and every month.

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HIT #2 continues to be a great book, due to some fantastic writing and art that combine to create a total package of noir goodness. Carlson and Del Rey have put together a book that captures a long-past era, but still manages to feel fresh and new, while containing many of the conventions that make stories like this so compelling in the first place. Pick up your copy of HIT today; you won't be disappointed.

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While there's elements of the issue that don't work as well as others, IRON MAN #16 is still filled with some great action and provides an intriguing cliffhanger that compels us to pick up the next issue when it hits. But most importantly, it's Gillen's character work that continues to work wonders in this book, and coupled with the art of Pagulayan, there's a lot to like here.

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So far, REALITY CHECK is a fun series, that continues to be built on a solid foundation of humor and action. Brunswick and Bogdanovic are doing a wonderful job of building a world where comic heroes come to life and there's just as weird as you'd expect them to be after all they've been put through. Put simply, I'm excited to see what's next in the adventures of Willard Penn and Dark Hour.

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LAZARUS #4 provides a lot to like, not the least of which is some top-notch art from Michael Lark, who is doing some career best work here, but also some fantastic writing from Rucka, which when combined, make for one of the best comics to come out each month. Moreover, this book has some fantastic depth, filled with well-developed (and shifty) characters, and a fully-realized world that feels as though it is truly living and breathing. If you're not reading LAZARUS, you need to get off your ass now and get on it–you're truly missing out on something special.

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MIND THE GAP is an awesome series, and I'm truly excited to see where we go in Act Two. Despite the series having an otherworldly mystery, its the focus on characters above all else that makes it so effective. And with a creative team that truly knows how to tell a great story, there's a lot to like here. So if you're not reading MIND THE GAP, what are you waiting for? You've got two months to catch up before it comes back!

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It really is like walking a tightrope when it comes to writing about MORNING GLORIES without spoilers of any kind, but suffice it to say that issue #32 is another well done issue that hinges on interesting character work and well done art, while advancing the overall mystery. As usual, the issue demands a second reading to perhaps delve even deeper into the mystery and there's nothing wrong with that. If nothing else, it speaks to the layers present in the book, and its fans' need to understand everything that's going on. And after 32 issues, it means a lot that Spencer and Eisma are still going strong.

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Put simply, FATALE cannot be praised enough, as it is easily one of the best–if not, the best–comic(s) to hit the stand each and every month. Brubaker and Phillips hit a home run every single time, and there's no telling just how far they can go with this series. Like its main character Josephine, Fatale has me hooked, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

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SEX CRIMINALS is a pleasant surprise. When the book was announced, it's easy to understand the apprehension of some to its plot, but once you have the book in your hands and you give the first issue a read, you quickly come to understand that so far, it's hard to do this book justice. In truth, this is definitely not what you expected–in the best of ways–and its sense of fun (anchored by its zippy dialogue) and emphasis on character so far are its strongest assets. Well, not including Zdarsky's great art, of course. Do yourself a favor and check out SEX CRIMINALS…you won't be disappointed.

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In the end, INFINITY #3 may prove to be divisive for a lot of people, but ultimately it doesn't detract from the fact that Hickman is telling a compelling and exciting story here. Yes, you may not want to have to get into Avengers and New Avengers, but they will truly enhance your reading experience when it comes to this event. As it is, though, this continues to be one great event and I hope it maintains this consistency all the way to the end.

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NEW AVENGERS #10 continues to a string of awesome that has Hickman and Deodato firing on all cylinders. There's a lot to like here, not the least of which is the art and general storytelling. However, there's some well-done and subtle character work being done here that works really well, and it's definitely part of what is making Infinity so special as a whole.

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Having Spider-Man 2099 around has proven to be a great idea and made for an intriguing and fun story that fits well into Slott's overall narrative. More importantly, it helps to highlight the point that Otto is in way over his head, despite his continuing insistence that he is “superior” to Parker. Indeed, THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN is proving to be a great book, month in and month out thanks to Slott's exploration of Otto's arrogance.

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THE BOUNCE has quickly become one of my favorite books each month, and once you've read it, it's easy to see why. If you haven't yet got on-board of this train, what are you waiting for? Sure, The Bounce may ultimately be a superhero book, but thinking that that is all it is would be a mistake, because it is so much more.

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GREAT PACIFIC #10 is another great issue of the series, sticking with what has worked so well before: a strong combination of political and personal drama. But that's not all, because there's additional wrinkles added in this issue that I'm not about to spoil, but only serve to make the reader more excited for what's to come next. Of course, there's also a well done cliffhanger that'll leave you wishing you had issue #11 in your hands already.

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I may have only recently binge-read the first twelve issues of MIND THE GAP to prepare for issue #13, but I can safely say that this is one fantastic series. Whether you're a fan of mystery or simply great storytelling combined with art, there's a lot to like here. As a team, McCann, Esquejo, and McDaid have got something special here, and this arc is proving to be the best yet for this excellent series. Get on it!

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Introducing new characters is a tough sell, but manages to do that in an effective way in MORNING GLORIES #31, allowing us to quickly question and theorize about their role in the grand scheme of things. But ultimately, it's the focus on Hunter that proves to be the issue's biggest asset as he serves as our representative in the quest to figure out the true nature of Morning Glory Academy.

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By all accounts, ZERO #1 is a successful first issue that quickly drops us into the world of Edward Zero and gives us a lot of compelling and timely reasons to stick around. Add in some great art, and you've got a winner. With the promise that future issues will use different artists, there looks to be a lot of interesting rides to be had as we learn the story of Edward Zero.

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Overall, SONS OF ANARCHY #1 is a good start to a series that has a lot of promise. While some problems crop up in the first issue, it's nothing that likely won't be addressed as the story moves forward. What is impressive, though, is the way that Golden manages to work the story so seamlessly into the world we've come to enjoy so much, while Couciero's art captures the SAMCRO folks really well, adding all the little nuances that have made them compelling for 5-plus seasons. I'll definitely be back for issue #2, and you should too.

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AVENGERS #19, then, is yet another fine example of the stellar work that Hickman has put together for theInfinity event. As the event wears on, interest continues to build rather than wane, the direct opposite of how I have felt about many more recent events from the Big Two. This is some damn fine work, with excellent writing, pacing, and art, to boot…so get on it.

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DEADPOOL #16 may continue to limit the laughs compared to what we're used to, but when the story isthis compelling, there's not much point in arguing. Even still, there's still laughs to be had, but more time is spent on pulling Wade deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, taking the reader along with him. If you've stuck with the book since the beginning, there's a lot of reward in the emotional beats, but even if you're just getting into the book, there's a whole lot to like here.

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If you're not reading GHOSTED, I'm not sure what's wrong with you. Some may be turned off by the horror aspects, but even if you're not a fan of horror, there's so much more to this book that ignoring it is a foolish mistake. With some fantastic, mood-setting art and a well-written storyline with a number of intriguing mysteries and compelling characters, GHOSTED is a book you should be anxiously awaiting each and every month. I certainly do.

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Yes,The Walking Dead #114 is still essentially setup for the big new storyline beginning next issue, but with some well-done action and some great character moments, there's still a lot to like here. Yes, we've had setup after setup when it comes to the oncoming storyline, but in some ways, it has the makings of a chess game, setting the pieces into the proper places as we march toward “All Out War”. What matters most is that Kirkman and Adlard nail the characters, and there's plenty of that here to go around.

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I don't want to spoil most of the story beats, leaving it to readers to experience the story themselves, but this has the makings of a great crime story, and the setup work done in this first issue is wonderful, establishing the morally suspect characters and the dark and dangerous world that they operate it very well. And with a last page that puts it all out there in terms of the predicament of our main character, there's more than enough excitement to leave you clamoring for the next issue. Hit #1 is an awesome comic, and if you love crime fiction, you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't pick it up.

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So far, Infinity is my favorite event comic in a long time, thanks in large part to Hickman's wicked good writing and the excellent art teams so far. In many ways, Infinity succeeds because it's so big, and because it gives us something we don't always get when it comes to events: a feeling that this time, things are different, bigger, and better thanks to the inclusion of the entire Marvel Universe. And as the story marches on, it only gets more exciting, and that's just wonderful.

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Packed with some great action, it's Gillen's ability to foster and maintain tension even in the face of what seems like an obvious outcome that makes Iron Man #15 so fun to read. Naturally, it helps that the art looks great, rendered with a skill that captures the energy of the battle between Tony and 451.“The Secret Origin of Tony Stark” has been a compelling story that looks to end with a bang next month, so bring it on.

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Even though Suicide Risk #5 steps away from the main conflict, it's story is compelling and engaging–and most obviously tied to the series as a whole–that it doesn't matter. Instead, it speaks to Carey's skill as a writer when it comes to putting relatable characters through the wringer and presenting them with complex moral choices that they often come out on the wrong side of. This is great stuff, folks, so get on it.

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The Superior Spider-Man #17 is a great read thanks to the return of Spider-Man 2099 and some well done tie-in work by Slott, connecting this new conflict with his ongoing narrative. As this series continues, there's evidence that there truly is (in spite of some doubts here and there) a grand plan to where it's all leading, and this issue is a fine example of that.

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Even though there's no true forward momentum this issue, getting to spend more time with Toni Chu is definitely appreciated. But most importantly, it provides some great character moments and comedy (of course) while re-emphasizing that Chew is truly focused on its endgame now, but never at the expense of its characters. Month in and month out, this book is an absolute joy to read, mixing the serious/violent with the comedic in highly effective ways. If you're not reading Chew, what are you waiting for?

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Reality Check #1 is through and through a success is setting up this new series and its fun premise. Brunswick and Bogdanovic build the world of Willard Penn and his comic characters really well, setting the series up to be so much more than a ‘creation comes to life' tale that has me highly anticipating the next issue to see where this all begins to lead. And with the added Hollywood satirizing, there's a whole lot to like about this new series from Image Comics.

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You can read Sheltered as a straight up pre-apocalyptic tale with some great action and characters, but it's the sub-text and examination of the nature of belief and the lengths of which people are willing to go for survival that proves to be its most fascinating elements. Coupled with some fantastic art that sells that context and its themes really well, and there's a lot to like about Sheltered.

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Yes, Hickman'sNew Avengersis hardly what one could call, ‘new-reader-accessible', but it doesn't matter, because its overall quality is owed to the fact that it pays off and builds upon everything that has come before. This is not a self-contained issue, nor is it something that could be considered non-essential. Instead, it is very much essential to the overall plot of Marvel's latest event, managing to be exciting in its own right and as part of the overall tapestry ofInfinity. This is good superhero comics, folks.

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Overall,The Unwritten #52 is another great issue of the Fables/Unwritten crossover, and by its end, the ante has certainly been upped a great deal, paving the way for an exciting final two issues of the crossover. While there are some hiccups when it comes to the art, it still doesn't detract from the overall story and the sense that we are definitely heading toward a brave new world when it's all said and done. As usual,The Unwritten is filled with great moments and characters that capture that sense of childlike wonder that you've been missing since you're favorite childhood bedtime stories so long ago (or not so long ago…it depends).

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So no, you're not going to get the same kind of epic action we've had over the last 11 issues ofThor God of Thunderhere, but that's hardly a problem. Instead, what we get is an interesting look at Thor's complex and complicated relationship with the people of Midgard and his unending need to do good by them, even if it means doing something that he wish he didn't have to. Aaron and Klein have put together an excellent issue, that while light on action, packs in tons of great character moments. Man, I love this book.

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While Deadpool #15 isn't as funny as previous issues, it doesn't matter, and the reason for that is that Duggan and Posehn have put together–so far–a great start to this new arc that looks to go way back in Wade's life and mine it for connections and dangers that have been stalking him for quite some time. Once you add in some great art that works with the strengths of this arc, you've got yet another fun and engaging issue of Deadpool. Then there's that sweet, sweet fake-out at the end, which was truly surprising…and I'm still not going to spoil it. Go read it!

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Lazarus is a fine comic, and one that continues to improve with each issue as we delve deeper into the life and world of Forever Carlyle. Issue #3 proves to be especially intriguing with the introduction of yet another Lazarus and a further push toward a rather significant conflict. Anchored by strong writing and art, Lazarus is definitely one of the best books on the stand, put together by one of my favorite creative teams working in comics today. If you haven't given this book a shot yet, get on it…because you're truly missing out.

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As we get deeper and deeper into the mystery at the heart of Mind The Gap, the series only gets more exciting. Where some mysteries may start to peter out or get long in the tooth the further they go, Mind The Gap proves capable of just the opposite. This book is as exciting as it ever was and with the developments of this–another excellent issue, we're left anxiously awaiting the next exciting chapter of this highly-engaging mystery. Yes, Mind The Gap asks a lot of its readers in terms of the depths of its mystery, but those who give it the attention that it deserves will be–and have been–rewarded many times over.

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Morning Glories is on a roll–it's really that simple. One can simply enjoy the book for much of what it offers on the surface, but the true reward is paying attention to all of the little details that pepper each issue, leading to the generation of theories as to where it's all heading. But it's the fact that all of this craziness and conspiracies are grounded by strong character work that makes the book work so well, and issue #30 of Morning Glories is no exception. Spencer and Eisma continue to impress each and every month with this rewarding book.

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If you're not reading Daredevil, you are truly missing out on something special and frankly, amazing. What Waid, Samnee and Rodriguez are doing with this book is nothing short of phenomenal, giving you layer upon layer of a wonderful story that provides superheroics and introspection all at once. Read this. Now.

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It's safe to say, then, that my interest in this title is at a point where it could go either way. Sure, there are still things to like here, but it's the nagging sense that the story is being artificially dragged out rather than being organic that does the most damage. And yes, that may be merely as assumption, but with Spider-Man no longer being quite who he was, there is a definite sense at this point that something is missing and its affecting my enjoyment ofThe Superior Spider-Man.

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Wonder Woman #23 is a perfect comic. Yes, that may seem like hyperbole to some, but it's the ability of its creative team to provide an issue that is immensely satisfying, calling upon the relationships that have been built over the last 22 issues, and bringing them to bear at an important moment for each character and delivering an emotional and satisfying battle and development. People may still doubt that Wonder Woman can be a compelling character, but after reading something like this, there's very little room for doubt: Wonder Woman is one of the best superhero books on the stands.

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We've only had two issues associated with Infinity so far, but at this point, my interest has not wavered. There is a fine line to walk with events like this, but Hickman's story seems like something that has a scale and plot that is something different than we've become used to. By including the cosmic part of the Marvel Universe, Hickman has opened up the event to something far more grand and exciting, and with art this great to back up the engaging story, there's few complaints that can be levied at this issue of Avengers.

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Truthfully, if you're a fan of Dexter in any medium, you owe it to yourself to check out this book, because there is a lot of good stuff going on in these pages. Sure, you may not be getting the exact same Dexter that you get in the television show, but there's something to be said when you're getting the Dexter intended by his creator, free of much of the baggage (good or bad or worse) that has come to saddle the character on television. And with the show coming to a close very soon, this series proves that there's still a lot of life left in the character.

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