Wonder Woman #23

Writer: Brian Azzarello Artist: Cliff Chiang Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 21, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 15
9.3Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

Wonder Woman had no choice but to abandon London to the bloodthirsty First Bornbut now its time to take the city back! If Diana is truly Wars greatest student, then now is the time to prove it!

  • 10
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Aug 21, 2013

    And that's what makes this comic so masterful. There's no visible gap between the writer and the artists. Chiang's crisp linework, Jared K. Fletcher's emotive lettering, and Matthew Wilson's impeccable colors work with Azzarello's narrative as one seamless force of creativity, unrestricted by everything that seems to hold most other superhero comics back. The result is a comic that is, well, wonderful. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Aug 22, 2013

    Working hard to tie up loose ends before the Trinity War crossover, Brian Azzarello writes a masterpiece of a story that shows he has a better handle on Diana than I thought and gives a character one of the best death scenes I've read in comics. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The MacGuffin - Matt LeMaire Aug 22, 2013

    Wonder Woman #23 is a perfect comic. Yes, that may seem like hyperbole to some, but it's the ability of its creative team to provide an issue that is immensely satisfying, calling upon the relationships that have been built over the last 22 issues, and bringing them to bear at an important moment for each character and delivering an emotional and satisfying battle and development. People may still doubt that Wonder Woman can be a compelling character, but after reading something like this, there's very little room for doubt: Wonder Woman is one of the best superhero books on the stands. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian Aug 21, 2013

    #23 is a positively incredible issue of WONDER WOMAN; if not one of the best issues of all-time, it's certainly a stand-out in an already powerful New 52 run. Azzarello and Chiang have brought their A-game, and there's no turning back. By the numbers, it's a fantastically-executed superhero comic -- action, heroics, character evolution, emotional pull, a gripping climax, an ending that begs for more -- but beyond anything a formula alone can deliver, there's truly masterful storytelling at play. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Mark Povelaitis Aug 21, 2013

    This is long form fiction done right. Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang deliver a stellar climax here that is both satisfying and at the same time leaves the reader salivating for more. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Aug 22, 2013

    It's really easy to jump on the DC hate-wagon and dismiss the New 52, but to do so completely would be to disregard a modern classic in the making. Between the work being done here by Azzarello and Chiang and the upcoming OGN by Grant Morrison and Yannick Paquette, it would seem that the lesser of DC's Trinity is finally receiving a much needed renaissance. If nothing else, “Wonder Woman” proves that character is still relevant, and is just as interesting and engaging as her male counterparts. Kudos' to all involved on this series for another spectacular year. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Aug 23, 2013

    This issue made me think a lot about Wonder Woman, and where shes heading. How will the rest of the Pantheon react to Dianas ascension? Considering a bunch of them were recently trying to kill her, I bet that first all-staff meeting is going to be awkward. What happens when you have a god of war who only wants peace? Will her new bond with Hera, exiled Queen of the Gods, help or hurt her standing? Will Diana track down her deadbeat dad Zeus and drag his abdicating ass back to the throne? With her new status (and presumably powers), can she undo the horrible fate of her mother and sisters back on Themyscira? Even if Dianas journey doesnt take her where I want her to go (the compassionate, loving warrior-diplomat who once loved the world so much she got a Star Sapphire ring), Azzarello has hooked me bone deep until the end. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 21, 2013

    Ultimately this issue succeeds because, as climaxes go, there's an emotional element to all the fighting. Wonder Woman actually learns a lesson in this issue too. Oh, and it all ends with a major change to the character too. A change that is not only exciting but also a fitting conclusion to this story arc. I suppose the only negative I can graft from this issue is the ultimate end that comes to the First Born. It's a bit of a cliche when it comes to superhero books, but obviously the choice was made to aid in future stories. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Aug 21, 2013

    This was an epic tale of storytelling which I think many books out there should mimic. There's no need for something over-the-top, or just there for shock. Wonder Woman has found that balance which breeds consistent quality that you just can't ignore. This is one book from the New 52 that you have to be reading at this moment. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 26, 2013

    This has been an excellent series (though as always I hasten to add that it's not for children), though I'd like to see this storyline wrapped up, so maybe we can see WW interact with some of her fellow superheroes. Or anybody who isn't a murderous immortal. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Statues And Superheroes - Steven Viscido Sep 6, 2013

    Overall, this was another very good issue for this series. Wonder Woman has been surprisingly consistent for two solid years now. I only hope DC's silly "Forever Evil" event doesn't louse it up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Aug 28, 2013

    After being on the run for so long it was great to see Wonder Woman and her crew stand and fight together against First Born and his army. Brian Azzarello delivered a lot of moments in Wonder Woman #23 with the moment when Wonder Woman did not hesitate to kill First Born standing out. This choice emphasized the difference between Wonder Woman and her peers. She will do whatever it takes to save the day and it was a choice that War gave greater importance with his final words before dying in Wonder Woman's arms. The appearance of Apollo at the end of the issue helped to remind readers that while this ends this chapter in Wonder Woman life we should prepare ourselves for even bigger events to occur in the future. If you're not reading Wonder Woman I recommend checking this series out in trade paperback because Azzarello continues to make this a special reading experience. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - ToriBee Aug 24, 2013

    Without spoiling anything, Diana’s actions have taken a turn that will lead her on a new chapter of her life and may prove to change her destiny in the world. What happens next is definitely going to be interesting. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Aug 24, 2013

    This, this is the issue. This is everything Wonder Woman has been building towards since the beginning, and Azzarello and Chiang pull it off in glorious style. Wonder Woman #23 is one of the most emotionally powerful and action-packed issues of the entire DC reboot. This is the kind of issue you get when you let your writers tell their stories. I don't know what DC's thoughts on are the differences between Azzarello's Wonder Woman and Geoff Johns' Wonder Woman over in Justice League, but I hope they remain committed to letting Azzarello weave his tale, because it is spectacular. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Aug 21, 2013

    Wonder Woman #23 continues to propel Azzarello's story forward and refuses to settle into a status quo. There's more tragedy, more responsibility and more unknowns in this issue, making it yet another fantastic installment in the New 52 Wonder Woman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Jason Motes Aug 25, 2013

    This issue marked a real turning point, effectively wrapping up this most recent arc. I'm not sure how First Born will be handled in his one-shot. Perhaps it will be a flashback? A lot of things occurred to shake up the book and its cast. The action delivered and was beautifully rendered. This series isn't always consistent and drags at times, but this issue illustrates just how good it can be when all the parts that make it up click. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Aug 22, 2013

    "Wonder Woman" #23 and the series as a whole has walked to the beat of its own drum, and this is no exception. Will these changes be integrated into the rest of the DC Universe? Who knows? More importantly, I find myself unable to worry about it. It's a clever shift, and I want to see how Azzarello, Chiang, and the rest of the artist rotation deal with this in the months to come. Consider me properly psyched for the start of the title's third year. Well done, all involved. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 23, 2013

    Though the timing of the issue is quite questionable, Azzarello mostly succeeds in giving a neat finish to a plot and to several themes nearly two years in the making. Read Full Review

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