Supergirl in all-out battle with a new, deadly version of an old foe: Tycho! Check out Karas very own Fortress of Solitude!
SUPERGIRL confronts SUPERMAN in his Fortress of Solitude about the Bottle City of Kandor. What mysterious connection does this have to a piece of Kryptonian debris that crashed with her ship?
Its Supergirls first date on Earth which means its time for a new villain to attack and Supergirl to figure out...she has new powers?
SUPERGIRL trapped in the nightmarish spirit world of the BLACK BANSHEE!
Rated T+
As a newcomer to Secret Wars, this did very little for me to catch up, as all the background info displayed here is available just about everywhere on the internet. It was an OK read, not memorable, not particularly useful either.
This is such a fun issue to read. The art is on point and the story balances perfectly mystery, action and cheer fun. What is even more incredible is how the two Kellys made me feel like I was one of the Carol Corps. More than a special event, this feels like an hommage both to Carol and to her fans. Highly recommended to anyone one out there who ever loved Carol.
• Atten-Hut! These ladies are the best of the best--and will take you down if you threaten their Captain.
• Welcome to Hala Field, where being a part of the elite Carol Corps, requires guts, guile and a whole lot of grit. So put on your uniform and get ready for a high-flying Captain Marvel series years in the making.
Much better art than in the previous issue in my humble opinion. However, I still don't really like where the story is going. For some reason, I never liked it when magic and the Superman characters mixed, it always felt wrong to me.
SUPERGIRL aids the new SILVER BANSHEE against her father, the deadly BLACK BANSHEE! Supergirl finds out about her weakness to magic the hard way!
• Atten-Hut! These ladies are the best of the best--and will take you down if you threaten their Captain.
• Welcome to Hala Field, where being a part of the elite Carol Corps, requires guts, guile and a whole lot of grit. So put on your uniform and get ready for a high-flying Captain Marvel series years in the making.
I, for one, did not like the new direction taken by either the story, or the art. It took so long for Kara and her new friend to get to the end that it felt like at least one third of the panels were just fillers. Disappointing return to the adventure of my favourite Kryptonian.
As the NYPD hunt her down, Supergirl takes refuge with a new friend named Siobhan. While Supergirl may have temporarily escaped her troubles, Siobhan's are just about to catch up with her: the curse of the Silver Banshee has risen, and this time it's brought its family with itDon't miss this special issue featuring artwork by comics legend George P...
It is heart-warming to see how Kara has evolved in just a handful of issues. She has met her cousin, come to terms with her parents' and her civilisation's deaths, she has started mastering her own powers, and now she has finally passed her metaphorical trial. However, the ending and conclusion are a bit rushed for my taste, and with such a fast evolution, I'm wondering how many issues this title more
It's Supergirl versus the Worldkillers! But who are they, and where did they come from? What is their connection to Krypton? More important, can the Girl of Steel stop them before they make good on their names and destroy Earth?
The whole scenes on Argos felt cheesy and easy, resorting to simple clichés and the same pathos that can be found in any story involving dead parents, and the general art in this issue was a let down. I find it strange that the art varies so much from one issue to the other while Asrar is always the one in command. All in all, that issue was not as well executed as the beginning of the series.
A powerful new alien foe bent on the conquest of mankind is crushing New York City beneath her boot heel. But where is Supergirl, who led her to Earth in the first place? Why, she's trapped on a meteorite that's plummeting straight into a blue sun. And she's lost her powers! So, good luck, NYC!
Kara has found a great new foe in this issue. The story is very interesting, the pace is perfect and just makes me crave for more Supergirl. This title is definitely off to a great start so far. Even the art was on point.
Supergirl's nightmare is finally over she has left Earth and has somehow made it back to Argo City! But it's not the home she remembers, and a deadly new adversary stands in her way.
Kara is definitely an endearing character and the book is very successful at capturing that aspect of her, along with a rebellious nature and her fierce attitude. I just wish the art had been better in this issue.
Trapped and powerless aboard a space station, Supergirl is at the mercy of an ingenious new foe who wants to learn everything there is to know about her. But Supergirl is more than just her powers, and she'll soon show this foe and all of Earth what's she truly capable of! Plus, more on the Girl of Steel's mysterious origin!
This issue is next to flawless. The story is well executed and the art is fantastic. I particularly enjoy how each issue has a very clear beginning and end, without being completely stand-alone.
The ship that brought Supergirl to Earth her one remaining link to Krypton has been stolen! Can The Girl of Steel navigate a strange new planet to find it? And will she uncover the trap set by a deadly new villain in time to save herself?
Not my favourite issue thus far, the art is inconsistent and the many fighting scenes takes the story nowhere.
Get ready for a super-smackdown as Supergirl fights her cousin, The Man of Steel! What could cause these two to come to blows? Can the teenage Supergirl hold her own against the adult Superman? Well, let's just say she's got a trick or two up those fancy new sleeves of hers...
The art is excellent, and so is the writing. It's nice to see Kara merely landing on the Earth, and discovering the planet. It just feels odd that she would reveal all her powers while it took Clark all his life to get his. All in all, it's a great issue.
Meet Supergirl. She's got the unpredictable behavior of a teenager, the same powers as Superman and none of his affection for the people of Earth. So don't piss her off!
Very enjoyable issue. Overall, the art is good and so is the writing. Definitely a good origins story for Kara.
On the eve of Kryptons destruction, who sent Supergirl from Krypton to Earth and why? The answer is not what you think! Plus: Learn the answer to a mystery thats been driving Supergirl mad for months: Who shot her father, Zor-El?!
Perfect example of a comic that has stuff to offer, yet does not deliver at all. Not being too familiar with the Outlaws, I cam into this with no expectations but to be entertained, and even that wasn't fullfilled.
These brothers in arms face off against incredible odds while burning their way through the underbelly of the DC Universe - and it's only a matter of time until they get gunned down in return!
Passable stories, passable art, there is not much to say about this book in general. The only thing I actually like about it is Batman's little patchwork of followers, it's quite amusing to see Catwoman, Batgirl, Batwoman and Harley work together.
Robin, Flash, and Cyborg's friendships are strained, while a new force is drafted in the war against Superman—the full might of the Amazon army.
Kori never appealed to me, except maybe in the Teen Titans, so I'm surprised I enjoyed this issue so much. Conner and Palmiotti's writing certainly helped, it has the same vibe as their other hit, Harley Quinn. It's definitely worth reading, if only for Kori wanting to buy some sarcasm. I loved the art, but my only real critique would be that the book could use a little less dialogue, it feels quimore
From the writers of the outrageous smash hit HARLEY QUINN comes former Outlaw Starfire in her all-new ongoing series! She's an alien warrior princess trying to find peace on Earth, and she'll fight anyone and anything to get it!
The second year of Earth 2 was a let down, and so were the Convergence or Futures End versions, but Earth 2 Society looks far more promising. The art is impressive.
The survivors of Earth-2's war with Apokolips find themselves on a new world, but can Green Lantern, Power Girl, a new Batman and the other heroes of Earth-2 create a new world that's better than the last, or will their interference and good intentions doom this world, just like the old one?
One of the most fun and entertaining books I've read in forever. The art is flawless, the writing next to flawless (I just feel like Constantine has lost his Brit accent in the transit), and it feels so right to get to see John again.
The dark adventures of DC's foremost occult detective continue in an all-new series as he investigates the cruelest case he's ever come across - his own dark history!
The survivors of Earth-2's war with Apokolips find themselves on a new world, but can Green Lantern, Power Girl, a new Batman and the other heroes of Earth-2 create a new world that's better than the last, or will their interference and good intentions doom this world, just like the old one?
From the writers of the outrageous smash hit HARLEY QUINN comes former Outlaw Starfire in her all-new ongoing series! She's an alien warrior princess trying to find peace on Earth, and she'll fight anyone and anything to get it!
The dark adventures of DC's foremost occult detective continue in an all-new series as he investigates the cruelest case he's ever come across - his own dark history!