Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #1
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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #1

Writer: Kelly Thompson, Kelly Sue DeConnick Artist: David Lopez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 10, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 18
8.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

• Atten-Hut! These ladies are the best of the best--and will take you down if you threaten their Captain.
• Welcome to Hala Field, where being a part of the elite Carol Corps, requires guts, guile and a whole lot of grit. So put on your uniform and get ready for a high-flying Captain Marvel series years in the making.

  • 9.5
    GWW - C.K. Stewart Jun 11, 2015

    There is no avoiding the sense that you're missing something on some level with the heavy emphasis on Doom and Hala Field's place in the universe. Ultimately, that is less to do with the writing here and more to do with the scope of Secret Wars or any universe-wide event. If you do feel like you're missing something, don't worry: everyone else probably is too — but keep going! DeConnick and Thompson's writing is fun and engaging, and with an element of suspense that leaves you itching for issue two. You won't regret subscribing. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Kate Coenen Jun 12, 2015

    Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #1 sets the stage for this series well, dropping you feet-first into a world of danger and secrecy. Kelly Sue DeConnick and David Lopez continue to take Captain Marvel to new heights, and Kelly Thompson is a great addition to the creative team. If you're not already a member of the Carol Corps, this is the perfect opportunity to enlist. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Jun 20, 2015

    Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps has the single most interesting story thread (for my money) of the Secret Wars tie-ins I've read. How high is the sky? Read the issue and you'll know what I mean by that, but I won't elaborate here in the interest of not spoiling the story. I' really looking forward to seeing how this wonderfully crafted series plays out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jun 10, 2015

    Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #1 is a rock solid comic that will win over a lot of people with a great story and fantastic artwork. There's a lot of fun in this issue and the seeds for a fun adventure to drive the series forward. This is a must read for fans of Carol Danvers, and for anyone who has been enjoying the storytelling freedom Secret Wars has provided. You won't be disappointed by Carol or her Corps. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    We The Nerdy - Jose' Rodriguez Jun 11, 2015

    As a fan of Captain Marvel, you should read the book. Not only do you continue to receive the same engaging Carol we know and love but you also get a cast that's just as cool as Carol, minus the powers. The package is nicely tied together by David Lopez and Lee Loughridge, whom continue to set the visual tone for Captain Marvel books albeit with a very appropriate muted palette this time around. It's also a nice treat to see that this book will contribute a nice chunk to the overall “Secret Wars” mythos. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jun 11, 2015

    The fun and energy of DeConnick's initial run carries over into the Carol Corp, each wisecracking member at once appealing and familiar. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 11, 2015

    Note: In an attempt for full transparency, Kelly Thompson is a current writer for CBR's "Comics Should Be Good" blog and a former CBR reviewer. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Harry Roachford Jun 11, 2015

    Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps is not the best comic of Secret Wars, but it's pretty darn close. Carol is always very much a fascinating character, but Carol leading a team of dynamic female charactersfeels like a dream that has come true despite all odds. Although this won't be one of the comics carrying over into the new MU, it's a brilliant Secret Wars story that leaves the reader eager for the following issues of this mini. It's a great read with very little holding it down, and thankfully it doesn't get overly caught up in the larger story line of the main Secret Wars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Jun 13, 2015

    CM&theCC has an unfortunately unwieldily name but is full of interesting characters presented by absolutely amazing art. The setting is also unfortunate, as it can't maintain your suspension of disbelief for a pretty critical plot point. At least it prompts the heroes to act smart and to rail against the System, and that's a pretty good reason to tune in. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Jun 11, 2015

    While this issue has its merits, it also falls victim to what is the problem with Captain Marvel and with Secret Wars. On the one hand it doesn't really try to accomplish anything that hasn't been seen before, and on the other it seems to be too set in the Secret Wars scenario, as it depends on it for its story. It is not completely devoid of its entertaining moments, only with the talented writing team and free rein to get inventive, it seems like they took the easy route. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 12, 2015

    A strange new world, but a familiar Carol Danvers, even if the Secret Wars trappings are kind of inscrutable… Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Jun 11, 2015

    This is one of the few Secret Wars tie-in's that seem to be channelling Doom's rule. Sure, over in A Force, the ladies are unhappy with a certain situation, but here there is the start of rebellion. I can't say I particularly enjoyed the issue for a couple of reasons: The first being that I am not that connected to the whole Battle world environment so I don't really care what happens and secondly, I straight up miss the regular Captain Marvel book. That feeling is only heightened with the fact the last regular issue of her series was a Black Vortex tie-in which again, as I only read Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman, didn't mean that much to me. I for one, can wait to seeing regular programming resume. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Jun 11, 2015

    Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps is a title that may take you by surprise. The writing team of Kelly Sue DeConnick and Kelly Thompson do a nice job of setting the tone for the rest of the series. We also get a glimpse of characters who start to doubt Lord Doom. The art by David Lopez is fine and a compliment to the tone of the story. There were a few rough spots but overall he did well with the issue. Read Full Review

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