The Unwritten Vol. 2: Apocalypse #1
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The Unwritten Vol. 2: Apocalypse #1

Writer: Mike Carey Artist: Peter Gross Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: January 22, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6
9.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

It's the perfect jumping on point, as Tom Taylor is stranded at the beginning of all creation! Lost in the unwritten scenes of all the world's stories, Tom Taylor is headed back to reality - and all the gods and beasts and monsters ever imagined can't stop him. But there's a toll on the road that may be too high for him or anyone to pay...

  • 9.8
    The MacGuffin - Matt LeMaire Jan 22, 2014

    Most importantly, THE UNWRITTEN continues to leave us with so many questions. Even as it provides satisfactory answers, we're left wondering about what's next and where it all might be heading. Above all else, though, it's Carey and Gross' insistence that we continually re-examine the role of stories and narratives in our own lives and the history of the world–and indeed our place in them–that makes the book so utterly fascinating. Even as the book winds down with the final salvo of issues in APOCALYPSE, it shows no signs of slowing down, which is just fantastic. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jan 27, 2014

    A powerful return to the themes that made The Unwritten great and a great jumping on point. While other comics are fiddling with Legos, The Unwritten is playing with the big-boy toys. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Jan 27, 2014

    If we're to take the renumbering as evidence that DC hopes to bring on new readers for this arc, "The Unwritten: Apocalypse" is only a half-success. I still wouldn't recommend simply jumping on from here on out; so much has already happened, and much of the weight of these upcoming issues will come from knowing that background. But this issue provides a far more important introduction: one to "The Unwritten's" themes, which are its strongest point. Readers who are curious as to whether they should start back-reading "The Unwritten" trades would do well to read this issue " as would anyone who's missed this series' intelligent, inspired exploration of fiction. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts Jan 27, 2014

    As per usual, The Unwritten: Apocalypse answers some questions but then proceeds to ask a few more along the way. Carey and Gross are in top form here as they give fans, old and new, a reason to come back to this world they've created as well as a reason to want to turn the next page on this story. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Jan 24, 2014

    Peter Gross poured a lot into this one. He's the best kept secret in comics, as far as how amazingly versatile his abilities are. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 23, 2014

    The Unwritten - Apocalypse #1 is a book unlike any I've read. It's thought provoking, confusing, funny, mature and a delight to look at. Mike Carey shows the reader the path without guiding them by the hand and Peter Gross makes the journey inspiring to look at. New readers can start the journey, but I'm guessing veterans will get the most out of it. Being one of the new, I'm still looking forward to taking the leap and learning more about Tom Taylor and the World he lives in. Read Full Review

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