Frank Rodriguez's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Broken Infinite Reviews: 206
8.7Avg. Review Rating

FCBD 2017: Catalyst Prime: The Event #1

May 18, 2017

One of the best single issues I have ever read. I'm definitely in towards Catalyst Prime. Grab and read this book now.

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We Can Never Go Home #2

Jun 4, 2015

A compelling, relateable story with gripping characters, interesting plot twists and perfect pacing makes this book one of comics best out there. Even if you don't like old 80s movies like this, this is very hard to not find something relateable in this book. The characters are well fleshed out. The art is superb. And with the mysteries, actions and depths that our characters will or have gone, We Can Never Go Home might be something that you just want to hang on to forever. Comics at its best!

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We Can Never Go Home #3

Aug 4, 2015

This issue started out with a punch and ended with a different kind of punch. It was smartly written. The characters are compelling and complex. I really enjoy the ride this issue takes me on. The book continues to develop and grow " not just in threats to our characters or our main characters themselves " but the overall arc of what to do in life given the situation our characters are in. They have left home as teens. What do we do to survive? This book asks a lot of interesting questions and we get to have a thrilling ride to find out the answers.

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We Can Never Go Home #5

Jan 29, 2016

Kindlon and Rosenberg write an epic finally that has a very moving ending. It is not the ending that people may believe that the story would have had but it was the perfect ending for the miniseries and the issue. Hood and Level's art were really detailed and wonderous while the color from Boss has given the panels vivid life with choices and styles of colors. We got a fitting tribute to the movies like True Romance, Heathers and more with a super powered twist that makes it all the more appealing. The story deals with love in its various forms and what or who is more important at the end of the day. With brutal action and wonderful dialogue, this book was just an amazing finale.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #3

Jun 18, 2015

It is a crime how beautiful, rich and gripping that this book is. Lemire, Suayan and Baron are becoming one of the best creative teams in comics and this work shows it. This book is certified perfection with a little of everything in it. Gripping story, powerful characterization, absolutely jaw dropping art and vivid colors make Bloodshot Reborn # 3 a solid single issue.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #11

Feb 22, 2016

Lemire, Larosa and Reber present us a stunning story full of emotion, power, adventure, love, death " it had a little bit of everything but fit perfectly together. There is a wonderful plot, a strong characterization and exquisite story that just makes this issue just a joy to read. This storyline has been a triumph and as long as Lemire continues to do so, this might be one of Valiant best stories " ever.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #12

Apr 20, 2016

The Analog Man Part 3 races to its finale with great characterization and gory action. Lemire races to the finale as we get an idea of who is behind everything very nonchalantly, but it works for the character. The speed of the issue is both a strength and a weakness, but is the only real false note in an otherwise flawless performance. The art is literally some of the best art that I have ever seen. And The Analog Man Part 3 sets up a brutal finale that will be entertaining and character changing.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #13

May 25, 2016

NadaLemire, LaRosa, Gaudiano and Reber give us a magnificent ending to the Analog Man. It was captivating, cinematic, dramatic and suprising. LaRosa, Gaudiano and Reber's art was near perfection. There was plenty of wonderful color and dynamic panels that really grip hold of readers. Lemire pens an ending that is both full of tension, but makes sense. The shocking ending really, REALLY makes readers take note … making readers think back to the entire storyline and think how we got to this point. Secrets are revealed. This book is just amazing!

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Book Of Death: The Fall Of Bloodshot #1

Jul 22, 2015

This one shot gave so much with so little and it was done flawlessly. The art was amazing. The story was superb. Lemire was great integrating other facets of Valiant's history and universe seamlessly and made the read that much more enjoyable. Braithwaite drew some of the best art of his career, between Pirate Bloodshot and that final, powerful page. Comics is an art form and these men elevated it with this one issue.

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Book Of Death: The Fall Of X-O Manowar #1

Oct 22, 2015

Venditti has written Valiant's flagship character for a long time and definitely makes this one shot a wonderful send off to that character. It is amazing to see how much change that happened, yet Venditti makes it very feesable. Henry and Dalhouse deliver some of the best art to date that really grab you and hold on to you. The issue itself as a triumph and a fitting end to Aric. Definitely a great one shot.

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Book Of Death: The Fall of Harbinger #1

Sep 30, 2015

KANO's art is stunning, gripping and moving. Dysart's writing is compelling, intriguing and complex. This single issue gives so much with so little, like other Book of Death one-shots. Yet, this certainly does it best. The art is amazing, showing the complexes and colors of the universe. There was a lot of great moments in this issue that felt fulfilling: particular the fate of Zephyr aka Faith… and finding out which Valiant character she ended up married to. The story is self contained while builds upon both Harbinger and Imperium. Definitely, one of the best single issues I have ever read.

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Ivar, Timewalker #6

Jun 18, 2015

Breaking History continues this insane, hilarious and compelling saga of three brothers together again to help a friend of the family. Yet, this family is interesting and dysfunctional. Van Lente layers mysteries within the funny while progressing characters and the main plot. Portela's art really shines to make this book look stunning. A solid book once again.

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Ivar, Timewalker #9

Sep 16, 2015

Van Lente, Perez and Dalhouse create a lively, descriptive and beautifully complex first part of “Ending History.” Perez's art never looked better with Dalhouse make it look stunning it bombastic color. Van Lente continues to write excellent, compelling characters and gripping, multi-layered stories that will make you laugh, make you cry, grip at your heart and make you hungry for more. Van Lente has consistently done amazing work on this book since it started, creating a run for the ages.

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Ivar, Timewalker #11

Nov 24, 2015

The art is excellent. The writing is exquisite. By far, this might be the best single issue of comics of 2015. And considering what I been reading (hint hint: I read at least over 100 comics a month) … The art and story are truly a blessed marriage. And this is exactly what comics should be!

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Ivar, Timewalker #12

Dec 16, 2015

The Verdict:One of the best comics I have ever read. Van Lente takes the normal and mundae and rebuild it into something that is both fantastically sci-fi and drama with ease. Perez and Dalhouse present some of their great arc. And the ending was just so compelling. This is what comics should aspire to be.

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Athena Voltaire and the Volcano Goddess #1

Nov 28, 2016

Athena Voltaire and the Volcano Goddess #1 presents our heroine the way she should be, strong and taking action. She is assertive in situations and definitely isn't a damsel in distress. Bryant presents all this brilliantly, making new readers feel comfortable meeting her the first time while also letting long time readers feel the familiarity of the pulp heroine. The overall story is intrigue with some loose ends that are hinted at getting tied up as the story goes along. It's a strong first issue that jumps out the gate right away, gives readers a breathe to know more of Athena then goes right back up and Bryant pulls this off extremely well. His art alongside the colors of Nelson and Browne suit Bryant's style and tone of book. They bring out of the best of each others work here and I can't wait for more. A near- perfect first issue.

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Awake #1

Sep 16, 2015

Beneville and Hess create a bold new book with innovative concept with a solid story and beautiful art. Hess pulls readers in with his stunning visuals while Beneville's dialogue and plot keep readers gripped. The animation like art jumps at you. Beneville gives us a strong main character, a wonderful and diverse supporting cast, a concept that is original and gripping cliffhanger. This book is amazing.

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Clandestino #1

Dec 3, 2015

Nahuelpan gives us one of the most passionate books I have ever come across. There is a lot of thought and work put to this by Nahuelpan, who does the lion's share of the work in the book, including writing, art, color and even lettering. There's innovative panels, smart writing and brilliant use of color and panel composition to get readers to fully invest themselves in Clandestino. This was one of the best first issues I have ever read.

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Faith (Mini-Series) #3

Mar 30, 2016

Faith #3 was an issue full of revelations. There's action, laughs and great human moments that will captivate readers. The art is truly exception, with great detail and vivid colors that it will grasp readers by the head and not let go. And while the big bad was typical … it did make sense and there was plenty of tension to the build up by Houser. It is a fun ride.

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Faith (Mini-Series) #4

Apr 28, 2016

Faith #4 closes the storyline for the miniseries nearly while advancing characters and setting up our heroine for more to come. Portela, Sauvage, Dalhouse and Pantazis really render some eye-catching and emotionally powerful panels to lure people with their eyes. Houser's writing is very clear and mult-layered, allowing plenty of character growth and witty banter to keep readers engaged. Houser makes the issue close out the main storyline with a satisfying conclusion and gets our girl ready for more adventures on her own. I also like the statement that Houser states about being a hero and the level of danger a hero faces. Using the issue to make interesting statements on heroism and level of threat compared to what is being saved was truly wonderful and some of the most intelligent writing I have read. This issue was a triumph of writing and art, allowing readers to enjoy a new star being born.

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #7

Sep 1, 2015

We got a solid opening to the Crow King Saga with a stunning debut for Bandit. Puttkammer makes this single issue filled with interesting plot development, brilliant characterization and good world building while make the issue still feel simple. It is still sophisticated, yet not so much that anyone who picks up this issue, even if it is the first issue. This issue had a little bit of everything and, together, this make this one of the best single issues of the year.

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Justice League (2011) #49

May 2, 2016

The penultimate chapter of The Darkseid War was adding some great new elements while tying up loose ends throughout the storyline. Johns makes it compelling, action packed, character evolving and epic with every single word and panel. Fabok and Anderson ascend the story into an instant classic with a pulse pounding, near cinematic issue with huge perspectives and beautiful art that just makes the story look and feel that much more impactful. We have all the set up for a grand and absolutely spectacular finale and this issue was just great set up.

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Midnighter (2015) #1

Jun 10, 2015

Midnighter #1 gives us a great reintroduction to a popular character that gives "no fucks" about who he's facing. He loves what he does " maybe too much and he has one of the most interesting and original words around him. This issue had a little bit of everything and Orlando made it feel so organic while being innovative at the same time. ACO, Petrus and Fajardo did a spectacular job with the bold that illustrated this world. It only makes me want to see more of it. Really a strong beginning for Midnighter!

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Overtaken #2

Mar 31, 2016

Mastromauro, Lorenzana and company return hard with this second issue. There is a lot of emotion and humanity within the issue that deepens both Will's and Jesse's characters. There's pleny of mysteries to go around and this issue leaves with several intriguing ones that will no doubt annoy readers until it is solved. The art was excellent, giving us a great look of Earth in a small town and the vast wonders of another planetoid in space. What does this all me? I'm not sure, but I am willing to find out. And I suggest other readers do as well.

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Rai: The History of the Valiant Universe #1

Dec 31, 1969

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Rapture #1

Dec 31, 1969

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Rapture #2

Jun 25, 2017

Rapture # 2 was an engaging, brilliant ride as it is climb towards a huge battle with very serious consequences. The lack of action actually worked for the book and not against it as Kindt built motivations and deepened character development while the artists and colorist make sure to create panels of sublime tone, mood and gravity that will smother readers in bliss. I'm so looking forward to more as the event that will change Ninjak, Shadowman and more moves forward.

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Savage #1

Nov 29, 2016

Savage #1 is a splendor of art and writing. It is easy to readers to get in, but Moore gives the story some extra intrigue and dynamic characters that will not be ignored. The art is simply stunning from LaRosa and Henry, definitely giving some of the best of their characters. And while the two styles contrast each other, they are both utilized perfectly here, as two different time periods. A perfect first issue.

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Savage #4

Feb 16, 2017

Savage #4 is a vicious, satisfying rollercoaster that ends well and leaves readers wanting more.

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Stray (2015) #4

Jun 4, 2015

Stray # 4 was a great conclusion to a miniseries that was fairly solid. We got a lot of good world building, some mystery and great character development. The pacing was good and we really got to be a part of Rodney's journey of redemption. This final issue really gave a solid ending story with the doors open for so much more to come. The fact that it exists in the same universe as Molly Danger and Midnight Tiger makes it all the more intriguing. Stray # 4 really delivers as a final issue to this first story.

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Tomboy #1

Nov 16, 2015

It is pretty awesome first issue. We establish characters, including our multi-faceted lead right off the back. We get a gripping crime story that mixes murder with conspiracy hitting on higher ranks. We get a compelling incident that strikes our lead and other characters while getting the main plot and main draw of the book rolling. The art is solid, with awesome detail and moody colors that just bring out the mood of the scene. And the fact that this is mixed with a ‘magical girl' genre was surprising … but Goodwin knocks it out of the park with this first issue.

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Tomboy #3

Feb 8, 2016

Tomboy # 3 is a compelling story, continuing to build upon the events of the last two issues while giving readers plenty of revelations. This book tests human morality, justice and revenge in very dynamic ways. Goodwin and Wong make a great artistic team, allowing to give depth and interesting perspective with their art. The writing is truly superb as this issue is a true revelation and leaves readers with more questions than answers … It really tackles humanity in an interesting aspects of influences, morality and the other themes I had aforementioned. Tomboy # 3 is truly an engrossing read.

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Trancers #1

Oct 23, 2015

Trancers # 1 was a dark, yet entertaining ride that blends sci-fi and horror extremely well. Our main character is driven, gritty yet charming for readers to connect with. Gray and Palmiotti hit the ball out of the park with this first issue, allowing readers to know the characters, the world, the stakes and advancing the storyline in near perfect balance. The art is gritty and stunning, allowing readers to fully be immersed. The art makes use of being a bit more gritty to its advantage, allowing detail and color really set the scene. The issue read like a complete first issue with a good beginning, middle and end. Definitely one of the best first issues I have ever read.

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Venture #1

Jun 25, 2015

This first issue was definitely solid from start to finish. The art was stunning. The writing was superb. The plot was being built on and not force fed. The issue was paced perfectly. Joe and Reggie already feel like fully realized characters because of these few pages and I am looking forward to more.

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Voracious #2

Mar 9, 2016

What a delicious #2. We have potential problems with Nate's girlfriend and Starlee's brother. We have wonderful art that grips your eyes and is stylish with bold color. The writing and pacing is superb. Overall, a fun ride that I just want more off. More of this on my plate would make me feel so much better.

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Voracious #3

Apr 14, 2016

This book has quickly become one of the best books of the year and possibly one of the best books I have ever read " period. The characters are very much down to Earth and feel real. The concept of the book is being utilized well, but not overshadowing the characters. The art is some of the best in the business and the writer is simply superb. Readers will be gripped on the edge of their seat about what will happen with these characters while Naso gives you plenty of mysteries for readers to beg for more. This book will leave most readers feeling oddly fulfilled while wanting more. It's a great dichotomy that Naso, Muhr and Tabacaru have created " making for a beautiful work.

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Voracious #4

Jun 10, 2016

Voracious #4 was smart, entertaining and full of heart and intrigue. We got ourselves a status quo because of the dinner and cause of Nate's little jumps, but that whole game has now changed and Nate doesn't exactly know it yet. Starlee is about to make some changes of her own if this issue is any indication. Naso crafts a wonderful issue that gets at the heart of Starlee, sees Nate's progress at his best and sets up all the trials to come because of both Starlee's brother snooping and the MAJOR revelation of this issue. The set up was done flawlessly while Muhr continues to present us with fantastic art that just continues to get better and better with each issue. Dynamic panels and vivid colors help make this book a true joy to read and this issue wasn't any different. This issue was both the end of an era and the beginning of what's to come. This is comics at its best and its intense.

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War Mother #1

Aug 22, 2017

War Mother #1 is a brilliant first issue.

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Ninjak (2015) #3

May 18, 2015

Ninjak continues to be a masterpiece for Valiant. The art is superb. The writing is just exquisite. The stories continue to be captivating, full of action and character. This issue continues a great opening salvo for Ninjak.

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Ninjak (2015) #4

Jun 24, 2015

What seems to be filler is a wonderful character study on both Roku and Kannon. We get a little deeper into their characters, their motivations and more. The art was absolutely gorgeous and Kindt continues to write great, complex characters that are relatable, no matter how fantastic things seem. He really let's readers get a good sense of the characters voice.

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Ninjak (2015) #7

Sep 9, 2015

The art was simply amazing, with vivid and powerful color. The writing was top notch as always. We learned a lot about the Shadow Seven, Sanguine, Neville and Ninjak this issue. While people might not be a fan of the villain back story, it deepens the mythology and overall story of the saga. It gives readers and our hero a bit more personal stake and makes the characters feel that much more real. Arreola is one of the best colorists in comics now and I'm glad he's here. Ninjak # 7 was a shining jewel of an issue and just reminds readers how to create a comic that is thought provoking, emotional and entertaining.

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Ninjak (2015) #8

Oct 13, 2015

Ninjak # 8 continues to build upon not only the Shadow Wars, but our lead and the Valiant Universe in general. The issue presents us with a debut of a strong new character that could be a real player in the Valiant Universe while advancing the main storyline. The spotlight on Fitzy might seem a bit heavy this issue, but it is balanced out by flashbacks and the back up story. It really allows readers to get to know more of our hero as well. The art is simply stunning with strong, detailed panel work and vivid color.

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Ninjak (2015) #9

Nov 12, 2015

Ninjak #9 gives us a grand finale to the Shadow Wars storyline. Ninjak's matches culminated well in this finale which gave a lot of depth to the character, his history and his importance and connection to the Valiant Universe. While lore and development was built upon, the finale seemed just a bit too quick there in the final battle. Otherwise, this was a strong follow up to the opening storyline.

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Ninjak (2015) #10

Dec 9, 2015

This was a strong first issue of the new storyline. We got some new lore to add to the Valiant Universe while good character development for both Ninjak and Punk Mambo. The art was spectacular, with strong detail and conveying emotion well while showing us some out of this world backgrounds. The writing was very strong on both stories and make you want more.

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Ninjak (2015) #11

Jan 15, 2016

With a title plot and some beautiful visuals, Ninjak # 11 presents us a great issue full of back stories, powerful lore and instensely entertaining characterization. We get more of the world of the Deadside while Ninjak proves himself the capable and powerful lead. The pacing of both stories are perfect. Braithwaite, Reber, Ryp and Arreola do some brilliant art work, really fleshing out our characters and the Deadside. With hints of the future and explanations of the past given, Kindt truly makes the issue reads easily, but feel weightly. Ninjak # 11 proves that there is nothing wrong about evolving or feeling vulnerable.

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Ninjak (2015) #12

Feb 8, 2016

This issue was definitely a wonderful issue. There was action, drama, suspense and tension that would not be denied. This third part of Operation: Deadside and Legends of the Magpie was full of tension, detail and compelling characters. We saw our heroes all evolve in so many ways, particularly with the return of Shadowman. The art is simply some of the best these artists and colorists have ever done. The panels are both vivid enough to really pull readers in. I really felt bad for Jack for everything that he's endured but I am really looking forward to the finale of Operation: Deadside.

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Ninjak (2015) #14

Apr 7, 2016

Kindt blows readers away as we see more of Colin's vulnerability than we ever have. We get to see the hero stripped of many of the things he's used to and come to count upon. With the pacing and the strong characterization, Kindt triumphs in making Colin King that much more of an interesting person to read about. Meanwhile, the art in both stories were really amazing, allowing a flavor to each of them while still not taking away from each other. With the strong art and the impressive story, we have a great kick off to “The Siege of King's Castle” and Colin's backstory.

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Ninjak (2015) #17

Jul 12, 2016

The art, while a little rushed in a few spots, was absolutely superb. Every line displaying the vicious world and the brutal, heart-wretching finale that this was crafted to be. Bernard's art never looked better and this is some of the best character development that I have seen in a while. Kindt masterful takes the castle he built and teared it down, reasonably and methodically. The revelations that Kindt gave breadcrumbs, but many readers didn't pick up on throughout the series only lead to shocking surprise and one of the best personal confrontations you will see in comics. Kudos to Kindt for making the finale of “The Siege of King's Castle” such a masterful piece of writing. Readers will be looking back at issues while the art will burn itself in your memory with one of the most fulfilling conclusions in recent memory.

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Ninjak (2015) #18

Aug 12, 2016

The art is quite superb. The writer is exquisite. Ninjak #18 deals with a future of our hero while deconstructing him, both in the future and in the present. Kindt makes a point to not only highlight the friendship between Gilad and Colin, but work on their methodologies. There is definitely a lot more than what is on the surface and Kindt weaves it into the main plots seamlessly. Evans and Guinaldo turn in some of their best art work yet, presenting readers with a fresh experience while Arreola and Sotomayor bring these works of art to life with their powerful colors that burst every page with a perfect brilliance. Definitely the best issue Kindt has written of this book to date. This book continues to be a triumphant of a man of action who is so multilayered. Get this issue and you won't be disappointed.

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Ninjak (2015) #19

Sep 7, 2016

Ninjak #19 gave us some superb storytelling in a way that is both interesting without hitting you over the head with things. Kindt crafts two very distinct stories that compliment each other completely. Meanwhile, Evans, Arreola, Guinaldo and Sotomayor give their own distinct artist prints on their respective stories, allowing their unique styles and colors blending in a spectacular union of sequential art. The revelation of Colin's illness was stunning and a bit horrific while Dr. Silk's return was an uncomfortable, but welcomed reunion by the devious bastard. A really stellar issue besides the minor art hiccups.

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Ninjak (2015) #23

Jan 11, 2017

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Ninjak (2015) #26

Dec 31, 1969

This is definitely a gripping finale that will bring readers along on a roller coaster ride with some of the best sequential art that I have ever laid eyes on. Buy this book. Buy the series. It's worth it.

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Lola XOXO: Wasteland Madam #2

Jun 1, 2015

The book gives compelling drama as people try to survive this apocalypse together, and there seems to be an issue with unity.We get a deep look at our main heroine, antagonist and supporting cast as the main plot drives forward. The art is still gorgeous and the writing is solid.

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Lola XOXO: Wasteland Madam #3

Sep 30, 2015

Hernandez and Oum bring us a strong issue that gives plenty of development with solid art. Oum's art is stunning as always while Hernandez crafts multi-facted characters that are compelling and interesting. This issue moves forward while adding more depth to the characters. The issue was pretty satisfactory.

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Lola XOXO: Wasteland Madam #4

Mar 10, 2016

Hernandez and Oum really do their best here. The writing is amazing, compelling and filling, allowing readers to feel multiple feelings at once while advancing plot and characters. The art is simply some of the best of Oum's career. The series ends on an emotion, wonderful high point. And it is a symbol of what comics should be.

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Voracious: Feeding Time #2

Jan 11, 2017

Voracious: Feeding Time #2 is an aggressive leap forward. Actions have consequences and Naso has no problem putting those consequences on display this issue. The characters are all dealing with shake ups in one form or another and it feels very natural and relatable. The art continues to be some in the best in comics today as Muhr & Tabacaru deliver always and emphatically this issue. Especially with the action at the end of the issue. The issue felt too fast overall but it was still an exquisite second outing and sets up a lot for the future. It is definitely an issue not to be missed.

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Voracious: Feeding Time #3

Feb 21, 2017

Voracious: Feeding Time # 3 is the best issue of the series (both series) yet. We get superb storytelling through both writing and art. There's no stopping the heart pounding roller coaster now as it races to its climax. Muhr and Tabacaru deliver their best issue yet with excellent art that just seduces readers while Naso writers an emotional, yet horrifying payoff with fully realized characters and an ending that will make readers cry out. The characters are really captivating and their development has bloomed into a spectacular feast for the ages.

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Divinity II #1

Apr 19, 2016

Kindt, Hairsine, Wynn and Baron knock the ball out of the park. This book is a solid first issue that sets up a lot while getting us a very strong picture of Valentina Volkov and her driving forces. The art is simply beautiful, with an array of perspectives, solid line work and color. And the story is gripping. Kindt really grasps his strengths with character development and kicks off this miniseries with a bang. We don't have a typical lead in Valentina, which makes the book that much more gripping. Kindt even makes this book extremely accessible by mentioning Abram, but needing his story to be a focal point here. The book is full of depth, mystery, intrigue and a character that is relateable, even if you disagree with her perspective.

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Divinity II #2

May 26, 2016

Divinity II # 2 gave us a some good moments with Abram coming to humanity's aid. Valentina has clearly affecting the world " and plans to do worse with good set up and character development by Kindt. Yet, the issue just read a bit too breezy overall. The art was superb and Kindt does make you want more at the end of the issue with an omnious cliffhanger.

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Divinity II #3

Jun 22, 2016

The ending of the book was quite amazing, showing a winner to the argument. With the haunting look of Abram whithering away to the strong background and cinematic flair, Hairsine, Winn and Baron have given us an artistic tour de force. The power of each panel is like a huge, crowd-pleasing summer blockbuster that just will keep readers glued and wanting more. Kindt's writing is multi-layered, talking about decisions in life and how they can affect the world around you. Kindt also crafts this issue to not only learn some lessons, but also build upon the new mythology that Divinity is creating with these characters. There are clearly consequences that we have not see yet, but it does make people very curious as to what they are. The book is a wonderful example of the best of sequential art and exquisite writing to create a work that can very well stand for decades to come.

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Princeless: Raven: The Pirate Princess #6

Mar 17, 2016

Princeless: Raven, The Pirate Princess #6 is a really fun book with distinct characters, wonderful dialogue and superb art. Higgins, Brandt and Blankenship bring their A game with such magnificent visuals that tell their own story while Whitley's script is tight, entertaining and compelling. Readers will want to know more about each character and feel an investment if they are a first time reader while regular readers will continue to feel joy to see development for our motley all women crew continues to be entertaining with multi-layered writing at its finest. A lot is done with so little and is worth every single penny. Cheers to this wonderful book and I'm looking forward to more.

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Princeless: Raven: The Pirate Princess #7

Apr 19, 2016

Princeless: Raven, The Pirate Princess # 7 does not disappoint. The art is on point, with great perspectives, awesome action and stunning detail. Whitley continues to write strong characters that shine with individual personalities that always shine through while juggling a large cast with ease. Plot advance goes into over load as both the art and writing makes a critical point in the series come to life. And while readers might get a little lost with the amount of characters this issue, the creative team holds firm with a spectacular tale and a cliffhanger long time readers have been waiting for.

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Princeless: Raven: The Pirate Princess #8

May 30, 2016

Whitley has built up to this confrontation for a while and the entire team of the book did NOT disappoint. There was great action. There was really strong character development. We see our characters all evolving and growing with each passing issue and the crew just gets better and better. The art was stellar, with really strong detail and sharp colors that really catches the reader's eyes. Each moment was visually impactful, ascending the story from normal to exceptional. And Whitley continues to prove his mastery of writing characters that are fun, even in dark situations. Whitley ends one conflict hear while setting up major conflicts to come for Raven and her crew. And readers will love every minute of it.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #2

Dec 21, 2015

The writing is superb. The art is amazing. The story is building well and the character interactions were powerful. A main threat is coming and there is a sense of urgency in the issue. There isn't a single waste of movement in this book" not in writing or art. And it truly gets you more excited for the war that Gilad is about to fight.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #3

Jan 20, 2016

The art is stunning, gripping and tells the story. The writing is stop notch. We get some really vile torture while also having some amazing characterization. Venditti does an amazing job really show Gilad's mission statement while growing him as a creator. This was an amazing issue as it sets up the finale.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #8

Jun 14, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior # 8 is a fun little romp of a comic where we see brutality in the name for science while Gilad is learning about his enemy " and his limits. Venditti certainly plants seeds for multiple fateful confrontations " which makes finding out what is going on that much more urgent and intriguing. Readers who are skimish might not enjoy the violence here and our big bad just is " kind of there, but otherwise, the art was exquisite while the writing was very strong. The book definitely builds up the stakes for the story this issue.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #10

Aug 18, 2016

Labyrinth's conclusion was extremely satisfying, creating a personal showdown between The Dying One and Gilad that held more weight than the mountains of broken tech and bodies that our hero laid out during the previous issues. Allen and company produce a masterful issue with their unique style to give plenty of atmosphere, tension and emotion with every panel they touch. Gill's epilogue was just as impactful, but definitely unique with its own style. Venditti crafts this finale to have so much personal weight that it definitely feels like it will go with the character for time to come. And the character interactions and revelations this issue made the read all that more worthy of a read. Definitely read this finale of Labyrinth. It is some of Valiant's best yet.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #14

Dec 15, 2016

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Cougar and Cub #1

Jan 19, 2017

Cougar & Cub #1 is a fun romp, combining the innocence of classic comics with the bluntness of modern society. It clearly does make a lot of fun about gender roles, sexuality and classic comic book tropes. Yet, Marino makes this book both fun and intriguing by showing the consequences of sleeping with your side kick just starting to show.

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Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab #1

Nov 2, 2015

This first issue was really solid from start to finish. The art was good, capturing emotion well while being quirky and fun to look at. Dwonch writes a superb first issue that allows readers to really get to know our character, do some working building and create truth behind the title. Cyrus is an engaging, enjoyable lead that is the everyday man trying to do right and now deals with the trauma of what happened. One of the best first issues I have ever read.

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Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab #2

Nov 30, 2015

This second issue ends up being a great follow up to the first. We get to see solid character development with a little drama and comedy. The issue was smartly written while the art helped established our characters and shifted tone from serious to fun in a drop of hat with no real feeling of disorientation. With a new mission statement and deeper purpose for Cyrus, the book has set itself up an intriguing status quo that involves mystery and seeing the best in people. It was a fun ride.

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Faith #1

Jul 18, 2016

This was a well crafted first issue from start to finish. There was a little bit of action and a lot of fun. We got introduced to the status quo of the book. Houser pens us a heroine that not only readers can be proud of, but really fall in love with because many readers will be growing with Faith as she cements her life in L.A. Meanwhile, with her new “arch-nemesis” and the mysterious burglar … there are a plenty of mysteries to keep readers entertained. The cast is marvelous, with very distinct personalities. The art of the book is stellar and unique in their own way. Each artist doesn't step on each other's feet, rather set themselves up to really make their portion of the book look and feel a distinct way to cover a certain part of our heroine's life or dreams. The book is an entertaining read from start to issue and a solid first issue.

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Faith #5

Nov 8, 2016

Faith #5 is definitely a fun, witty and wonderful look at a woman who wants to do the right thing and her journey in doing so.

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Faith #12

Jun 7, 2017

There are mixed emotions about this final issue. While it does end the conflict with the Faithless " for now, it left a lot of room for things to continue. My issue with that is that it leaves a bit too much open.

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Gravedigger #1

Jul 16, 2015

Gravedigger #1 presents the classic noir, murder mystery with smart writing and great art. The black and white comic actually works towards creating a better atmosphere for the mystery and the story is gripping. Our lead is charismatic and intriguing and the other characters feel alive. A solid first issue. Definitely get it.

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Harbinger: Renegade #1

Nov 14, 2016

Harbinger Renegades #1 is a shining beacon of a beginning that should what happens after you pull something big off. There are consquences and those consequences have long reaching effects that leave impressions on people. Roberts crafts this theme throughout the issue and allow the characters to bathe in those consequences and their feelings. The art was truly superb by each art team, allowing readers to be drawn into the world of Harbinger again. This first issue gave a lot to old fans while been easy and accessible to new readers. Harbinger Renegades # 1 hit all the right moves in this first issue while leaving enough dangling plots out for the series to continue for some time. This book had a little bit of almost everything and it's a solid read.

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Harbinger: Renegade #5

Jul 11, 2017

With sharp, detailed art and brilliantly developed characters, Harbinger Renegades #5 is your new gateway drug to the Vahalla that will come with both this storyline and future stories to come. One of the best single issues that Valiant Comics has ever produced is this one issue right here! Get it!

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Harbinger: Renegade #6

Aug 9, 2017

This was a great one and done. We got a simple story asking some very complex questions. War is ugly. But does war give people an excuse to commit violent acts, including murder. What is the nature of evil? Roberts tackles these things without hammering them down our throat.

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Infinite 7 #1

Feb 7, 2017

Infinite Seven # 1 is a high concept book that coats itself behind the homage to action movies and their heroes of old while creating something new and unique. The art is wonderful, allowing readers to fully picture our heroes as analogs as the old movie heroes while also giving them enough body language to make them feel different.

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Kim & Kim: Love is a Battlefield #1

Jul 6, 2017

Kim & Kim: Love is a Battlefield #1 is a spectacular kick off issue that brings back awesome characters in a fun, gripping way. Using love as an underline catalyst for things that occur throughout the issue was superb alongside all the main plot of the Kims getting targeted after they capture a big bounty. The art is exquisite as the clean line work and vivid colors with capture readers. The letters of Saam work well to bring readers eyes to the words comfortably and hints at the playful, adventurous nature of our main characters and the book itself. And Visaggio's writing is brilliant, intelligent and engaging. This first issue can stand on its own, without having to have read the previous miniseries. Yet, you are rewarded for reading the previous series in seeing the development of the Kims since then. Overall, a really fun book and great set up for the ride to come.

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Lola XOXO Vol. 2 #1

Jul 11, 2017

Lola XOXO (Vol. 2) # 1 was a joy to read. It takes some simple ideas of growing up and deciding what to do next with their life and mix it with strong characterization and mystery. This is one of the most stylish books I have come across but does so very simply. Meanwhile, Lola continues to be a strong lead, with good narration and character development that just make most readers fall for our lead. The world of Lola XOXO gets bigger here with some interesting new characters, intriguing mysteries and a dangerously creepy threat showing their " masks. Definitely an issue that makes you want more.

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New Avengers (2015) #9

Apr 10, 2016

This issue was just pure awesome! To and the rest of the art team give us so wonderful panel work, with plenty of detail and style. Ewing wasn't just penning a well-constructed issue that advanced characters and plot, he channeled his tokusatsu/godzilla/giant robot fanboy out in a way that celebrates those genres while not sacrificing story or character to do so. A really fun and intriguing issue.

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No World #1

May 11, 2017

No World # 1 starts off with a bang that grips you and then traps you with interesting characters. Long time readers of Aspen will notice these familiar characters and wonder how they will work together. New readers will look at these character and be attracted to them, thanks to the characterization done by Scott Lobdell.

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Oniba: Swords of the Demon #0

Oct 28, 2015

This #0 issue was pretty awesome. There was a lot of strong characterization with a simple plot to move along the story while making readers know our main character. Yukiko is both strong yet vulnerable. We see that very well. The art is some of the best I seen in the business. The art is bold, detailed and really captures that era well. The writing is stellar and intelligent, allowing readers to feel really engrossed while planting seeds to what the series will be. This #0 issue just leaves the layers of what will soon come.

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4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #1

Apr 27, 2016

4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #1 does so much with so little. We establish our zany cast of characters,who feel authentic with distinct personalities and body language. We get ourselves a little bit of mystery. Sharp wit, engaging characters and simple, but expressive art. The clear art of Boss gives characters life that seems very vivid and exciting. Rosenberg and Boss do an amazing job presenting 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #1 as a thrilling, witting and compelling comic that grabs you with its premise and keeps you with its art and characters.

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4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #2

Jul 1, 2016

4 Kids Walk Into a Bank # 2 was a solid follow up to the first issue. We got more characterization with our main cast. We got some very sharp artwork that allows reader to immerse themselves in the story. There was some good moments of plot development for the issue, even though the main plot is no longer that evident … or is it. There are multiple wheels spinning and Rosenberg deals with all of it like a champ. 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank # 2 is a fun ride that allows our characters to group while setting up situations that are both funny and serious with an authenticity that I don't often feel in many comics today.

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Black #1

Oct 11, 2016

BLACK # 1 makes some bold statements while giving readers a wild ride for an opening story. There's action, intrigue, mystery and suspense as Osajyefo and company create a world that scarily mirrors reality. And this team does a wonderful job of showing us more than telling us the issues going on within the pages of the book.

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Black #2

Nov 23, 2016

Black # 2 dives into the harsh reality of racism by showing how race is affecting actions of the world today magnified by the elements of super powers add to one of the races. Osajyefo makes no apologies here with statements made on racism. He also uses Kareem to be the guide for readers to go through the world here. Osajyefo gives readers more of the other characters of this world as Detective Waters has not disappeared yet, Juncture is still being the leader of the Project while handling Kareem's development and our big bad are make small, but impactful moves. The art is truly a splendor to behold. The lack of traditional color honestly helps the book more than hinders it, allowing the reader to have more control over what they are visualizing while also making a philosophical statement on color in the world. Igle, Riggs and Stern are impressive this issue as the art just continues to dazzle, invoke emotional reactions and grips readers into wanting more.

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Faith and the Future Force #1

Jul 27, 2017

Faith and the Future Force #1 is a superb first outing. It adds and evolves Faith from the events at the end of her series while also allowing the first issue to be accessible.

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Faith and the Future Force #3

Sep 26, 2017

Faith & the Future Force # 3 was a book that Valiant fans should really grab. We get some visually stunning moments that are historic. A large scale battle that is just amazing. Smart writing that is relatable characters on top of a simple plot with time travel. Houser advances the story and our characters with the ease of a hot knife through butter while seducing readers to need more. Meanwhile, the art is, for the most part, absolutely superb throughout the book. We are given some amazing visuals that comic readers will still not soon forget. Besides a few panels that seemed a bit messy, this is a spectacle not to be missed.

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Imperium #6

Jun 29, 2015

There is just so much going for this book. There is strong characterization, advancing plotlines, stunning art and a unique theme. This books continues to be amazing how it can bring people that a majority of them are pretty much the scum of the Earth, but still be an entertaining, compelling read " month after month. This is how comics showed be. Making you question yourself and these characters as human beings, their beliefs and the actions you and they take. And this book does this often.

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Imperium #7

Aug 4, 2015

When a man who decides to become the world's greatest villain in order to save the planet decides to match wits with a man with a powers of a god that he doesn't necessarily want, you get an issue full of possibilities and discussion. It is clear that Harada's ambitions and ego drive the issue, which is perfect and completely in line with the character " since Dysart has written him that ways for nearly 4 years now.The pacing is wonderful and the dialogue is smart. The art is impressive, really allowing readers to see the stretches of imagination here. And we get a great build up to a strong confrontation.

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Imperium #9

Oct 8, 2015

Imperium #9 continues in a line of books that show us a group of people looking to change the world, some with the best of intentions, but in the worst ways possible. Dysart continues to write compelling, multi-faceted characters that are charming and interesting to read … even if they do some pretty vile things in order to get results. The overall plot for the storyline is setting up well and the pacing was perfect. Besides the darkness in the shading here and there, the book is absolutely stunning. The panels are dynamic and jump off the page. The art will glue you to the book and the writing will make you an addict for it.

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Imperium #10

Nov 14, 2015

There is some wonderful characterizations this issue as Dysart creates a wonderful tapestry of the Earth Vine vs Harada. There are multiple connections to other events in the Valiant Universe, but Dysart weaves it together so well. Lord Vine 99 is close to getting what he wants while we see just how personal the conflict is. I am also pleasantly surprised by Mech Major's and Ingrid's characterizations. They were solid from beginning to end and full of fun. The art was really strong and the story was engaging, really adding to the importance of the conflict between Harada and the Vine.

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Imperium #11

Jan 18, 2016

Imperium is still one of the best comics out today. We are getting deeper into the agenda of Harada and the impact it has on our main cast. We got some great development for many of the main cast. It was great to see Grave Dog and Ingrid get more focus while advancing the plot. We truly get more bang for our buck this issue. Yet, Lord Vine 99 had an interesting origin and did some pretty cool things, but there was some predictability to him with what he did against his benefactor and that was kind of a turn off. Otherwise, Dysart writes a strong book as always and we get two of the best artists in comics today doing one hell of a job with the interiors alongside a colorist supreme.

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Imperium #14

Mar 16, 2016

Imperium # 14 has Stormbreak coming in strong as it delves into Harada's & Livewire's relationship, H.A.R.D. Corps grudge against Gravedog and the actual politic movements of the foundation. Evans and Arreola make the book visual triumph from start to finish. Dysart's smart and dense writing makes the characters and plot thrilling and engaging, with each conflict feeling meaningful. The only real downside is that Imperium is really feeling like it is Harada and his "little friends" with the other characters to help make the book distinct and interesting taking a back seat to guest stars. Other than that, still one of the best books out there today.

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Young Terrorists #1

Aug 19, 2015

Young Terrorists #1 was phenomenal from start to finish. The first issue proved us with a good grasp of our main cast, set up the status quo for the book, gave us an idea of how stylized it is and made a lot of interesting statements about people, beliefs and our country in general. There were so many things said in this book, but Pizzolo made sure to keep these things woven into the story, allowing readers not to get caught up in those statements. The art was really captivating and innovative. Young Terrorists #1 made no apologizes on its feelings, views while developing one of the most gripping, satisfying issues of the year. This book will stay in your brain long after you finish.

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Young Terrorists #2

Dec 25, 2016

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Actionverse #0

Dec 3, 2015

This is the kick off to Action Lab's upcoming crossover event and the beginning of uniting a creator owned superhero line. And this kick off exceeds expectations. There's strong characterization and development. The plot works well and blends into the character moments of the book. The villain was great and only got stronger and stronger. Very, very simple yet has a strong presence. While there is this white graininess to the colors, it does little to detract from the exemplary art work. The colors were still good. The line work was nice and clean. Overall, it was a strong, fun and exciting experience, setting up for wanting more while being an exquisite one shot.

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Actionverse #1

Apr 14, 2016

This was a hell of a kick off for Actionverse. The stakes are made high immediately while introducing us to a complex, driven villain who is as charming as he is vicious. Jake clearly has become more cautious and tactical since the end of "Fight For Your Life." Renna and Stresing do an amazing job going from the fantastic to the sublime in this issue. And the cliffhanger just makes the book all the more exciting. I consider this the way all event books show kick off, especially when it comes to introducing a new character for a main antagonist. Ruttgaizer pulled aces here. A real triumph to kick off the event and the soon to be official line of super hero books for Action Labs.

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Actionverse #2

Apr 19, 2016

Actionverse continues to be a great event bringing heroes together for the first time. Igle takes old concepts and make them fresh while his art never looked better. The feel for the book is thrilling and keeps you at the edge of your seat. We get deeper into Cascade's plans and a new villain wants our F1rst Hero. Yet, with Molly coming in and the dropping of both Pax Mundi and Stray … we have more on the horizon. While we didn't get as much Molly as I expected, she definitely made an impact and looking forward to more Actionverse and the Princess of Finesse.

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Actionverse #3

May 1, 2016

We dive deeper into the Actionverse event with some solid art and wonderful character development. We get a bit deeper into our main villain, finding out his true motives and origin. Gabborin seamlessly writes it in while advancing the stakes of the story to even larger proportions. The character development is solid and the art was good. Besides the minor gripes, Ciccioni and Moriarty render the issue well, conveying the emotion of the characters easily.

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Actionverse #4

May 3, 2016

Actionverse featuring Midnight Tiger was a thrilling, action packed and plot moving issue that will leave you quite satisfied and ready for more.

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Actionverse #5

May 11, 2016

This issue had a lot of fun while advancing the main story and characters. It was fun seeing all the characters interact, showing bonds between Molly, Midnight Tiger and Stray. There is also a great showcase of Jake's development as a hero and his relationship that's building with these other heroes. Cascade takes the stage well as a villain who really wants to end everything. The line work seems a bit lighter than normal, but the art is otherwise well done, giving each character a distinct look. The action is explosive, making every panel look good. The lightness in the line work does take away from the art a little. Yet, this was still a solid issue.

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The F1rst Hero: Fight For Your Life #2

Oct 13, 2015

There are so many wonderful things about this issue. We got solid plot advancement, strong character development and gripping story. These three men are very different, but Ruttgaizer makes them all feel very human, whether they have powers or not. The art was stylish, with strong colors. The art really coveys emotion and action beautifully. Ruttgaizer commands readers with dialogue that is authentic and intelligent. This second issue started with a bang and ended with a wonderful paced cliffhanger. This book continues to evolve to one of the most gripping and innovative looks into super-powered beings I have ever read.

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The F1rst Hero: Fight For Your Life #3

Nov 2, 2015

F1rst Hero: Fight For Your Life # 3 just continues to captivate readers with solid art and amazing story. Zabbal and Stresing paint a powerful issue full of drama, action and intrigue as we see foes face off and friends betray each other. The battle between Jake and Odinson is brutal and satisfying. The train shoots to the end as our characters are paying for their actions little by little … some with their lives as we move to an action packed conclusion. Definitely the best issue yet and I can't wait for it.

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The F1rst Hero: Fight For Your Life #4

Dec 16, 2015

The final issue of The F1rst Hero: Fight For Your Life had a lot going for it. Great art that was unconventional. Strong character development. Twists and turns in the plot that build up to a brilliantly compelling pay off. Jake felt much deeper and developed character after this arc and we really seemed to get the best of our creative team. This is a shining example of what great comics should be.

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X'ed #1

Dec 1, 2015

Besides the disconnect of characters because of the lack of names, this was a solid first issue. There were entertaining characters that felt real, art that was gritty yet full of life because it had to do so much in one issue and a wonderful main plot that makes you wanting more because unsolved questions and the sheer concept of the book. This book is different from the word go, but in a great way. The landscape of the mind isn't something comics tackle too often as a main premise. X'ed#1 does it with ease and makes it fun and thrilling!

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X'ed #2

Mar 31, 2016

Despite balance issues, this was an exquisite second issue. We have men attacking Mezing, We have Colin trying to survive long enough to get out of Evelyn's head. We have a conspiracy to steal this technology. Patrick sets of layers of intrigue, mystery and tension to make this issue thrilling and you are compelled to know what happens next. The art is really well done, allowing readers to really seen so many different things. The masterful ideas of the layers of the brain and subconscious. This issue sets up so much more and the cliffhanger was masterfully done, making readers shout “Oh sh**!” Definitely a fun read.

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X'ed #3

May 17, 2016

X'ed # 3 moves the pacing and the characters up a few notches as we get into the meat of the main plot while also dealing with the truth behind our wonderful Ms. Lemonson. Pieces are falling into place and Patrick sets up this ridiculously cerebral and fun game exquisitely. The art is very much its own animal and Hayrula & Garbark make the art really express the originality of the concept while also allowing themselves to experiment with panel composition and art itself, allowing X'ed # 3 to have a wonderful distinct flavor to it. The tones and colors match the characters, mood and express the over all concept well. The line work shows us so many new and odd things wrapped together and make it visually make sense.

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4001 A.D. #1

May 3, 2016

4001 A.D. #1 is a roller coaster ride that kicks off with a huge bang. Kindt weaves the seeds of revolution as it is building into a war against him and New Japan. Mack's and Crain's art is absolutely exquisite. There is a lot of beauty in the book. The two biggest revelations in the book are rendered with such awe that readers will definitely be impressed. A wonderful, exciting start to a powerful event.

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4001 A.D. #2

May 31, 2016

4001 A.D. # 2 continues to be a blockbuster of an event, in scope and story. Crain is delivering the art of his career with the intense, detailed and stunning art work and color that he gives. The scope of everything looks even bigger than readers will image once you see it. Every panel is crisp, vibrant and down right amazing, capturing the awe of the conflict or the emotion of the moment. Kindt scripts an issue that will make you jump for joy in excitement, horrified by the atrocities and grip you with the tears shed during this second issue. This is a fast moving train to an ultimate conflict, but Kindt and Crain are making it a fun ride.

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4001 A.D. #3

Jul 25, 2016

4001 A.D. # 3 presents us with a very powerful, action packed climax to this event. There's a lot of great moments and all the characters get some shine. And while there is definitely a lessened impact on some of these characters if you haven't read Rai before this, Kindt still pens a very rewarding issue that will keep readers at the edge of their seats. Crain continues to give us a gorgeous look of the future that is becoming one of the most definitive and creative futures in comics. And it is certainly one of the best looking comics out there today.

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4001 A.D. #4

Aug 31, 2016

4001 A.D. was a wide, cinematic ride that Kindt allowed this future to truly grow and florish, which the characters within it. Kindt's writing felt a lil breezy here, but still gave a satisfying ending to the event and character arcs of Rai and Lula. Crain gives the artist tour de force here, giving some of the most stunning, beautiful issues in comics today. The cinematic panel work gave bold perspectives and really made this final issue feels as huge as the event is supposed to be. 4001 A.D. # 4 brought us a finale that was epic, satisfying, gorgeous and truly hopeful as our team wrapped up a long war in the most beautiful way possible.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #31

Apr 21, 2016

As we races to the end of “The Final Days of Superman,” Tomasi sets the stage well for many things to come with Rebirth while highlighting the important things in Clark's life. Manke's art never looked better as Mendoza's inks & Quintana's colors bring out the best in it. We got great development for both Clark and Bruce as they discuss getting things in order and a conversation between two best friends as one is learning he's about to lose the other. This was a bit of an emotional, thrilling and sobering issue.

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Eternal Soulfire #1

Jul 14, 2015

Eternal Soulfire #1 gives us a lot of new within the confines of a familiar universe. Krul definitely changes things up with our new leads and these new situations, such as the military force tracking down magical beings. The issue does a great job presenting us a new status quo and new lead in Cassidy. The art is simply phenomenal and it is a solid issue all around.

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Eternal Soulfire #4

Oct 22, 2015

Eternal Soulfire # 4 does a great job of advancing the plot while giving more depth to Cassidy and Lily. Cassidy's role is starting to become more and more clear as her innocence will be put to the test here. Krul's script is on point as always, with the exception of the whole operation modi for the SWAT team. There definitely seems to be a big confrontation brewing between the SWAT and Miya's tribe … and Cassidy has to make some major decisions. Still, I look forward to seeing what Cassidy's ultimate destiny is and how it will tie into the rest of the Soulfire mythology.

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Generation Zero #1

Aug 25, 2016

Generation Zero takes a great twist on the "A-Team/Hell Girl" concepts and blends them with traditional teen superheroes effortlessly. Definitely one of the best new books of the year.

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Kim & Kim #1

Jul 6, 2016

Kim & Kim # 1 is a fun, rocking and mystery filled ride from start to finish. While there is great action and mystery, Visaggio creates leads and other characters that feel and sound real. They are relatable and deal with the troubles of being an adult while dealing with making it on “your own.” The name drops were done in a subtle enough way that it doesn't feel like readers were getting hit over the head with Furious Quatro and El Scorcho. It creates good tension for when said characters make their eventual appearances. The world building was great and done superbly with the art of Cabrera and Aguirre. Everything looked vivid, dynamic, capturing the mood and emotion of the scene well. The art itself told its own story while enhancing the main script and narration of the book. A true gem of a first issue only to want more done.

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Kim & Kim #2

Aug 25, 2016

Kim & Kim #2 follows up to the first issue well, giving spectacular art with strong development. Vissagio develops the overall plot well, while giving readers enough curveballs and fun editions that will make for exciting reads and re-reads. The character work is top notch, making both Kims, Tom and more feel and sounds like fully realized characters. The art is cartoony, but wonderfully expressive and vibrant. Cabrera and Aguirre seem to have a perfect marriage of art and color that will not be denied. The search for Lady Babylon ends up being so much more than what readers will expect and the payoff and cliffhanger are definitely worth it. A fun read!

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Moon Knight (2016) #1

May 16, 2016

Moon Knight #1 presents us a very unique look at super heroics and psychological illnesses. Marc Spector is in deep trouble because we are not sure what is real and what is not. Lemire tricks readers into questioning if Marc is really nuts or not as well, allowing a lot of second guessing to go on while Lemire does some world building and plants the seeds of a mystery. Smallwood and Bellaire make a fantastic art team that can really giving a great style to the street level action and the more mystical side of Moon Knight. They more than proved it with this issue. Lemire's over all story is good, but might get readers lost. That may or may not be on purpose. A strong first issue.

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Space Riders #4

Oct 12, 2015

Space Riders # 4 ends the first storyline and is an experience that everyone should have. While the majority of the characters didn't get much in terms of character development, it was great to see them utilized well. We did get some great closure to the main story as well as the personal conflicts between Peligro and Hammerhead. The art might not look mainstream, but it is beautiful and innovative. Definitely a book to keep your eyes on in the future once it returns and a book everyone should read at least once in their lives4

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The Adventures of Miru #2

Sep 14, 2016

The Adventures of Miru # 2 brings it's A game as it does a good job world building, developing characters and moving the main story in a very natural, yet exciting way. Laprade captures tension well as our heroes made their way through Wraith Wood while also showing us more about Miru, 9teen and Scribbles. The 4th member of our party, following RPG logic, comes in at the perfect time yet still felt like a genuine surprise. McClary, despite some faces looking a bit too pushed together in a few panels, does a stellar job over all. There's rich detail in every panel and McClary keeps every panel looking different and dynamic. Rosa's colors only makes those panels jump out more with her wonderous color. A solid issue all around.

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The Circle (2016) #1

Dec 4, 2016

The Circle # 1 is an opening chapter to what may lead to a bunch of horrible things happen. Clark and Zherno spend the issue world building and character development and make it work to their advantage. Readers learn to care about Christian, his feelings and his struggle, immediately feeling invested and, even to varying degrees, empathize. Zherno's work might not be for the average comic book reader, but will get won over by the unique, atmospheric style. Clark's writing is exquisite here, making a damn near perfect first issue with his writing alone. Readers can look forward to the Circle spinning around and round … till they stop spinning. Solid first issue

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The Circle (2016) #2

Jan 28, 2017

The Circle # 2 is an ambitiously brutal, psychedelic and intriguing follow up to the first issue. Zhero's art is exquisite, creatively allowing readers to truly experience what our main protagonist is experiencing. This art isn't just telling a story, but creating experiences.

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The Circle (2016) #3

Feb 28, 2017

The Circle # 3 beings the rapid, violent rollercoaster to its finale. Zherno puts readers under her spell with her unique style and wonderful presentation as the suspenseful & horrific tone and mood really allow readers to be captivated by it. Clark's script are full of sharp dialogue, solid character developement, intrigue and horror which allows readers to feel terrified for different reasons throughout the books. Surviving your teens is hard enough and now Clark throws magic in the mix to make things even crazier. With mysteries being revealed, the final confrontation is coming and Clark builds it all up like a wonderfully thoughtful, moody cult classic movie.

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The Circle (2016) #4

Mar 23, 2017

The Circle # 4 starts a wonderful rollercoaster ride of murder, emotion, revelation and mayhem that readers will be gripping their seats to. Zherno's art is exquisite as it captures the terror of murder and the blissful emotion of love with ease. The final panel in the book was chilling and beautiful. Clark writes a wonderful rollercoaster where the stakes continues to raise while still developing characters and making people care. The Circle continues to be gripping, suspenseful and satisfying as Clark and Zherno sets up a dark and delicious end in sight. Definitely a book to pick up.

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The Circle (2016) #5

May 11, 2017

With either a bit more development for the other characters before this issue or just some extra pages, this comic would have been perfect. Yet, the over all finale and this issue was definitely a good finale that closed the Circle well. The Circle #5 end this sojourn into murder and magic with knife twisting goodbye that just fit and made the entire series feel wonder.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #1

Dec 23, 2015

The art is absolutely is amazing. The writing is top notch. It is a great return of our good doctor. While there is elements of the first series here, Meter makes this first issue self contained enough that you don't need to read the first miniseries. This is definitely one of the best first issues I have ever read and I look forward to more. My only regret is that this isn't an ongoing.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #3

Feb 11, 2016

The art is good. Yet, the two different styles of art are too different, throwing off the story's momentum a little. Other than this, the story was superb. There was strong character development and great build up to our finale for next issue. Solid over all.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #4

Mar 24, 2016

This finale was epic and satisfying. There is some closure, for now, about the Mirage's want to be corporal. The art was good, giving a dazzling looking finale. The mystical power of the pages make for a spectacle and the characters truly makes this a better experience.

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Unity #18

May 13, 2015

We got ourselves a damn well drawn issue with some very good character development. This one and done was interesting in terms of looking at the team from an outside perspective while also developing our cast more. With decent art and good pacing, this was a solid issue.

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Unity #21

Aug 13, 2015

This issue presented us with a richer history of War Monger and the Valiant Universe in general while setting up the beginnings of a final confrontation between Unity and the War Monger. There was a lot of solid characterization here. The art was definitely full of detail and stunning on both sections of the story. The contrast of styles didn't hurt this issue at all as the previous issues and this issue's journey down memory lane actually made sense why the style of our present is gritty in an odd kind of sense. And as we close in on our final battle between Unity and War Monger … the question is … how do they stop her? It makes a lot of sense and the plots close in tightly for a large finale.

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Zoe Dare vs. The Disasteroid #1

Aug 8, 2016

The first 2 issues of Zoe Dare vs. The Disasteroid are full of strong storytelling, fully-realized characters and fun. Herman's art, while there are small inconsistencies with the head/face shape/width, it is still very solid. There is not denying the emotions conveyed by the characters while Herman also gets to really use his artistic muscles with different kinds of backgrounds, characters and vehicles. The line work is clean while the colors work perfectly. Meanwhile, McKinney's writing is superb, creating memorable characters with a wonderful story. There's enough twists and turns to keep readers captivated. Zoe, Danni, V.I.C.T.O.R., J.J. and more feel real, with witty, authentic dialogue. The book is a fun read from start to finish and the endings keep readers begging for more.

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Aspen Universe: Revelations #1

Jul 11, 2016

Aspen Universe: Revelations #1 more than lives up to the hype. The story seems and is presented simply while being multi-layered. There are hints of lots of things to come. Fialkov and Krul craft an issue that is great for new readers while not talking down long time readers. Relationships and conversations are not wasted, allowing readers to follow and building upon the story as well as flesh out our characters. While Aspen does not have as much screen time, it only hurts the issue slightly. And the over tone of the issue capture triumphantly by every single creative part of the book. Lettering, color, inks, pencils and writing are all done exquisitely. I'm excited to see what will come in this event and what long term effects, especially after the two major revelations this issue dropped. Aspen Universe: Revelations #1 is a rewarding introduction to the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end and I'm excited for the ride.

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Aspen Universe: Revelations #2

Aug 23, 2016

Aspen Universe: Revelations #2 definitely delivered. The art was exquisite from start to finish, just filled with spectacular detail, emotion, atmosphere and a vibrancy that many comics cannot replicate. The writing was superb, multi-layered yet very easy to follow. The characterizations of our leads definitely helped elevate them and their importance to the entire Aspen Universe and it shows when readers scan the issue. We get a great mix of emotions as well as moments that kind of set a new bar for the universe as Aspen full takes her place as the icon for Aspen that she has been but not quite felt till now. Fialkov and Krul make magic here and Gunderson, Roslan, Starr, Ercek and Steigerwald bring that magic to stunning, thrilling, splendiferous life. Get this book immediately.

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Aspen Universe: Revelations #4

Nov 9, 2016

This is a strong and violent penultimate chapter to the miniseries. Things are changing so fast now and readers are in the front seat to so much change. While the lack of Malikai, who is the other star of the book, does hurt the book, it does wrap up many things that have happened in the Fathom books very well. There's definite development for Aspen as she seen these horrors and now they are unfolding sooner than later. The art is really beautiful by Gunderson, Roslan, Carrasco, Steigerwald and Star. It is vibrant, detailed, vivid and really just a cinematic splendor to behold. The overall pacing of the issue was superb and there's still enough dangling points that allows us a climatic final battle against Halazeel next issue. The fact that Fialkov and Krul push Aspen to the edge really gives the issue that extra bite. Definitely a fun read and looking forward to the finale and the new Aspen Universe.

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Aspen Universe: Revelations #5

Dec 30, 2016

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Book Of Death #1

Jul 16, 2015

Book of Death kicks off with a lot of chaos, mystery and wonder that grip you. Venditti does an excellent job using the personal relationships of Unity to help build this boiling point for Gilad and the team in the background of all these events. The Book of the Geomancer foretells Valiant's greatest battle yet, but it looks like it will come to pass. The art is awesome as we got to see a lot of gruesome, powerful detail. The only missteps in my mind is that the rest of Unity sides with G.A.T.E. right off the back instead of building more interpersonal conflict. Still, this was a solid kick off to Valiant's summer event!

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Book Of Death #2

Aug 19, 2015

Book of Death # 2 continues to drive the story of the Geomancers and Gilad while progressing the main storyline of the world threat. Venditti takes the opportunity to make this battle between friends hold a LOT of meaning between characters as the interactions of this battle shows Unity has a lot of things it needs to examine about itself. This wasn't just a battle between heroes for the sake of a fight. This was about seeing people who have fought beside each out find how different they are once they disagree on something and are not looking at each out closely enough.The main story is kicking into full gear with the return of Master Darque and the mysteries of Tama and the boy Geomancer. The art was some of Valiant's best, continuing to make this storyline as big as it should be. This is event books at its best. Book of Death # 2 does so much with so little and is a gripping, fun ride!

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Book Of Death #3

Sep 21, 2015

Book of Death # 3 had a lot to offer as it began to race towards its climax. There was solid character development as the forces of evil and the forces of good amass their forces for a final conflict. Venditti did some solid writing, with a great clincher as to the reasons behind Darque's attacks and taking of David. We get some wonderful character development and the pacing is ok. Yet, the end of the book fell shot a little bit. Maybe because of the rest of the issue with Gilad facing the undead … it still seemed to be missing some pizazza after the last two issues had him deal with Darque's forces and Unity. Still, the art was stellar this issue, giving us some grand panel work and solid colors that will grip you. An enjoyable issue over all.

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Book Of Death #4

Oct 28, 2015

Book of Death, for the most part, ended on a high note. Venditti wrapped up the main plot while advancing our main characters of the event. There was great character development and set up for not only Eternal Warrior's upcoming ongoing, but also hints of a new future for Tama. The art was really amazing, with panels of sheer horror and beauty that really are captivating. Unity's role seemed to have been fairly lackluster and their position in this issue was both a bad thing and a good thing. It made the main story unpredictable but also seemed a little wasteful.

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Dead Drop #1

May 14, 2015

This was a heart stopping ride that will grab you and not let go. This thrill ride is rendered pretty damn well but there is some room for improvement.

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Dead Drop #2

Jun 1, 2015

This issue continued to build upon last issue while giving great character development. There is definitely a strong sense of urgency and danger, especially now that it is revealed that more than one group is after the virus. There is great rising action. Kot blends the action well with the comedy. This was definitely a stronger issue than the first one.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse #1

Dec 25, 2016

Divinity III: Stalinverse # 1 is a damn near perfect first comic with action, character development, suspense, mystery and creativity that will hold on to you from its opening words to the last line on the page.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse #2

Jan 30, 2017

. Kindt constructs a tale about a coming war, ideologies, the passion and will to fight for the right thing and said ideologies while advancing characters at the same time with an ease that comes to people similar to breathing. Hairsine, Winn and Baron continue to bring masterful life to Kindt's scripts with detail, beautiful & kinetic art that jumps out at readers and captivates them from the first panel to the very last.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse #4

Apr 9, 2017

The art was wonderfully superb. The problem was the script this issue. The ending did come to an end and I love the final battle between Abram and Kazmir about beliefs and system. My main issue is that the book felt like it was missing a big chunk of battle, didn't explain character disappearances and we didn't even really know the Red Brigade. There was certainly threads there for there to be more to come with those characters, but the miniseries didn't give readers enough of them to care about them. I felt like if the final issue was double sized, it would have been perfect. But alas, it wasn't. And thus, what could have been a great finale came up short.

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Legends of Oz: Tik Tok & the Kalidah #1

Apr 20, 2016

We got a strong first issue with good character development, cool action and an interesting spin on an overused trope. Our leads are charming, whether they talk or not. Anderson presents us a grand adventure with strong leads and a decent plot. Anderson ends the first plot of the issue to get into the main plot and it transitions well. The art is spectacular, Rei giving his art a lot of expression and detail while de la Cruz's color brings it to life.

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Legends of Oz: Tik Tok & the Kalidah #2

Jun 9, 2016

Legends of OZ: Tik-Tock and the Kalidah # 2 was an issue where there seemingly wasn't a lot that went on while still progressing the story and characters. We have our girl on the run, Tik-Tok trying to make the right decision and Kali facing his past. The issue with the flying monkeys have now escalated into two factions after our trio. The art for the issue was simply superb as much of the story was detailed artistically while Thomas still writes a tight issue, letting nothing go to waste, including dialogue. There was set up towards our ending while still giving us plenty to enjoy visually this issue. Not a bad tale at all.

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Santeria: The Goddess Kiss #1

Mar 15, 2016

This first issue was definitely a wonderful premiere. Wohl does a great job with characterization, background history, characterization and tone. There's a mystery going on that Wohl lets you figure out the majority of it, but hasn't been fully revealed. Cafaro and Hartman do a strong job with art, even with the panels that look a bit rushed. There is a depth here that isn't seen in many other issues. A very strong first issue.

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Santeria: The Goddess Kiss #2

Apr 19, 2016

Cafaro and Hartman's art are stronger than it has ever been and it shows with this issue with a level of detail that we hadn't quite seen before. It is crispy and less gritty looking. The characters were entertaining as the subplots were already weaving into a fine tapestry for the main story. Naomi continues to be a compelling lead while Issac and his brother are both interesting Big Bads. Wohl's characterizations and use of history makes some very powerful and gripping dividends is a strong second issue.

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Spencer & Locke #1

Apr 24, 2017

Spencer & Locke #1 is an entertaining romp through a grimy town while a man must face his past with his best friend. The mental implications of the issue alongside the murder mystery is quite staggering and Pepose knows it. He plays off those ideas well while Santiago & Smith bring it to life well. And while there are some weak panels within this first issue, it over all delivers with gripping story, captivating characters, moody art and powerful suggestions. There are clues all over this issue about the various mysteries in this. It is extremely well done. I'm looking forward to the next issue.

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Spencer & Locke #2

Jun 1, 2017

Spencer & Locke # 2 is a dark thrill ride with mystery, suspense and themes that will make readers cringe and be captivated.

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The Disciples #2

Jul 26, 2015

We got ourselves a space thriller/horror that keeps you at the edge of your seat. An interesting horror trope was used in this issue, but Niles made it fresh. Mitten and Foto present a universe that is both beautiful and dangerous. The tone and pacing were superb and I am gripped at the edge of my seat, needing more to find out what will happen next and what else will be discovered.

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The Disciples #4

Oct 4, 2015

Niles and Mills do it again with a thrilling read full of interesting characters, horrific plots and amazing pacing. The tension was high and it definitely sucks readers in. The tension this issue had was amazing and Mills and Foto deliver with their art. The mix of space with horror tropes really works here and makes this story and series stand out. The art was superb and terrifying. The writing is really strong, save for the ending. The ending just seemed to stopped more than end. Yet, otherwise, a solid issue. The Disciples # 4 ends with a very thrilling conclusion.

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4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1

Jul 6, 2016

While 4001 A.D.: Shadowman #1 isn't a tie in that truly connects to the event, it presents us a wider view of that universe and, much like the 4001: A.D. : Bloodshot one shot, it sets up a major character to be used for a later time. It definitely feels like we haven't seen the last of this Shadowwoman or Kaia. Houser and Roberts give us a wondefully multi-layered one shot that challenges the definition of a monster and the concepts of good and evil as well as racism in a well written piece. The art is superb by Gill and Spicer makes it look better. My real problem is that this one shot has a small thread to the event that barely connects while also feeling like something is missing. And Jargon's change of heart is pretty much only seen, not really developed like Kym or Kaia's … and just happens. All that aside, this was a pretty strong one shot that worth a read.

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4001 A.D.: Warmother #1

Aug 3, 2016

4001 A.D. War Mother # 1 was a wonderful “pilot” for an exciting new character in a brave, unique new world. Van Lente took the 4001 A.D. concept and made a section of it truly his own with a strong lead that's compelling and fully realized. War Mother has an outstanding first showing, grabbing readers and making them want more. Giorello's art is stunning, with the exception of faces on some panels, creating an incredible body of work for War Mother's first appearance. Reber's color is fantastic, making Giorello's art truly come to life. Van Lente ends the issue open ended, allowing for more tales of War Mother to come. And while it does not really connect with the main 4001 A.D. event, it makes a strong one shot for a new character for Valiant. One they need to revisit and a strong first issue.

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4001 A.D.: X-O Manowar #1

May 11, 2016

4001 A.D.: X-O Manowar is an interesting history lesson, using some great points of Valiant's past to help build its future. The art was superb. The overall story was good. Yet, the lack of any characters for the readers to get tied to besides Father and the concept just being breezily gone through makes the book a bit lackluster. It is clear that Venditti was trying to build something here, but had to cram all of it in one issue when this would have made a great miniseries. It's a good read that could have been a great read.

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4001 A.D.: Bloodshot #1

Jun 9, 2016

This one shot does so much with so little. The pacing is wonderful. The story was excellent. The art is beautiful. There is a lot of characterization while dealing with the themes of putting your past behind you and moving forward. It's very powerful. Lemire, Braithwaite and Reber adds not only to 4001 A.D., but to the character of Bloodshot. It is a very rich ending and new beginning all in one comic. It's a triumph that will only make readers want more. And I'm looking forward to more of Bloodshot of 4001.

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Jirni Vol. 2 #1

Aug 7, 2015

The only real problem with the issue is that it may make new readers feel a bit lost. They will wonder if they are supposed to have a familiarity with the character. Otherwise, Krul does an excellent job this issue. The narrative and exposition was great. The art is simply some of the best I seen in comics " period. There is a great amount of mystique and wonder for the future of this series and it looks to be a fun ride.

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Jirni Vol. 2 #2

Sep 17, 2015

Jirni Vol. 2 continues to make things interesting with interesting new characters, solid writing and stunning art. You will see some of the best art is comics ever with this one issue. It is detailed, vibrant, alluring and beautiful. Krul's writing is really solid, allowing readers to get into Boro's and Ara's head a bit more. And while the fight felt a little shoe horned in, it was still fun to see. This issue was really good.

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Jirni Vol. 2 #3

Nov 2, 2015

This issue continues to move the main plot of the Jirni books in general while moving the main plot of this volume. Ara and Boro's characterizations are absolutely astonishing. We get a wonderful and powerful confrontation between two people that respect each other end up at a crossroads. Krul sets up the rest of the miniseries this issue as clues are dropped and Ara makes a strong choice. Marion and Roslan are artistic gods with the colorists being the angels of coloring.

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Jirni Vol. 2 #4

Nov 19, 2015

This issue is definitely progressing to a wonderful finale. Krul writes a strong issue. It just feels like a couple more issue would have made the issue be perfect. Perhaps a little more on R'anu would have made the issue definitely feel perfect. Still, it was a strong issue to work towards the end of the miniseries.

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Jirni Vol. 2 #5

Dec 17, 2015

This issue had so much going to for it: superb art, good characterizations, a mean and gripping cliffhanger " but the middle of the book's story ended up messing things for the book. While this doesn't take away much, but this issue was a bit of both a let down and a big hype machine. There are things to be excited for and it was interesting to see Ara " the leader. Yet, R'anu being such a disappointment and there was a lot of potential with that. Honestly, if the miniseries and R'anu had a few more issues and did more than what we got to see him, the issue would have been great. It is still engaging and fun, but definitely need better timing. Still, this was a fun ride.

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Archon: Battle of the Dragon #1

Aug 11, 2015

Big Moment:Meeting Gareth's new boss.The Good:We open with an epic battle dealing with a big legend. We have a compelling lead character with an interesting background and new job. We have elements of a tabletop rpg, fantasy and modern world all mixing together. Perez creates a tapestry of an entertaining tale, mixing the world of fantasy with the world of the modern age seamlessly. The main plot of the book has not fully taken shape but the concepts behind the book make it very interesting. The dialogue in this issue is diverse and appealing, allowing to deepen the experience of the whichever realm the story is taking place in. Perez does a terrific job of making characters feel believable and give them solid development.Macagni, Villirillo and Sykes paint some wonderful pictures of these worlds and characters within Archon. There is a solid amount of detail that definitely gives readers a sense of the modern world versus the fantasy realm. The art is a nice mix of cartoony, classic c

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Aspen Universe: Decimation #1

Oct 11, 2017

Decimation is an event and it hits the ground running. There are a lot of great interactions that readers can see for the first time while introducing different aspects of Aspen to newer readers. Hernandez takes the time to set up the plot to help show the Aspen Universe instead of just going for the sake of it. The art was well done. The only problem is that the FCBD Decimation issue seems to be the real first issue of the event while this picks up at a later point. And while it still reads well, it does not feel completely like a first issue. Otherwise, the characters all got to shine a little, readers got to see a lot and the art was top notch. I had a fun read and looking forward to more.

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Blood and Dust #1

Aug 3, 2016

Blood and Dust: The Life and Undeath of Judd Glenny #1 reads well as a solid opening to a story of horror, honor and love. Our lead is not a man or being to be trifiled with while also known there are worse things out there but him. Martin and Orndorf creating plenty of wonderful tension, mystery and dread within the pages; showing one man who wants to protect his family while learning of a blood soaked past that is hinted at, but not fully explained. Eddie Jacobs allows readers to be that character who everyone can relate to, but also ask the questions that readers are interested in. The art was superb, establishing great visual moody and body language to help making this book feel even more tense and moody. And while there are some panels were there is just too many shadows, it does work overall to allow the story's darker themes shine through. Really solid first issue and looking forward to more.

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Jade Street Protection Services #1

Jun 28, 2016

Jade Street Protection Services # 1 is the beginning of a gem that we are just starting to get to know. We have a group of magical girls that are very different from many others, while Rex decides to use tropes from team books, magical girl anime and 80s movies to create a new world that is intriguing. The characters all felt authentic and read as much. Lelay & Christopher's art was solid, showing us the girls and a bit of the world that they live in. We clearly know the personalities of our characters just by seeing them move or their facial expressions, which is superb. And while I do think that some detail & colors were skimped here and there, the overall art was well done. I liked what I was looking at. And I am excited for what's to come.

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Legend of Oz: The Wicked West #1

Oct 6, 2015

Legend of OZ: The Wicked West # 1 was a solid first issue. We get introduced to a strong lead character who is multi-faceted. This Dorothy is no taking crap from anyone and Hutchison makes her strong but still charming. The main plot of the classic tale takes a more mature element here: Hutchison make it his own. The art was absolutely fantastic. There is plenty of great detail to immerse you in this new OZ while definitely showing you a bit of everything from gunslingers to lions to flying monkeys … that were in disguise at first. The back up story helps start planting the seeds of the history of our OZ here and we get to really just enjoy OZ turned into a mystic western.

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No Angel #1

Dec 1, 2016

No Angel # 1 is an intriguing, compelling ride that gives us mystery and mysticism. The Palickis do a magnificent job of introducing our lead, Hannah, while doing a little world building and establishing plotlines in a very organic way. Syahrazad and Csuka render an atmospheric, near cinematic work of art. Every single has a tone and mood alongside the progressive art. Besides the talk between Hannah and her mother, their art work is amazing. With a badass, intelligent lead in Hannah and a nice jaw dropping revelations in the last third of the book, readers will get hooked and demands more.

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Rai #13

May 16, 2016

Rai # 13 is a great look into the future history of 4001 A.D. as well as build the characters of Father and Rai. Kindt throws some solid characterization while introducing us to this work that belongs to Father from so long ago. CAFU and Lanphear really do an outstanding job with the art, really presenting a deeper world of New Japan while giving gritty yet detailed panels that are sprinkled well with color. Kindt's only real misstep is showing us a little more of the original Rai's time instead of just telling us. Otherwise, this is a really strong story that helps supplement the main 4001 A.D. miniseries.

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Shadowman/Rae Sremmurd #1

Oct 4, 2017

Shadowman/Rae Sremmurd #1 was a nice one shot that brought readers along for a ride about a hip hop group that wanted to make it, made it … at the cost of their souls and how they got those souls back. The story was pretty good, with a solid climax. We got pretty good character work from Rahal alongside his strong script. It feels like a complete story that wasn't too slow or too fast. Guedes is an artistic master as this issue illustrates well. The panels are full of detail and the realistic style is engaging to the reader. Overall, a pretty good one shot.

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Shahrazad #3

Jun 5, 2015

While the lead was not as predominant in this issue, it was still pretty solid. The art was superb. The pacing was good. There was great dialogue. The challenges were interesting and, overall, the book was enjoyable. The character development was great and I loved the back and forth between Janus and Shahrazad. Pretty fun read.

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The Four Points #2

May 18, 2015

Lobdell creates a great follow up issue that adds great characterization to the book. The addition of Aspen makes the Four Points was done in an interesting way. The main plot started to build up was working well.

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Transformers: Deviations (One Shot) #1

Mar 20, 2016

Easton channels his love for Transformers and it shines brilliantly in this alternate universe take on Transformers the Movie. He does a good job with character growth, characterizations and progressing the plot well. The issue is full of surprises and keeps readers at the edge of their seats.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #44

Feb 3, 2016

The Kill List part 2 continues to give us a thrilling and meaningful storyline that questions religion, politics, war and racism. Gill and Arreola are a solid team with their art. The pacing is off, but not too bad. The issue is still very strong with Venditti's multi-layered writing, making it an excellent issue. Overall, this was a strong issue.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #47

Jun 28, 2016

Long Live the King Part 1 more than lives up to the hype with an amazing epic with an enemy that could be the strongest Aric has ever faced. Venditti weaves the end of the Kill List into Long Live the King seamlessly as he tackles all the main characters into a desperate battle and plight. The art was superb with great detail and wonderful line work that was crisp. The colors were vibrant as ever. Besides the brevity of the issue and Trill's Cobra Commander like retreat, it was a excellent start to the X-O Manowar storyline.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #11

May 21, 2015

We got some great plot advancement while TMChu and Martin definitely did their horrific magic on the art. And while this was definitely a better issue, there just felt like something was missing. Still, the best issue of Zombie Tramp yet.

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Critter (2015) #1

Aug 1, 2015

Critter # 1 stands out by introducing us to a strong female male lead. We get plenty of spotlight on Critter and her world around. Hutchison smartly gives us her importance to the universe right off the bat and develops a great story around her. The art was top notch, with some splendid coloring and excellent detail. Yet, there was a lot of story and exposition given this issue that made it felt a bit overwhelming at times. Otherwise, a great first issue.

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Critter (2015) #2

Aug 13, 2015

Critter definitely feels like a different kind of superhero book. It plays with a lot of tropes you see in superhero books but does them differently.And it does it well. Hutchison doesn't have a problem making his readers think. There is solid world building and character development for our main heroine and several other characters. The threat of Tidepool is coming and Paradox continues his creepy crusade. There is a lot going on but this issue definitely does a solid job of building Cassia's world. Besides the Who's who thing, I loved the way Mascara was introduced. The art was really solid and it was a fun, thought provoking issue.

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Critter (2015) #3

Sep 25, 2015

Critter # 3 continues to entertain, explorer and intrigue readers with a wondrous new world of super heroes, their villains and the one heroine that seems to tie everything together. The only misstep this issue was how heavy this world was dealing with things without our main star. It does make sense and even kudos to Hutchison for giving time for things to happen for Critter to show up. Still, the book was enjoyable with solid world building, great character development and some magnificent art. Critter #3 gives us more of the world around us while building the characters importance in this world and … in a sense … to her. A great job by Big Dog Imprint.

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Critter (2015) #4

Nov 1, 2015

Critter # 4 is a good issue, but could have been better. There was a lot of world building this issue and some new mysteries. We got some very exciting and surprising answers to some mysteries, but only are left with more questions. The art is is solid this issue by the art team. Hutchison is pretty amazing in terms of dialogue, but the pacing and the adding of new elements this issue while last issue felt like build up to something bigger this issue does hurt this issue. Although, there is amazing dialogue, surprising twists and the connection between real life event to a fictional character ‘death' were handled with care and interest. This was a good issue, but not a great issue.

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Vampblade #5

Jul 7, 2016

Still, the art was really good and there's promise of both campy fun and interesting plot twists ahead, even with the breezy read. There's a lot of promise here and a lot of good and with what Martin's got set up, we could be seeing some more good to come.

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Vampblade #6

Aug 7, 2016

Vampblade #6 provides a lot of action, suspense, thrills and mystery to the current storyline. The characters get good development while advancing the storyline. The advancement didn't hinder the characterizations or vice versa. Martin crafts a fun issue, building on the previous issues while setting up for the climax of this storyline. Young and Costa's art is definitely improved, allowing readers a sharper look and focus with the art. They clearly have fun with the panel work and the colors are just vibrant. It's a fun ride overall.

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Action Lab: Dog Of Wonder #4

Nov 3, 2016

Action Lab: Dog of Wonder # 4 was a solid issue. It opened the first part of a two part story that introduces a new character with a interesting backstory while advancing our hero and a main plot point with east. Leeds art is good; a bit different bu still very good. The writer is quite strong, with the only real mistep is not having more on our new speedster dog. Dog of Wonder continues to be fun for everybody, letting the action and art keep the children't eyes glued while the story holds on to readers. A solid issue.

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All-New Soulfire #4

Jun 22, 2017

All New Soulfire # 4 (vol. 6) was a wonderful issue that gave you more insight to characters while setting up the climax for this volume.

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Blue Hour #1

Aug 22, 2016

Blue Hour #1 gives a stellar introduction to colonists trying to start over after Earth's resources have been laid to waste. While there was some issues with proportions here and there, the art was good. Clean lines, decent detail and excellent choices in color give the book a good atmosphere. Caruso pens a great issue with strong character development, building plot lines and captivating readers these characters and storylines. Tying in the title to the story the way he did was simple, but quite effective with the build up of the issue. It's a pretty strong start.

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Dollface #1

Jan 22, 2017

Dollface #1 is a fun ride. The opening issue gives us a good introduction of our main heroine, her supporting cast, hints at the premise of the book and gives us an origin. Mendoza does a lot of superb art this issue, including a fantastic fight between Lila and Janey. The issue does do a lot within its pages and the origin is interesting, with its sexual tones, but add the supernatural and a connection to events within Zombie Tramp makes this book feel like a part of a large tapestry while working on its own identity. The story just seems to cut off and not really end, which hurts it a little, but not a bad beginning.

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Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla #9

Nov 17, 2016

Herald: Lovecraft & Tesla # 9 continues to be an entertaining romp into the mystical and mysterious using historical figures right. The issue has wonderful character development, pacing and solid art. The personalities of our main characters are engaging and entertaining, making readers feel invested in them as well feel relatable. While far away shots don't seem to be Rogers' cup of tea from time to time and the ending does feel a little hollow, Reilly's promise of more to come does keep the book from taking a nosedive. A fun read.

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Holy F*cked #1

Sep 8, 2015

Maria will shine more next issue from the looks of it but would have loved to seen a bit more of her.

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I, Mage #0

Jan 24, 2016

I, Mage #0 makes a strong set up issue. Anyone can see why this is numbered #0. It gives us Kai's origin to his current places where the main series will take place. Turner making interesting notes about magic and technology alongside its own jargon gives this book and universe its own distinct flavor. Readers can really get a good idea of Kai and who he is while the rest of the issue provides strong set up. Gomez and Gonzalez make an excellent art team, bringing this universe in colorful fruition. And while we got little of the world we will come to know, there was still enough to make you interested. With strong writing and good art, I, Mage #0 will keep fans enraptured for issues to come.

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Legends Of Oz: The Wicked West #2

Nov 16, 2015

Hutchison's story and characters are engaging, multi-faceted and fun to read about. This world of Oz has an interesting mythology that just add to the stories and plot itself. The art was good, besides the heads looking a bit big on a few panels in the second story.

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Nightwing: Rebirth #1

Jul 19, 2016

While there are times where the art is too gritty and blends in when there's too many darker tones, it does a wonderful job for the rest of the book, showing so many things in Dick Grayson's “old” life as he moves on to his new one. There was a lot of backgrounds and characters to draw, but Paquette and Fairbairn give us a fairly colorful picture. Meanwhile, Seeley evolves Dick in a very natural way. As the narration and dialogue continues, Seeley makes sure to tie up the loose ends of his spy age while reconnecting to his family and himself now. It is great to use the theme behind the legend of Nightwing for Dick to evolve and Seeley paces the issue to perfection. This was a great jump on point for readers to get back into Dick Grayson and Nightwing.

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Quantum Teens Are Go #1

Feb 22, 2017

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The F1rst Hero: Wednesday's Child #1

Jun 16, 2016

The F1rst Hero: Wednesday's Child #1 sets up a lot with so little pages. We get to return to Philadelphia with a more confident, but still inexperienced Jake Roth who is now working hard to learn his abilities. There's multiple subplots going on, our villains, the ETF and Catalogue all juggled with care. Pacing was excellent with nothing going too long or too short. The art was pretty good, despite some faces didn't look as if they fit with their bodies. Still, the colors were good and Renna's line work was certainly wonderful. We open this arc with just the hint of changes and challenges to come and our team makes them look interesting. With some solid panel work and some riveting store that advances all the characters, The F1rst Hero: Wednesday's Child builds on the past while making its own distinct path to Jake Roth's future.

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X-Tinction Agenda #2

Jul 31, 2015

Writer: Marc GuggenheimArt: Carmine Di GiandomenicoColors: Nolan WoodardLetterer: Cory PetitEditor: Xander JaroweyPublisher: MARVEL COMICS (July 2015)The 411: Havok, Wolfsbane and the Press Gang decided to attack the home of the X-Men, X-City. We come to find out that Beast bringing time lost X-Men wasn't just done in All New X-Men, but here as well … as he brought Wolverine, Banshee and Thunderbird from the past to the present. Rachel and Beast lament on the attack as Havok and his team do their best to take Triage from X-City. It is a battle where former friends battle in a vicious battle that claims injuries. Meanwhile, the true purpose of getting Triage is hinted at by our “good” doctor. And then there is a declaration of War. The Good: Guggenheim truly takes the original story and make an interesting new world from it in this tale. We get to know a bit more about the X-Men of this area of Battleworld. Baron Rachel Grey is a compassionate leader, feeling for her

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Fathom: Blue #1

Jun 15, 2015

Fathom Blue # 1 gives a great jump on point for readers. We get to see different Blue adjusting to the world above in their own way and how each of them are different. Avella, Roslan & Arciniega present a vivid, detailed canvas to watch this unfold while Hernandez grips you with smart writing and wonderful characterization. One of the best first issues in Aspen's history.

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Fathom: Blue #2

Jul 26, 2015

We got ourselves an interesting team here. Every character has a unique and distinct voice. The lettering is awesome from Reed as always. The story was solid with great amounts of characterizations and strong development from our cast. Our new Big Bad made one hell of a first impression while we learn more about our crew. The art was superb and Hernandez does his usual keep readers gripped and asking more questions that build upon each other. There definitely seems like there is a lot to come with this book and it is a fun ride.

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Fathom: Blue #5

Nov 20, 2015

The titles fifth issue is a little bit of a mixed bag in terms of art. Nearly half of it looks rushed and rougher than normal, making some of the faces or bodies don't look nearly as good as it normally does. The rest of the art is spectacular. The colors are pretty on point. Hernandez makes sure there is a very heavy sense of tension, dread and choices as our team is faced with their hardest challenges yet. The issue ends with a strong cliffhanger. And while the art isn't as good as normally, it is serviceable.

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Fathom: Blue #6

Feb 21, 2016

Fathom Blue # 6 has a solid story and great reveals that raise the stakes and make the issue thrilling while closing up this chapter of Fathom Blue and the human/Blue conflict. Change is acoming. Hernandez sets it up beautifully here. There is a lot coming and a lot of change acoming. The main plots of the series are tied up well, except for the new ones that Hernandez leaves and it is a solid read, with suspense, wonder and excellent characterizations. The colors were nice threw out the issue. The only problem is that the art wasn't consistent. The harder style started out so well, but this issue is a blaring example of sometimes … things are just done way too fast. Like I said, some of it was really good and some of it was really bad. The art was a rushed, leaving some gems and some rocks that will make readers feel disappointed or frustrated by it.

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Bigfoot: Sword of the Earthman #1

Jan 18, 2016

Bigfoot: Sword of the Earthman # 1 & # 2 is a great throwback of the tales of barbarians and alien worlds, but done well with a modern folktale. Henaman makes it work with giving us an array of threats, an epic hero and a witty sidekick who narrates the whole thing. We get gritty art that shows the dangers of this new world and some interesting looks at the society there. Both issues do a good job with world building while the art creates an outworldly atmosphere of danger, action and suspense. And while there are some panel work that lacks in detail to the point where it looks a bit rushed, the majority of it grabs you and holds on to you.

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Zombie Tramp vs. Vampblade #2

Aug 8, 2015

Zombie Tramp vs. Vampblade # 2 starts to give us a bit more of the main plot while advancing both our protagonists. We get to know more of Vampblade and we get some strong characterization between the pair. The threat definitely seems credible for both of them to work together. The art is pretty good, but the lack of backgrounds vs the amount of backgrounds could take me out of a story if not careful. Otherwise, the art is pretty solid. Sure, this book is not deep and philosophical, but it is doing what it is meant to do " being gory, scary and fun all at the same time.

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Zombie Tramp vs. Vampblade #3

Dec 20, 2015

If you are not a fan of B Horror movies, this book isn't for you. If you don't like satire, you won't like his book. And there is a bit too much shock value for the sheer sake of it. Like majority of it was fine but there was some other parts that was a bit too much. There were reasons for a lot of the gore, but when things went too far "it went to the other side of the world too far. Yet, Martin closes things up well in this final issue. We got a little development with our characters and plot. Also, the pacing was pretty good. It was a fun, disgusting ride. I am not too happy with some of the imagery I seen, but not because it wasn't drawn well. It comes down to personal preference.

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Bolts #1

Jun 2, 2016

Bolts #1 was a very interesting romp into a world of fantasy. Whynot crafts a new world here that has all kinds of dangers while also not being afraid to show us visually the depths of our surroundings. Whynot gives enough to introduce us to the characters, the status quo and our target for the book. Yet, Frank was a bit lack luster at first. While his reactions were authentic, I didn't feel like I could attach myself to him till after he had gotten his body mangled. Otherwise, Frank is an ok guy, just needing a bit more development. The art was sharp and unique. And I do enjoy the feel for the book and characters. And interesting read that can get better from here.

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Bolts #2

Jul 18, 2016

Bolts # 2 has a lot of potential and set up for the story to come. It's got a vast new world for readers and our main character, Frank, to explore. The dialogue is good. The characters feel authentic. And the book is one of the best at being atmospheric as hell. The action is pretty sharp. Yet, there are times where readers can almost see that the characters start phasing into the background. And the fact that one of our main supporting characters is charming but their real name is both a) not seen in the entire 2nd issue and b) not really memorable is a definite problem.The book is coming together like an epic journey, but these problems are taking away from it.

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The Gingerdead Man #1

Feb 25, 2016

The Gingerbread Man # 1 was a good start. The origin story was simple to follow with using normal horror tropes well and in an entertaining ways. The plot was handled well and we do got a good idea of the characters in this first issue. There was just a bit too many puns and while the art was good, it didn't blow me away. The humor is dark and entertaining " but too much in the second half of the issue.

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