4001 A.D.: Warmother #1
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4001 A.D.: Warmother #1

Event\Storyline: 4001 A.D. Writer: Fred Lente Artist: Tomas Giorello Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: August 3, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 9
8.4Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

Witness the battle-scarred debut of Valiant's top-secret new hero! As the war or 4001 A.D. rages, the coming of War Mother starts now in an all-new standalone adventure torn from the pages of the summer's biggest comics event!

In the 41st century, much of the planet has been reduced to a barren wasteland. New Japan orbits the Earth as a floating oasis that towers over the ashes of the old world. The survivors of this desolate new age, robbed of the planet's once-lush natural resources, must endure great hardships to survive. Amidst the devastation, one outpost of scientific knowledge has thrived by adhering to a strict code of isolat more

  • 10
    All-Comic - Amy Okamoto Aug 2, 2016

    4001 A.D. War Mother #1 should be on everyones required reading list, regardless of if you are reading the summer event. Van Lente and team have gifted us with a terrific new hero. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Holden Copeland Aug 4, 2016

    Overall this issue was a great set up for more things to come and establishes War Mother as a cool and competent female lead character. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Aug 1, 2016

    4001 A.D.: Warmother #1 builds a rock-solid case for more of the character with the world she inhabits, the setting of the Grove and the dynamic between her and Flaco. This world is rich with potential ranging from her history to the history of the Grove as well as all that exists outside of the Grove. The story flows at a good pace, and the artwork adds to the level of enjoyment easily. I do wish more explanation was given about the different species but I also know some of that would be better covered in a series as opposed to a one-shot issue. So if this was just meant to be an introduction to the character then I'm definitely on board for more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    FanboyNation - Lowell Newton Aug 1, 2016

    Overall we have a brand new character and story, that I believes a chance. I recommend the book, and I enjoyed the characters thoroughly. In fact buy two, one for yourself and one for someone looking to get into comic books. This is a great entry point. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dylan Hicks Aug 5, 2016

    Which actually can be said about this book as a whole. Like all of the other one-shot tie-ins for this event, War Mother could have easily stood on its own. Fred's world-building, dialogue, and story were incredible. Along with Tomas and Brian's gorgeous artwork. Valiant does it yet again with another stellar tie-in to this summer's best event. 4001A.D. Definitely a buy for me. 4.5 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Aug 5, 2016

    If War Mother is the future of Valiant, then based on this comic, the future is incredibly bright. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Aug 9, 2016

    There is such a strong feeling of hope, power and joy at the end of this issue. It makes me crave more War Mother. If you need more she is yout may want to check outValiant's event from last summer, Book of Death. It's only a cameo, but I'm looking for all the War Mother available, right now!Hopefully, Valiant capitalizes on this strong figure and pushes ahead with future issues or the full series that Ana deserves. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Jason Laframboise Aug 3, 2016

    Like everything from this summer event 4001 AD, War Mother was a good read that introduced some cool new concepts. I recommend reading this one, and for what it's worth the person working behind the counter at my local comic book shop said that this was a hot book and was probably going to sell out. Hopefully this is a great seller for Valiant and we get more of the character. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Aug 3, 2016

    “War Mother” #1 is an excellent one shot with a ton of potential going forward. The story is great, the art is fantastic and it doesn't bog itself down with the rest of the event too much. It would be a shame to let this character go away after this event is over. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Aug 2, 2016

    A really cool pilot for more stories with a fun protagonist. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Aug 3, 2016

    Valiant has made an impressive pilot issue for Ana as the War Mother. It has the potential to become a flagship title if given the chance. As an engaging and exciting one-shot, 'War Mother' is definitely a must-buy. We have our fingers crossed that we'll see Ana again. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Plug - Tanya Ruiter Aug 7, 2016

    A solid start to the series, but has a lot of information in a short book. The following books will likely explain more of the outside world and fill in the blanks left. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - J. Luis Aug 7, 2016

    The coloring helped me a lot to get into the reading despite the uneven pacing of the writing. It's not that the story is bad, is just a kind of weak beginning supported that happens to be supported by great art, and that's okay for me right now. I'll be patiently waiting for the next issue, as this really woke up my curiosity and I'd like to see what happens next in this world Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Aug 4, 2016

    While the War Mother doesn't quite earn the obvious comparisons to Imperator Furisosa quite yet, 4001 A.D.: War Mother #1 is a solid debut for Valiant Entertainment's newest heroine. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Daniel Gehen Aug 6, 2016

    With 4001 A.D.: War Mother #1, Valiant appears to have finally found their Turok replacement, as those Gold Key characters are likely never returning to this universe. And that's perfectly fine, as War Mother and her world are at first glance more interesting than the former. Though the issue itself is rather simplistic in its storytelling, it lays the necessary groundwork for a character that has the potential to be the most interesting of any offered by Valiant thus far. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Aug 4, 2016

    Whether or not there's more to the character beyond her seeming one-off usage, artist Tomas Giorello does well in putting her to use. His strong sense of movement, particularly when combined with Brian Reber's vibrant backdrops, establishes Ana as a tactile and formidable combatant, and one we hope to see more of in the future, hers and ours. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Aug 3, 2016

    4001 A.D. War Mother # 1 was a wonderful “pilot” for an exciting new character in a brave, unique new world. Van Lente took the 4001 A.D. concept and made a section of it truly his own with a strong lead that's compelling and fully realized. War Mother has an outstanding first showing, grabbing readers and making them want more. Giorello's art is stunning, with the exception of faces on some panels, creating an incredible body of work for War Mother's first appearance. Reber's color is fantastic, making Giorello's art truly come to life. Van Lente ends the issue open ended, allowing for more tales of War Mother to come. And while it does not really connect with the main 4001 A.D. event, it makes a strong one shot for a new character for Valiant. One they need to revisit and a strong first issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Bounding Into Comics - Elliott Cole Aug 2, 2016

    4001 A.D.: War Mother #1 is mediocrity incarnate. If you want to collect every Valiant book, or every 4001 A.D. issue then you aren't getting something terrible here, you just aren't getting something memorable either. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Wolf Warner Aug 4, 2016

    Valiant... You finally got me!! What an opening act. War Mother is a great jumping on point if you are not familiar with Valiants 4001 AD Event. Her character is hard bodied but shows morality at the same time!!! Plus The ART IS INCREDIBLE.
    What a great intro to what will prove to be a surprise hit! I'm going in on this first arc. Fo Sho!!

  • 6.0
    Gizmo Aug 16, 2016

    Good for about as much as you can expect to accomplish in a one-shot like this. The art gets a little gnarly in places, like any time we see Furiosa- I mean, War Mother's family. Her family is hideous and I kind of want them to die. I'm also not understanding how she is transporting the debris she's scavenged, does she have some kind of Pym pocket that she's not telling us about? Without a system to transport these materials, this whole concept of a solo scavenger falls on its face. I like this talking gun thing, it's like something out of Rogue Trooper. I can't say I like the kid that she rescues, but I guess that's the point, War Mother values life so much that she is willing to risk everything, even for the douchiest of children.

  • 6.0
    Nightmare of Solomon Aug 7, 2016

    This is the first valiant title in a while that after reading the first issue failed to grab me. It's solid on a technical level, but the story just failed to grab me.

  • 9.0
    Stefan Emi Apr 17, 2021

  • 8.5
    Mundus0080 Nov 20, 2016

  • 8.5
    DXO Aug 13, 2016

  • 7.5
    Ronin Jan 7, 2020

  • 7.5
    CraigR Aug 4, 2016

  • 7.0
    W_himself Aug 10, 2016

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