Stargate Pioneer's Profile

Joined: Sep 07, 2016

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All-New All-Different Avengers #14

Sep 7, 2016

This was a great issue to me. It was well written and dealt with the Civil War II crisis again from afar and what a tragedy it really is. The Wasps bonding was amazing to watch. This series continues to deliver great content from the mysterious Vision future mission last issue to the Wasps this issue. All the while wondering just how much like Hank Pym is his daughter going to be?

Aquaman (2016) #6

Sep 8, 2016

I might have even gone higher in my rating than a 9. This was Aquaman putting his stake in the ground and holding his own against Big Blue. He continues to state how others perceive him (both int he comic and for the reader simultaneously) while directing and leading like a true King. I loved some of the one-liners in this issue and have been overall pleased (surprisingly so) with the series. This was my favorite issue of the series and the series remains safely in my pull list. Could it be that I'm watching DC resurrect Aquaman from the laughing joke we've all perceived him as? I think so. Kudos Abnett, Walker and Hennessy!

Daredevil (2015) #11

Sep 7, 2016

I've not been the biggest fan of this series to date. However this issue struck gold for me. IT was the Matt Murdock and Daredevil that I personally expect. His relationship with Foggy returning to the series couldn't have come at a better time. The story was both grounded in the day to day activity of New York, blended in with the current world-wide terrigen mist crisis and the superhero mystery that we know will lead somewhere amazing. I almost dropped this series but glad I didn't and was able to pick up this issue and read it and enjoy it.

Green Arrow (2016) #6

Sep 8, 2016

As Oliver Queen faces Lian Yu again this issue turns the reader back towards Emi and her current trails while engaging the CW Arrow television show trope of using flashbacks to bring Emi and Oliver Queen back together again. The writing in this issue was engaging and the art of Stephen Byrne captures the character likeness within the scope of the previous issues in the run. I was captivated throughout, impressed, intrigued and I am now anticipating the next issue whether it is focused on Oliver or Emi or both Queen half siblings. This issue continues the deliciousness I experienced during the Green Arrow Rebirth One Shot. This series definitely continues to be on my pull list.

Green Lanterns #6

Sep 25, 2016

This issue is perhaps the strongest in the series with Simon and Jessica really taking off as a Superhero Team. The Rage of the last few issues is addressed both in terms of combating it and what it was really for. Plus the two finally meet the little Blue Man and figure out what he's up to. I do question where this story falls in relation to Justice League (especially with what Bleez is up to) as I'm having a difficult time reconciling the two story timelines. But hey. It's comics. And this sort of stuff happens all the time. This is a real solid issue and is keeping me engaged to read the next issue where other Rebirth titles have already lost my interest.

Invincible Iron Man (2015) #13

Sep 7, 2016

This series has been one of the All-New All-Different Marvel Universe stand-outs for me. It's one of the book that I HAVE to read before I go to sleep at night after picking up the book on my way home from the comic book store. The way Marvel has treated the death of Rhodey was almost as something that didn't really matter and made me think that James Rhodes was going to return to action soon after being exposed for being a Life Model Decoy or something. However this specific issue among all the rest hit home to be that War Machine was down for good. And that made this issue emotional. The ongoing Doom saga was dealt with appropriately as that story continues and Tony Stark closes yet another door to romance. As the series comes to an end soon, this issue felt right as it started to prepare me for what's ultimately to come as Civil War II and all of its ramifications comes to an end.

Justice League (2016) #4

Sep 8, 2016

I'm enjoying this issue with quick cuts between the superheros current place and status and the rapid paced action. This series remains solidly in my pull list and I'm enjoying the mysteries slowly being revealed that effect the entire team. While the mortal perils are mitigated by the fact all of the characters have their own series so that we know nothing will happen to them, the joy is in seeing how they prevent world-wide disaster and save humanity and I'm enjoying that journey.

Justice League (2016) #5

Sep 25, 2016

I enjoyed seeing the team work together. There were a LOT of unanswered questions but seeing the Justice League members trying to work everything out without knowing what they were up against was something an everyday person would do, and it humanized the League to me. Plus it left a ton of doors open for the future. Although it does seem like the Earth took a heck of a beating with Trillion of dollar in damage and countless lives loss. It seems to me that DC will have a hard time extrapolating these effects into their other titles. Despite this issue's shortcomings I'm still intrigued with this series and it continues to remain in my pull list.

Squadron Supreme (2015) #11  
Trinity (2016) #1

Sep 25, 2016

This was a great title to bring back the reason for Rebirth. What exactly is going on? There's something not right with what happened and these three (and Flash and Hal Jordan, etc) need answers. What a great companion to Justice League and hopefully will brng about more of the foundation Rebirth story and answers that we were all hoping for when Rebirth launched.

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