• It's the end of an era as the events of Civil War II come right to Tony Stark's front door. Could this be the end of Iron Man as we know him?
Rated T+
Invincible Iron Man #13 is an emotionally charged issue that uses pace and dialogue to put you inside Tony Stark's head. Read Full Review
Bendis has gotten back to the basic tenets that have made this book soar during its high times. A very personal, intimate issue with gorgeous pencils. Read Full Review
What a shame. With this creative team, this book should be flying high - not grounded under the weight of silly storylines. Read Full Review
This is kind of a quiet issue, but at least it promises to go somewhere entertaining. The break-up with Amara was disappointing, but not unexpected. Is this really her end? Or did Bendis have some bigger plans for her, only to have them waylaid by who knows what. I couldn't say, but he gives her a boring, paltry exit if this is indeed her end. She's much cooler as Doctor Doom's protege than as Tony Stark's girlfriend. But at least some of the comic holds up. Bendis writes some fine flashbacks with Tony and Rhodey, and seeing him grieve is a pretty strong moment. But it's the frenemy rivalry between Tony and Doom that is most entertaining and interesting. Read Full Review
Overall, I really enjoyed this issue. It got me excited for the next issue and brought me into the story going on. While it was a little hamfisted with Tony's emotional state at the moment, I can understand that it's all to get everyone up to speed. The only real glaring issue with this issue (teehee) is the art. The art threw me off... the faces come off weird and it seems under detailed. The art doesn't bring the issue down that much though and I still enjoyed the issue. Read Full Review
This Civil War II tie-in feels a bit dated as its main purpose is to say good-bye to Rhodey. While this is handled with poignancy in Bendis's script, it does feel a bit redundant given the rest of the Marvel universe has already moved on from the events of Civil War II #1. Read Full Review
Hopefully Issue #14 picks up the pieces left in Issue #12 and pushes the plot forward. This issue did evoke some emotion but we fear it's a little too late, the impact of Rhodey's death has been lessened by the long period of time we've known about it. Read Full Review
Now that people have discovered Tony Stark is in fact alive it has left a lot of stockholders happy but Tonys girlfriend Amara rather peeved. Their exchange was disappointing on both an execution and character standpoint. It caused Amara to look small and petty. This is a man dealing with the death of his friend and someone she knew well beforehand was a superhero. As character she was crafted as someone who would better understand his actions and the reason he did what he did. Besides being clich at this point we are well beyond the jilted lover feeling angry due to being caught out of the loop. Both characters seem smart enough to understand the situation at hand and what had to be done. Read Full Review