Dadinho's Profile

Joined: Sep 18, 2019

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Dadinho reviewed Spider-Man #1 Sep 18, 2019

i didn't even read it, I just created an account and came here dislike it because of the marketing that made me hope we would have a Spider man 4 movie.

Spider-Man #1

By: J. J. Abrams, Sara Pichelli
Released: Sep 18, 2019

The most shocking and incredible comic of 2019 is here as J.J. ABRAMS (STAR WARS, STAR TREK, SUPER 8) and his son HENRY ABRAMS are joined by superstar artist SARA PICHELLI (MILES MORALES, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY) team up for SPIDER-MAN! What do they have planned for Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson?! Who is Cadaverous?! The...

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Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln - Sep 19, 2019

Poor JJ Abrams. He will be very depressed. In all seriousness though, yeah you shouldn't have done this. For the people who use this site for what it is for, it is bad for them. You could at least edit it to a 5 so it doesn't tank the user score based on non-review.

TotyGamer - Apr 19, 2020

I haven't read it too but I gave a "10" to compensate the score.

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SnakeWilson reviewed Spider-Man #1 Sep 18, 2019

did not like this, not only because some story decisions are bad, but also because the marketing for this made me think marvel would make spider man 4 in comic form
and i will never forgive them for that..

Spider-Man #1

By: J. J. Abrams, Sara Pichelli
Released: Sep 18, 2019

The most shocking and incredible comic of 2019 is here as J.J. ABRAMS (STAR WARS, STAR TREK, SUPER 8) and his son HENRY ABRAMS are joined by superstar artist SARA PICHELLI (MILES MORALES, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY) team up for SPIDER-MAN! What do they have planned for Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson?! Who is Cadaverous?! The...

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Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln - Sep 19, 2019

I would have so loved a comic adaptation of Spider-man 4. Hopefully now that Sony has the rights back they will give us the real deal, but that still sounds practically impossible even though everyone would be willing to do it. Hollywood.

Psycamorean - Sep 19, 2019

Alex Ross didn't lie to you. The comic book newssites made a connection that wasn't actually there. Get over it and review the book based on what actually matters.

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