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Joined: Jun 08, 2015

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Vancha rated Unfollow #10 Dec 24, 2016

Unfollow #10

By: Rob Williams, Michael Dowling
Released: Aug 3, 2016

Factions form as the 140 hunker down on a heavily armed island or behind sanctuary walls.  But the number continues to drop.  Can money truly buy protection? And if your mad messiah finally loses his will anyone be able to tell? Unfollow is being praised for having some of the most complex and interesting characters on the shelves to...

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Vancha reviewed Titans #1 Sep 10, 2016

Brett Booth's art here is hammed up to 11. I'm not sure what the deal is, but his portrayal makes pedestrian lines and normal actions come across as supreme comic book cheesiness. That said, while I'm typically a fan of Dan Abnett, there's plenty of dialogue here which stands by itself as physically painful to read - Roy's opening up to Donna being a prime example.

Titans #1

By: Dan Abnett, Brett Booth
Released: Jul 27, 2016

After an old ally returns to the team, the Titans set their sights on a dangerous enemy with the power to change reality itself! But the Titans have never faced a threat this massive before, and with so much on the line, will they be able to stand united as a team? Or will their past mistakes be their undoing?

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EggMath reviewed Flash #3 Aug 14, 2016

Dumb cliffhangar.

Flash #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE" Chapter Three: In issue #3, dozens of innocent people mysteriously gain super-speed! But not all are heroic, and it'll take everything The Flash and August have to harness the lightning before Black Hole does.

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This was far better than I thought a Lobdell book had any business being. A genuinely solid and enjoyable issue that stands on its own. I'd like to believe we could get an entire Red Hood run of this quality, but I know better than to get my hopes up.

Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1

By: Scott Lobdell, Dexter Soy
Released: Jul 27, 2016

When a shocking encounter with Batman solidifies the Red Hood's status as a villain, Jason Todd goes deep undercover to take down Gotham City's criminal underworld from the inside. Along the way, Jason meets two unlikely allies: a disgraced Amazon warrior named Artemis and a half-baked Superman clone called Bizarro-and the DCU's "Dark Trinity" is b...

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Vancha reviewed Batgirl #1 Aug 20, 2016

"I wish I could call Frankie ... No, Babs! Burnside is the past!" I'm taking that as a message from Hope Larson and it's music to my ears. There's still some issues here, but it's already so much better than the last run it's hard to complain. I only hope Larson continues to transition back to the Batgirl of Gotham.

Batgirl #1

By: Hope Larson, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"Beyond Burnside" Chapter One: The Batgirl you know and love is going global with Eisner Award-winning and New York Times best-selling writer Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time, Goldie Vance) and all-star artist Rafael Albuquerque (AMERICAN VAMPIRE). In order to up her game, Babs travels to Japan on a quest to train with the most elite modern combat ma...

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Vancha reviewed Hellblazer: Rebirth #1 Aug 16, 2016

Genuinely surprised to find out Simon Oliver is British after "init she" from the cab driver. The dialogue is as heavy-handed as Constantine's characterization. I'm not confident that Constantine is in good hands if this is anything to go by.

Hellblazer: Rebirth #1

By: Simon Oliver, Moritat
Released: Jul 20, 2016

John Constantine's lost weekend in New York City was fun, but London's where his heart is-only a pissed-off demon and a curse on his soul stand in his way. Even Constantine's questionable ethics are pushed to the limit when he puts eight million souls on the line to get what he wants....

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Vancha reviewed New Suicide Squad #22 Aug 4, 2016

This is the Harley I like.

New Suicide Squad #22

By: Tim Seeley, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Jul 20, 2016

Delve, if you dare, into the twisted mind of Harley Quinn as she wrestles with her past and questions her future in the mind-bending finale of NEW SUICIDE SQUAD.

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Vancha reviewed Green Lanterns #3 Jul 31, 2016

Bleez manages to be more compelling in one issue than either of the protagonists have been in three. The only problem is we know Bleez. This is the same Bleez we've been reading about for the past 5 years, but all her character development seems to have been thrown out. If it was a memory-wiped Bleez or alternate-universe Bleez it'd be fine, but I can't reconcile treating a character I've already more

Green Lanterns #3

By: Sam Humphries, Jay Leisten
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"RAGE PLANET" Chapter Three: In issue #3, Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz are trapped in the bloody and monstrous Rage Tower with their rings drained. Now, they must work together if they're going to escape. Can the new protectors of Earth find common ground-or are they doomed to give in to the anger that's growing between them?

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Vancha reviewed Green Arrow #3 Jul 30, 2016

It gets an extra point simply because I love Ferreyra's art, but I'm not enjoying this. I don't buy Emiko's face-heel turn at all. We're three issues in an Dinah is already one of the two most important people to GA? I think not. I'm assuming this is all built on pre-52 narrative, because Percy's spent no time giving me reason to invest in anyone or anything going on here, as if I'm meant to care more

Green Arrow #3

By: Ben Percy, Juan Ferreyra
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN" Chapter Three: In #3, Green Arrow's enemies learn he is still alive when the Emerald Archer-now Emerald Outlaw-breaks into Queen Industries to learn why his entire world has betrayed him. But the deadly assassin Shado-formerly Oliver's ally-is dispatched to finish him before he gets too close to the shocking tru...

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WhistleBlower reviewed Green Arrow #3 Jul 20, 2016

A dull issue with god awful narration. There is very little logic in character attitudes, and the series continues to take a "tell, don't show" approach to the Oliver/Dinah relationship. Only propped up by Ferreyra's excellent art. Safe to say this is one of the worse Rebirth series.

Green Arrow #3

By: Ben Percy, Juan Ferreyra
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN" Chapter Three: In #3, Green Arrow's enemies learn he is still alive when the Emerald Archer-now Emerald Outlaw-breaks into Queen Industries to learn why his entire world has betrayed him. But the deadly assassin Shado-formerly Oliver's ally-is dispatched to finish him before he gets too close to the shocking tru...

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Vancha reviewed Clean Room #10 Jul 29, 2016

It's not often that writing of this level can get upstaged by the art, but god damn. I don't recall ever finding a comic quite so revolting. It's wonderful.

Clean Room #10

By: Gail Simone, Jon Davis-Hunt
Released: Jul 20, 2016

The terror multiplies as Astrid and Chloe face an unfathomable betrayal, and the ultimate force of unknowable darkness steps from our nightmares into public awareness!  

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It's a giant leap forward from Burnside, but I'm wary of how much seems to have survived considering how much Rebirth seemed to be willing to throw out and correct in other series. Barbara's far less insufferable here, but still not back to her old self. Her terrible outfit and Frankie's existence also seem to have survived, along with Dinah's terrible stint as a rock star. Still, Benson and Benso more

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

By: Shawna Benson, Claire Roe
Released: Jul 20, 2016

"WHO IS ORACLE" Chapter One: Batgirl and Black Canary are together again, working a case that strikes right at the heart of their partnership! Someone's uncovered the greatest secret Barbara Gordon ever kept: her time as Oracle, the most powerful hacker on the planet. And not only do they know her secret, they're using her name to sell dangerous in...

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Vancha reviewed The Dark and Bloody #6 Jul 25, 2016

All too often a good story either lacks a good ending, or a good ending is wasted on an undeserving story, but my thanks go out to Aldridge for managing to deliver us both in a solid final issue.

The Dark and Bloody #6

By: Shawn Aldridge, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jul 13, 2016

All that fear and dread you've been feeling while reading this series? It's all been building to this, the final showdown between one man and the girl who has come seeking revenge. Iris must not only confront Ayah and the brutal past they both share, but who he is deep down. Is it possible he could save his family from retribution and yet not save ...

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Vancha rated Bloodlines #4 Jul 19, 2016

Bloodlines #4

By: J. T. Krul, V Kenneth Marion
Released: Jul 6, 2016

It's carnage on the 50-yard line! As Eddie, Albert, and Dana try to deal with the enemy aliens gestating in their bodies, a more immediate threat strikes during the high school football game. Now is the time in BLOODLINES when the monsters come out to play.

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The art was good for both stories, and Deadshot's half ended so well, but Katana's just wasn't of the same calibre.

Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana #6

By: Mike W. Barr, Diogenes Neves
Released: Jun 22, 2016

Kobra put the fate of the Earth at risk-and now he wants Katana and the Squad to work beside him to clean up his mistakes. As the fight on his ark heats up, they'll all need to decide what is most important!

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Vancha reviewed Robin: Son of Batman #13 Jul 15, 2016

I'd say it went out on a strong note. I wouldn't be surprised if Suren is lost to obscurity after this, but I hope Maya figures in Damien's future adventures once in a while.

Robin: Son of Batman #13

By: Ray Fawkes, Ramon Bachs
Released: Jun 22, 2016

The series conclusion to Damian Wayne's quest for atonement! In the wake of a victory, Damian, Maya and Goliath discover that there is still one enemy left to vanquish-the most terrible of all. Only together, and with the help of unlikely allies, will they be able to save humanity from destruction...but will they all survive this final battle?  

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Vancha reviewed Deathstroke #19 Jul 14, 2016

Some great examples of awful dialogue in here.

Deathstroke #19

By: James Bonny, Paolo Pantalena
Released: Jun 22, 2016

With the life of his daughter Rose hanging in the balance, Slade Wilson is forced into a tense alliance with Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins. And before he can carry out his vendetta against Victor Ruiz and his mercenary army, Slade must first engage in a violent rematch with his latest deadly foes, Lawman and Snakebite. Can Deathstroke su...

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Vancha rated Cyborg #12 Jul 13, 2016

Cyborg #12

By: Marv Wolfman, Felipe Watanabe
Released: Jun 22, 2016

S.T.A.R. Labs is invaded by brother and sister super-villains seeking revenge for the suicide of their father. Cyborg is the only one who can stop them, but he's in the middle of a firmware upgrade from the events of last issue.

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Vancha reviewed Swamp Thing #6 Jul 12, 2016

Made me miss the supernatural elements of the DCU, but felt like something from decades ago.

Swamp Thing #6

By: Len Wein, Kelley Jones
Released: Jun 15, 2016

The stunning conclusion to Len Wein and Kelley Jones' smash-hit miniseries! The fate of his home hinges on Alec Holland and his allies as shocking information is revealed about his friend-turned-foe Matt Cable.

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Vancha rated Green Lanterns #1 Jul 11, 2016

Green Lanterns #1

By: Sam Humphries, Robson Rocha
Released: Jun 15, 2016

"RED PLANET" chapter one
New Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz promised to protect others in brightest day or blackest night, but as "Red Planet" begins to rise, the partners find themselves confronted with a unimaginable threat from Bleez and the Red Lanterns!
THEY SAID IT: "I am psyched for GREEN LANTERNS!" says writer Sam Humphries. "M...

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Vancha reviewed Green Arrow #2 Jul 11, 2016

Again, things occur at a million miles an hour. He's dead. Everyone knows. He's alive. He's recovered. Everything's gone. All while acting as though Ollie and Dinah - who in this
incarnation have known each other for 5 seconds - are the GA and BC of olde. The transition from where Green Arrow as a series has been to where Ben Percy seems to see it going feels as rushed, clumsy and badly-done more

Green Arrow #2

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schmidt
Released: Jul 6, 2016

"THE DEATH AND LIFE OF OLIVER QUEEN" Chapter Two: In #2, Green Arrow is betrayed, broken and left for dead. He wakes up in a world where the once-wealthy Oliver Queen has no resources and only the faintest clue what's happened to him. Meanwhile, in a distant land, an old ally begins a quest to help the Emerald Archer in his darkest hour.

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Vancha reviewed Green Arrow #1 Jul 11, 2016

Some interesting ideas, but everything feels so, so rushed. Ollie and Dinah seem to go from
flirting to "needing space" via some kind of relationship in the space of 5 pages, not to mention the ending...

Green Arrow #1

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schmidt
Released: Jun 15, 2016

As Oliver struggles with how he can fight "the man" when his huge fortune makes him the man, he and Black Canary uncover a deadly new threat to Seattle that cuts the Archer to the bone.
THEY SAID IT: "My touchstones are [former GA writers] Dennis O'Neil and Mike Grell, while trying to make th...

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Vancha reviewed Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 Jul 10, 2016

I sincerely hope Azzarello's run won't simply get undone. It's bad enough that we've gone back to the dominatrix-style corset and miniskirt.

Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

By: Greg Rucka, Matthew Clark
Released: Jun 8, 2016

After suffering an unimaginable loss, Wonder Woman must rebuild her mission as Earth's ultimate protector and champion.
DON'T MISS: New York Times best selling writer Greg Rucka returns to Wonder Woman with a tale that will forever alter the DC icon.

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Vancha rated Wacky Raceland #1 Jul 10, 2016

Wacky Raceland #1

By: Ken Pontac, Leonardo Manco
Released: Jun 8, 2016

The world has ended, but the race has just begun! Penelope Pitstop, Peter Perfect and the rest of the Wacky Racers vie for the finish line in a contest where the winner takes all and second place is death. Today's trial: the shattered maze of freeways known as the Überpass, where they're beset by giant sand beasts, mutated insects, and worst of al...

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Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #6

By: Tom Taylor, Jack Herbert
Released: Jun 8, 2016

Out of options, the Green Lantern Corps watch helplessly as the universe begins to die and decompose around them. Will the emerald heroes find their way back from the edge of oblivion?

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Vancha rated Secret Six #14 Jun 29, 2016

Secret Six #14

By: Gail Simone, Tom Derenick
Released: May 25, 2016

It's a big turning point for the Secret Six and all of their friends are attending the party. It's Strix versus Shiva! The Six versus the League of Assassins! The return of a beloved DC hero! All this and scrambled eggs too, in this funky, freaky issue.

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Vancha rated Superman: American Alien #7 Jun 24, 2016

Superman: American Alien #7

By: Max Landis, Jock
Released: May 18, 2016

After a massive explosion rocks downtown Metropolis, Clark finds himself face-to-face with a white-skinned alien riding a flying motorcycle-and the eyes of the world are all on this so-called Superman! But when Clark's attempt at reason fails and the bounty hunter reveals some unpleasant truths about Clark's own alien origin, a brutal showdown begi...

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Vancha rated Sinestro #23 Jun 23, 2016

Sinestro #23

By: Cullen Bunn, Martin Coccolo
Released: May 18, 2016

Soranik Natu is now in command of the most powerful-and most dangerous-police force in the universe! But with murderous traitors in the ranks, vengeance-hungry Red Lanterns spreading through the depths of space, and her father, Sinestro, trying to guide her hand, will she be able to maintain control? Or will she crack under the pressure?

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Vancha rated Martian Manhunter #12 Jun 23, 2016

Martian Manhunter #12

By: Rob Williams, Ben Oliver
Released: May 18, 2016

With the Living Mars and Earth only minutes away from an apocalyptic collision, the epic story of J'onn J'onzz takes a shocking turn that will change the course of the Manhunter's life forever.

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Vancha rated Clean Room #8 Jun 22, 2016

Clean Room #8

By: Gail Simone, Jon Davis-Hunt
Released: May 18, 2016

Shocking news comes from on high concerning the seemingly indestructible Astrid Mueller...and Chloe meets with Detective Avil Demakos as they dig deeper into the deadly mysteries of the Clean Room. The second arc of this hit series starts with a bang.

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