i never saw the Charm in Cloonan's art either. it's just very basic and not very exciting to look at.
Clark is a comic book fan just like you, and his favorite title is Doom Patrol! But Clark's fandom is put to the test when he literally falls into the reality of the world's weirdest superheroes, where he must team up with long-lost Doom Patrol heroine Dorothy Spinner in her first appearance in more than a decade!
A complete breath of fresh air for the comic market, as this series moves forward, each new issue delivers a unique flavor and new look on the team and their surrounding mythos. While advertised for adults, this chapter is new reader-friendly, as the writers use Clark to fill in the gaps for fans. After such a spectacular issue, Cloonan, Conrad, and Bonvillain would be remiss if they were not to return again. Read Full Review
After reading Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds, you will feel better. You will feel a little happier, a little lighter- you will feel that the “weight” has been lifted. It's possibly the only comic that is actually “good” for you. And, I mean that in a mental/ emotional way. It's not all unicorns and sunshine, but it manages to put things in the proper perspective. Gerard Way and Jeremy Lambert have taken this issue off, but Becky Cloonan and Michael Conrad make the transition seamless. Plus, it pulls in nostalgic elements and references to creators of the past that are probably worth checking out already if you haven't. I can't say exactly what it is, but I feel like “Clark” is a young Gerard Way. No proof, just a feeling. It is unlike any other series I can think of. Read Full Review
The ending is just plain strange and wonderful. Cloonan just brings it home. She is an excellent artist and a fantastic writer. It is simply a joy to read this issue. It is a little slight, but that's okay. I enjoyed it from start to finish. Read Full Review
Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #5 is a powerful one-shot story that feels like a love letter to all things Doom Patrol. Don't miss this book. Read Full Review
Becky Cloonan's art perfectly captures the fun, funny and irreverent nature of this issue and its story. Read Full Review
It's ultimately a nice, but forgettable, installment. Read Full Review
I'm not sure how this run is coming together as a whole, but this issue does a good job of celebrating the franchise's fans. Read Full Review
I honestly have no idea what is happening here and I couldn't be happier. Read Full Review
Although Weight of the Worlds has kept fresh because of its constant story and creative changes, this issue marks a major backfire in that shambolic strategy. #5 is stiflingly self-indulgent and congratulatory. Read Full Review