Alias #21

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley, Michael Gaydos Publisher: Marvel Max Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 11
6.0Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Jessica continues to dig deeper into the disappearance of Mattie Franklin, the young Spider-Woman who invaded her home in this conclusion of "THE UNDERNEATH". But when an unexpected player also takes interest in the case, Jessica is in for the shock of her life!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 12, 2003

    A rather abrupt finish to this story, as the rescue of Mattie Franklin is handled with relatively few complications, with the notable exception of Speedball's rather amusing contribution to the action. Still, Jessica does get a chance to show what she can do, as we do get a fairly solid display of her ability to fight the good fight when called upon, and one has to love the rather unique attack that she finally employs to take down her opponent. On the other hand after five issues of buildup this issue does comes across as a bit anticlimactic, as the villains don't really mount much of a challenge, and while her leap from building to building was an impressive moment, it simply wasn't enough to make one forget how much buildup was spent getting us to this point. Still, as tends to be the case on this book, the issue is redeemed by an enjoyable final sequence, as Jessica & Scott Lang discuss their relationship. Read Full Review

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