Alias #20

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Michael Gaydos Publisher: Marvel Max Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 11
7.0Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

"The Underneath", Parts 5 & 6 (of 6) Jessica continues to dig deeper into the disappearance of Mattie Franklin, the young Spider-Woman who invaded her home in these TWO concluding chapters of "THE UNDERNEATH". But when an unexpected player also takes interest in the case, Jessica is in for the shock of her life!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 12, 2003

    A pretty entertaining issue that nicely benefits from the idea that Jessica Drew is an interesting character, and her interaction with our regular lead is highly engaging. Now I'm sure fans of the character will draw more from this issue, as while I'm aware of all the basic plot elements, such as why Jessica Drew would have reason to dislike the Avengers, I have lost track of the character for the better part of the past decade, so the "out of sight, out of mind" element does somewhat dampen my excitement over this character's return to the Marvel Universe. Still the interaction between these two similar characters resulted in a fairly enjoyable issue, as they discuss their various investigation methods. I also have the give this book full marks for the scene where Marla Jameson discusses her husband and his vendetta against costumed heroes. This is a great character moment for Jonah, and this year has been a particularly impressive year for the character. Plus, a guest-appearance by S Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Mar 8, 2003

    If you havent read the previous four issues in this arc you will be terribly lost. If you have read the last four issues you will be gritting your teeth over the surreal cliffhanger and its guest-star someone so obscure that I doubt he exists as anything more than a footnote in the Marvel Encyclopedia. Despite a boatload of flaws Alias is still the best comic aimed at the adult audience. Bendis on a bad day is still better than just about any other writer in the comics. Read Full Review

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