MAX's super-powered P.I. has another meeting with the man called Cage!
It's become clear that Brian Michael Bendis has figured out his greatest strength as a writer rests in his ability to deliver engaging back and forth exchanges among his characters, as on this book especially he seems quite content to deliver entire issues devoted to these aforementioned conversations. However, when the issue proves to be as enjoyable as this one ended up being, it's difficult to get too concerned by the lack of any real plot. Plus, the two conversations that make up this issue have been nicely set up in the earlier issues, with the Luke Cage situation creating the early buzz for this book, while the Scott Lang blind date has been something that I've been rather looking forward to, thanks largely to the idea that Brian Michael Bendis would be the one writing it. This book isn't for everyone, but I imagine if you've liked what you've seen up to this point, you'll find this issue to be quite enjoyable. Read Full Review
Actually the first really good issue. Only two scenes and all about relationship thing, but it's entertaining and funny. Plus this Doc Ock/Spidey/Johnny scene was so sudden and pointless, that I really liked it. Because... you know... When you read Spider-Man comics, you definitely doesn't think that somewhere near the action two other heroes could be on a date. It makes you think how weird and intertwined marvel world is.
Bendis is showing off his mastery of dialogue. When you think about it, not a single action sequence has taken place in the first 15 issues, yet they were still entertaining thanks to Bendis’ meaningful dialogue between his characters
Another really good stand alone issue. This book really just stands on its own and you don't have to read any other issues before this to enjoy it. The issue is basically composed of two conversations one between Jones and Luke Cage and one between Jones and Scott Lang. Both are great and the art is as great as it has been for the whole series.
Finally something meaningful