Alias #14

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Michael Gaydos Publisher: Marvel Max Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 12
6.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

The conclusion to Jessica's strangest case yet!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 11, 2002

    Another solid issue if all you're looking for Brian Michael Bendis' trademark dialogue, but if you're entering this book hoping for engaging mysteries, or clever plots then you're likely to be a bit disappointed, as Jessica's cases are pretty run-of-the-mill once you're done being led astray by the wealth of red herrings & false leads that Brian Michael Bendis' litters the path with. I mean we've had a political scandal that attempted to tar Captain America as a killer, a Rick Jones wanna be who went missing, and now a teenager who decided to runaway from home. I'm starting to rather dislike the current trend that has writers tailoring their stories so they can be readily collected in trade paperback form, but Brian Michael Bendis is the worst offender, as his stories simply don't pack enough punch plot-wise to justify their expanded lengths. Still, the splendid dialogue does do a great deal to make up for the simple plots. Read Full Review

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