"THE ULTRON AGENDA" continues! Chapter 3: Inner Conflict
While Rhodey and friends fight the robot war topside...
...a literal war rages on INSIDE Tony Stark! It's the Wasp and a remote piloted Nano Iron Man versus a shrunken Ultron/Pym inside Tony's physical body!
Rated T+
The art fluctuates from dynamic to a little muddy, but it doesn't take away from the issue's interesting content. Read Full Review
This exciting comic finds new and interesting ways to keep the story and major themes going. Read Full Review
Tony's world is crumbling around him and it's very entertaining to read. Read Full Review
" This is... So wrong. It is my fault ? Is this the price i pay for wishing to be more... Human ? "
- Jocasta
This is a solid issue, I liked the ending a lot. I'm excited to see where this goes.
Honestly, Machine Man deserves so much better than this.
At least there at the end they come back to my preferred "Pymtron is Ultron pretending to be a man" interpretation.
It was fun but like the rest of the run just not that great. Its always enjoyable but like avengers it feels like its missing something.
Model 4 is so ASS