• This is it! After 58 issues (comics numbering is, dare we say: nuts), an OGN and a whole bunch of both eating nuts AND kicking butts, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl reaches its 50th and final issue!
• When we say "The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl's final issue" though, we mean the *comic book*, not the character. Doreen Green will be fine! She's fine!
• ...OR IS SHE? Because in our previous issue it really seemed like things WEREN'T fine and since it's our last issue maybe we're feeling that since anything COULD happen then anything SHOULD happen!
• There's only one way to find out, and you're look more
Squirrel Girl has been a delight for 50 issues, and thankfully she's going out on a high note. Read Full Review
I am truly and absolutely going to miss this comic. All good things must come to an end, but we need someone like Doreen Green. We don't deserve her, but boy, she's the perfect hero for our times. Here's to all the years of eating nuts and kicking butts. Read Full Review
Thank you, Ryan, Erica, Derek, Rico, and everyone behind "The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl." And thank you, Doreen Green. This comic truly is unbeatable. Read Full Review
How do you say a fitting and entertaining goodbye to the funniest comic book in decades? Just like this. Read Full Review
Some familiar characters make an appearance including a reference to Squirrel Girl making friends with Thanos and then getting him counselling. Again this is something you would get more out of if you were a fan of this series and character already. Read Full Review