Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #3

Writer: Kevin Smith Artist: Terry Dodson Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 9
5.0Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

Spider-Man and Black Cat narrow in on Garrison Klum as Mister Brownstone. Following their suspicion, Felicia decides to surprise Klum at his apartment and finds out his true super-powers...and the reason behind his deadly operation.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 23, 2002

    I'd be lying if I said that the final page of this issue didn't leave me feeling a bit unsettled, as Kevin Smith has come dangerously close to crossing a line that frankly I'm not sure I want to see crossed in the pages of a mainstream comic. I'm also a bit concerned by the rather sloppy way Kevin Smith set up this situation, as with his enhanced strength, reflexes & spider-sense, the remarkably easy takedown simply felt contrived so that Spider-Man wouldn't be on hand when the Black Cat got herself into her terrible situation. However I won't deny that it's that final page that will have me counting the days until the next issue, as it's easily one of the most intense cliffhangers I've come across, and if nothing else this has the potential to forever change the Black Cat as a character. The power that Kevin Smith has given his villain is also pretty clever, though the glowing eyes when he's doing something evil is a bit much. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 18, 2002

    "With great power comes great responsibility." What Spider-Man should have said to the Black Cat was. "Look, I agree with you. The guy is slimier than Man-Thing, but we've got to build evidence so he stays locked up in a nice concrete cell so he can't hurt or kill anybody else. After we get the evidence, we can take turns beating him with his own fist and give what's leftover to the cops." This argument is damn obvious. It's so obvious that it's conspicuous in its absence. Kevin Smith is too good of a writer not to see this argument. Therefore, I'm left with the conclusion that he ignored the argument to direct Black Cat into the attempted rape scene. Because of these artificial means, the ends cannot be justified. The scene must be called into question, and the writer's hands must be slapped. Read Full Review

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