Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #2

Writer: Kevin Smith Artist: Terry Dodson Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 9
8.0Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

The crime fighting pair re-kindle their old flame despite Spider-Man's marital status! During a fight at Carnegie Hall, more speculation is raised about the true identity of Mister Brownstone.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 28, 2002

    The plot takes a noticeable back-seat to the simple idea that Spider-Man & Black Cat are working together on this case, as this issue is far more about the interaction between these two characters, than it is about delivering an engaging plot. So we have plot advancement that shows clear signs of direct manipulation by Kevin Smith as he advances our two heroes through their investigation with such speed that one wonders why he simple didn't have this issue begin with our heroes noticing the victim's phone had caller ID. Still it's hard to pick on this book when it's doing such a great job delivering its most important element, which is the interaction between Spider-Man & the Black Cat. In fact as long as one is willing to accept that Kevin Smith is clearly playing to his strengths as a writer than you should have a grand old time with this issue. It's certainly one of the funniest comics I've seen from Kevin Smith, though I will admit I'm only familiar with his super-hero work (Darede Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Aug 25, 2002

    Given Felecia's choice in either gender partner, her joke about "girl-on-girl action" works on a number of levels. First, it's a purely laugh-out-loud worthy line. Second, it indicates that Felecia is quite comfortable with her bisexuality and hasn't a problem making a joke about her lifestyle choices. Mr. Smith for Spidey gives him the experience of a seasoned super-hero, and he takes the unusual tactic of making him recognized as a hero. Read Full Review

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