This comic turns out really interesting. It blends well the almost satirical with the genuinely sad, while is still so fast-paced. If you stop to think about certain choices, makes i think that a lot can be extracted from what we got here. I try to stay up with what's happening in America. Still, as a non-American citizen, i also try to not talk too much about it, because my life is too far from it to understand everything in all its complexities truly. Still, here it's somewhat unavoidable, so take it with a grain of salt.
I love how this comic paints a picture,as I've said it does it fast, but in the same way there is a merit in this more direct approach. It's obvious that Eaglestar is bad from the start, it's just the way he talks, the way he presents himself and the others, it's meant to be disgustingly obvious, but in the same time, showing a little bit of fake decency, which makes it honestly even more disgusting. like he does not care or even sees the others as his equals to try to be more convincing. That's what Eaglestar is, a corporation that wants to take from the socially weak, wants to use them, but at the same time take from them. But it's also sad because people have hopes, they are so broken they have hopes that what he is selling might be true, but also these people's life is so broken because of the systemic oppression, that they are obligated to agree to the terms even if means selling themselves and being a happy slave. it's amazing how much it's packed in just 2 issues and again how full the picture of how the oligarchy's oppression over the afro-americans works. It's a lot to take, which is why Sam took a backseat for most of it and it raises the question if his dream is attainable or even if his dream is healthy for his community even? looks like this question is on his mind too. The first issue did a great job of characterizing Sam, of showing you with 3 pages what drives him, the dream to fly, for him to fly, and for the others. He is flying but is it possible for everybody? Right now the answer seems to be a no, which makes the future of the series really exciting.
One thing that really turns me off is the art obviously, it looks so so rushed, proportionally is bad, it looks like half baked as hell. the coloring and the compositions are not bad, they do their job, even tho again are not distinct and it does not carry much of range. All this made the reading experience not that stellar, which would bring down the points for me. happily, it does detract much of the story, but just does not add much to it either. more