New Mutants Lethal Legion #5

Writer: Charlie Jane Anders Artist: Enid Balam Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 19, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
6.0Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

DANGER! BATTERY OVERLOAD! The New Mutants' plan to take down Count Nefaria has epically failed, and as a result, he's more powerful than ever! But there's no time for Escapade and her teammates to lick their wounds - Nefaria and his diabolical Lethal Legion have set their sights on a convention center in Midtown New York to make hundreds of humans the Count's personal batteries! Will our ragtag team of well-meaning misfits be able to finally complete the perfect heist and stop Nefaria from gaining almost unlimited power? Find out in this final issue!
Rated T+

  • 8.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Jul 25, 2023

    Honestly...there are probably at least 2-3 more characters than are actually necessary in the ensemble. Theres a core group that seems to be continuing to work well for the team, and the overall run of the series has been pretty good, but theres a big pile-up at the end of the series for the big resolution. It just feels cluttered. The best writers on any mutant team book have always managed to direct the flow of traffic. Anders has done a pretty good job, but things just got congested on the way to the series climax.  Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Jamie Lovett Jul 19, 2023

    New Mutants: Lethal Legion concludes with the same blend of therapy speech and cheesy humor that's defined the series throughout. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CrazyforRAMU Dec 7, 2024

    The villains are foiled, fences are mended, and the girl gets the girl in the big happily ever after ending. It's great--if you're invested in the characters and the story.

    My previous reviews should make it clear I am invested; I love Shela/Escapade. But I'm not so infatuated that I can overlook the storytelling problems that continue into this final issue.

    The art is a clear case of subjective appeal. It'll engage just as many people as it turns off.

    The writing is another matter. Much as I love the content, I'll be the first to admit it could be organized and structured better. It's way too dense, swinging between an over-complicated heist plot and heavy character relationships fast enough to give the re more

  • 7.0
    Psycamorean May 7, 2024

    I overall liked this mini. I want more trans voices in my mutant comics because it really does provide a unique perspective.

  • 5.0
    KittyNone Jul 25, 2023

    I had lots of fun with some parts of this mini, but they don't stick the landing at all. Anders's comics are nowhere near as dependable as her prose, and Enid Balam wildly fails some of the story's key moments — notably an explosion that had moments earlier been described as big enough to level midtown Manhattan doesn't even seem to be large enough to get the characters standing 5 feet away wet. This miniseries was funny and occasionally charming, but ultimately I wanted to like it more than I did. (Great cover though)

  • 3.0
    Out of Gluck Jul 21, 2023

    The best thing about this series was the author's sign-off. She appreciated the chance to write the New Mutants. However, this series was extremely poor, self-indulgent, cringe and cheesy. It did absolutely no favors whatsoever for the New Mutants brand and dragged down the actual three New Mutants characters who were secondary to this book. Cerebella/Escapade/Scout/MorganRed/Galura/Hibbert #NotMyNewMutants

    Recipe for success in a New Mutants book is simple: Cannonball + Mirage + Magik + Sunspot. Bonus for others in the Original 9. But these core four are the most popular and are integral to the brand. Sadly they haven't been together properly since issue #7 of the main title (Hickman).

  • 2.0
    Colleen St. Lucie Jul 19, 2023


  • 10
    Bruno Mael Jul 20, 2023

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