Powerless and lost, Ben and Johnny fight for their survival in the wasteland ruled by ... THE SPIDER. But will the Spider destroy them first...or will the shocking revelations?
Rated T+
MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE #7 is a memorable issue filled with awesome character moments, especially for Dr. Doom. Plus, Chip Zdarsky creates a truly interesting new alternate reality this issue. On top of that, it's got some fantastic art by Ramn K. Prez and Federico Blee, who create a real sickly looking dystopian wasteland. Read Full Review
Now that the introductory story for the new Marvel 2-in-One is over (as of last issue), this universe-hopping business is diverting, but it will be much more interesting when Ben and Johnny return to the prime Marvel Earth and catch up with what's going on over there, especially the Mad Thinker's all-new Fantastic Four. Read Full Review
It is bittersweet to realize that Two-In-One may be approaching a conclusion, but all indications are that it will be one strong conclusion. Read Full Review
Marvel Two-in-One #7 is another good issue from the Chip Zdarsky series. The art is underwhelming in its presentation, but the story holds its own well. Zdarsky continues to present interesting twists on the Marvel we know while delivering heartwarming character moments with Benjamin J. Grimm and Johnny Storm. This one comes with a recommendation. Check it out. Read Full Review
I am loving this series! Zdarsky is doing some fabulous work and paying off on some of the story teasers earlier on in this series (we learn some more about the Mad Thinker also!). The switch-up in artists is probably the biggest downfall of Marvel Two-in-One #7. The art is not bad, just the constant switching is getting a little old with the series only being 7 issues deep. Overall I am truly enjoying this story, and even though I have a general idea of how it will end I still want to see how it gets there! Read Full Review
A great read, and the fact they give you a previous issue summary lends to the enjoyment. I love seeing these old characters thrown into new roles, and can't wait to see where it will end up. Read Full Review
A clunky plot, some unfinished looking art, and a meandering purpose makes this one an easy pass. Read Full Review