Fallen Angels #3

Writer: Bryan Edward Hill Artist: Szymon Kudranski Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 11, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 48
5.4Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

Psylocke's past continues to haunt her as she molds her companions into a fighting force... But can they take on the children of Apoth?
Rated T+

  • 8.2
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 11, 2019

    Kudranski's art is fantastic. I love the way Kudranski renders the charactersm Psylocke especially and I think that minimizing the background details and bathing everything in black made the foreground action pop more and emphasize the characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth Dec 11, 2019

    Fallen Angels #3 is an action-packed little number that brings the team one step closer to their quarry. Bryan Hill does a great job with Kwannon, per usual. Her motivations make perfect sense. The pep talk in the middle of the fight is a little much, besides that, he does a great job here. Szymon Kudranski and Frank DArmata work together nicely. The action scenes are dynamic, and the dark coloring throughout the book sets the stage for the groups descent into Apoths darkness. This isnt the best Dawn Of X book, but its a good character study for Kwannon and an intriguing story nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Watch - Nicholas Osborn Dec 16, 2019

    Fallen Angels #3 loses much of the momentum gained from prior issues at it sets up Apoth for a much larger confrontation in an action-oriented narrative. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Ja-Quan Greene Dec 13, 2019

    I didn't love the issue, partly because it was very much the setup for a huge showdown in the next book. Cable's life is on the line and everything that Psylocke has left is driving her to this moment where God meets mother and machine meets man meets mutant. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Dec 14, 2019

    Fallen Angels is a Psylocke fans dream. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - Dispatchdcu Dec 11, 2019

    This reviewer hates to say it, but if you had to cut an X-book to save money, this may be the one...and this is coming from someone who finds EXCALIBUR a struggle right now. I pride myself on honest reviews and it truly pains me to say that, especially with the respect and admiration I have for Hill and this creative team. With the writer heading to television, it just seems like this book is lost in the shuffle right now. Hopefully, Hill can find a way to pull this story together as it closes and better depict the main characters before its too late. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 11, 2019

    The obtuse nature fo the plot, the philosophical notions, and the inability to pin down these characters makes this a tricky book to read in single-issue format. It might be stronger as a trade since a lot of ideas are being thrown around and may come together better when read in one sitting. I'm not so sure though as the book feels unfinished in many ways. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ryan.L Dec 12, 2019

    Overall this issue shows that the series is suffering from the intense release schedule. It’s rushed and poorly done. What was once one of the better series in ‘Dawn of X’ is now becoming one of the worst. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Aguilar Dec 11, 2019

    Fallen Angels has easily been one of the most intriguing X-Books in the "Dawn of X" era thus far, but unfortunately, #3 really drops the ball. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    411Mania - Jeremy Thomas Dec 12, 2019

    The other part of this series that has lacked, the art, also has itsissues amplified here. Kudranski gets a couple panels of dynamic actionright, but then everything else falls flat. I like Kudranski's work onother books; he was a fantastic fit for his Punisher run withMatthew Rosenberg. Here, he just seems to be completely lost. Cut andpaste art abounds in here, everything is so draped in shadow that themotif has lost its impact, and his facial work is downright terrible ina couple of spots " notably, the last panel of Kwannon that makes herlook like she belongs in some grandmother's creepy doll collection. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Newsarama - Matthew Sibley Dec 13, 2019

    Fallen Angels is a book that started off on the wrong foot and has subsequently stumbled with each following step. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Ebonthorne Dec 11, 2019

    I really like this comic. Reading some of the reviews, I know it isn't for everyone, but I think that's because Hill isn't "spoon feeding" us the typical comic book story. This book is more sophisticated than other Dawn of X titles and does require a bit of patience and faith in Hill's story telling.

    Those looking for easily defined "good" and "bad" characters with expectations of resolution in every SINGLE issue may not have the patience for this story arc. I think that's because each issue isn't being presented as a "Harry Potter" like movie plot with easily recognizable tropes and no need to go beyond the four corners of the issue. Instead, Fallen Angels issues are more like "Lord of the Rings" episodes. Hill expects the reade more

  • 9.5
    EDiakota Dec 15, 2019

    " I am Apoth. I am god. God made by man. To make men as god. So i am lonely. So lonely. Perhaps that is why-- i keep leasing her to me. Psylocke. You are the mother of god. Soon. I will tell you how you created me. Soon you will serve your child. Soon... "
    - APOTH

  • 9.0
    cincyfan Dec 25, 2019

    in the first part of the book there wasn't enough dialog at all for me but the excerpts from the scrolls of exile was absolutely brilliant and the second half was much better

  • 9.0
    Wolf Warner Dec 10, 2019

    Best issue of the run thus far! So Underrated. 5.5?? Hell no!

  • 7.0
    Miracleman92 Apr 5, 2021

    A quick read and not much substance to this chapter. Mostly an action issue but the art makes it hard to understand what's happening sometimes. On the plus side I like Kwannon's mentorship role with Laura. Overall, I can see how this series is one of the poorest received from the Dawn of X line; even if I'm (mostly) liking it.

  • 7.0
    Grifter Dec 11, 2019

    According to Kudranski Cable has a better booty than Psylocke or X-23

  • 6.5
    Rhinoeat May 13, 2021

    Ok now I kinda get the hate

  • 6.5
    M1sf1r3 Dec 11, 2019

    Fallen Angels has so far been my least favourite title of Dawn of X so this issue needs to prove the series to me fast.

    The Good:
    It's starting to make sense why Hill chose Psylocke, X-23 and Cable to create this team.

    The Bad:
    The characters don't make sense considering their past. Laura already knows these lessons.

    Still don't like Kudranski's art.

    Infographics aren't working for me either.

    Fallen Angels better improve soon because my interest continues to wane every issue.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 6.0
    Nathan.Payson Dec 11, 2019

    Writing often feels jumbled and messy. It's not inately bad, it just is more confusing than the book is worth. It can also be hard to tell who's talking on close ups of the eyes and mouth.

  • 5.5
    Dthirds123 Dec 11, 2019

    X-23 and cable being nerfed to maken kiwanna seem better is geting on my nerves, the art got better but had a weird white outline around the characters making them look like stickers.

  • 5.0
    I Review Comics Feb 17, 2021

    Fallen Angels was one of the first real duds in the Dawn of X line of titles. In hindsight, it should have been a red flag to the fanbase. The series is a footnote at this point and has probably been memory-holed unless you spend your restless nights reviewing old comics as I do.

    Before getting into any actual review of the comic it's worth mentioning that the cover has nothing to do with the actual content of the book. I know there are a lot of comics that have bad covers but this one is particularly off because it doesn't give you an idea of what the series is about. It's just one woman looking at another, compelling stuff I know.

    There isn't much going on in this issue aside from the fight between our trio of hero more

  • 5.0
    DrTracy Jan 18, 2020

    Laura says "I don't understand any of this" and between the story, art, and dialogue I second her sentiments. Big swing and a miss for Dawn of X...

  • 5.0
    Hislight Jan 7, 2020

    Weak issue for a struggling series, I can imagine a lot of people on the fence with this series would drop the title after giving this a read. There is no sense of a payoff from this slow cooked story and there is nothing immediately satisfying in any of these issues either. No feels when I read this title despite the fact that children are dying left and right. Nothing ever seems clever or earned and with this being the third issue you would expect to have something to define this series by now. Oh wait we do! How could I forget the terrible cut and paste art of Kudranski, that is what will forever remind me of this series. Despite being drenched in black ink Kudranski has some seriously awful panels with characters who are always feeling more

  • 4.5
    Psycamorean Dec 12, 2019

    The dialogue continues to be stilted; the art continues to fail in storytelling... This is easily the worst book of Dawn of X. I'm really hoping that this one ends soon. I just feel like it's so caught up in... I don't even know how to describe it, but it's most exemplified by the info pages. That was easily the worst part of the comic for me, and I tend to like those pages. That part is pure bore, and it seeps into the rest of the issue, infecting the dialogue. And I don't understand why Bryan Hill is having so much trouble with this one. I read his Batman and the Outsiders and it's not that bad. It is not my favorite book, by any means, but it's better than this. Same goes for his Angel series over at Boom. This book needs a change up or more

  • 3.5
    Str4yK1d Jan 16, 2024

    And this title can only make it worse. In addition to a totally uninteresting story, the art reaches unacceptable levels. It even seems like the people working on this title want it to be canceled.

    First, for the title to make sense, a known villain had to be used who really sent the danger signal. You can't sell Apoth as a god and Kwannon as the mother of someone who is the only one capable of stopping, both characters are uninteresting and this doesn't convey the necessary sense of danger.

    Cable and X-23 are completely involved in this title, it even seems like they were forced to participate in this adventure due to some penalty. It's sad for both characters with no narrative and no effort from the team to write som more

  • 3.5
    Onomatopoeia Dec 11, 2019

    "God lives in the moment a gunshot ends a life." I have never rolled my eyes so hard it hurts. By the time I recovered and my vision cleared, I was able to see artwork that would make a middle school art teacher proud, and that's about it.

  • 3.0
    CrazyforRAMU Jul 2, 2020

    In my dream world, any Marvel editor who wanted to hire Szymon Kudranski would have to sign an affidavit to that effect on a copy of the "Cabbage Patch Kid Psylocke" page.

  • 3.0
    Spacey Medicine Jan 3, 2020

    How is the art so bad all the time?! And the dialogue, my god.

  • 3.0
    Ryan Dec 11, 2019

    Great news: we are officially half way done with Fallen Angels! Yup, its still horrible. Bryan Hill doesn’t know how to write any of these characters at all. The info pages this issue were just globs of text and were such a major turnoff. I’m still not even sure who or what Apoth is and the art is awful. Every character is written horribly. This comic took me like 7 minutes to read

  • 3.0
    BloodyNinja Dec 11, 2019

    This book is a delirium by the author. I'm happy to know it got cancelled.

  • 3.0
    Julian Keller Dec 11, 2019

    Worst writing, worst art and worst leading character. Please someone save Laura.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 1.5
    ohhaimark Dec 14, 2019


    -I like some of the imagery. Even if the art butchers it, it's there.

    THE BAD:

    -Oof. This was bad.

    -God. Kudranski's art only gets worse.

    -Wow. This writing is really bad. The narration at the beginning was super pretentious.

    -The pacing felt really off here.

    -Oh no. That graphic was just … no. "How to Bore Someone in Two Pages" is what it should have been called.

  • 10
    EdNothIng Aug 22, 2020

  • 10
    Jon Comics Jan 18, 2020

  • 9.0
    Ebonyc Nov 23, 2020

  • 9.0
    Radar Dec 16, 2019

  • 8.5
    CesarCastanha Dec 13, 2019

  • 7.5
    Adsun22 Dec 13, 2019

  • 7.0
    iPodwithnomusic Jun 23, 2021

  • 7.0
    RC Adamiec Feb 7, 2020

  • 7.0
    sebastianorellana95 Dec 17, 2019

  • 6.5
    mikesbr42 Dec 15, 2019

  • 6.5
    Tizze Dec 12, 2019

  • 6.5
    tonpas1989 Dec 11, 2019

  • 6.0
    egonnn244 Dec 26, 2019

  • 6.0
    ActionCity Dec 11, 2019

  • 5.5

  • 5.5
    mrDovydas Jan 7, 2020

  • 5.0
    Ventilator-x Jul 13, 2022

  • 5.0
    Mike Jan 22, 2020

  • 5.0
    Ben Dec 16, 2019

  • 5.0
    Jorge Mendes Dec 11, 2019

  • 4.0
    Marvelll Dec 20, 2020

  • 4.0
    Silver Rocket Jan 4, 2020

  • 3.5
    Sidowski Jan 28, 2025

  • 3.0
    ChrisClaremontForever Feb 13, 2020

  • 1.0
    Pickleicious Mar 12, 2022

  • 1.0
    TaiwanMarvel Feb 20, 2020

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