• Take a tour of Doctor Strange's home-- the Sancto Sanctorum. It's the weirdest and most dangerous place in the Marvel Universe! A place where opening the wrong door can unleash hell on Earth.
• Unfortunately for you and your fellow visitor, Zelma, Strange's house is infested with something far worse than bed bugs!
Rated T+
If the first issue showed us Stephen Strange and what a day of his life was really like, the second has showed us his surroundings, set the stage even, and given us the supporting cast. What else will we see from Earth's Sorcerer Supreme in future issues? One could only guess but whatever it is, you can be sure, it will probably be what you least expected! Read Full Review
The series maintains a nice balance of weirdness with humor and action - a difficult trick to manage, but one the creative team is managing perfectly - so far! Read Full Review
Doctor Strangehas the title he deserves in modern Marvel books. While he may not be quite the lovable asshole we saw inThe Oath (though he is still pretty arrogant), and the very MCU style may be off-putting to some purists out there (I personally don't mind it, but I know some aren't fans of a more comedic marvel universe), there's plenty of charm and imagination in this opening story arc to make it very easy to recommend. If you're on the fence, these first two issues act as the perfect sample of what's to come, so I'd highly recommend checking them out. Read Full Review
It's long been said that every writer, when pitching to Marvel, pitches a Doctor Strange idea. Aaron's pitch works so wellfor me because it's simultaneously the most grounded and human interpretation of the character I've seen in a while, and still one of the most bizarre in terms of how it depicts the world in which he operates. With issues like these, and his own movie soon to hit theatres, it's easy to see Doctor Strange becoming one of Marvel's A-List characters once more. Read Full Review
Doctor Strange #2 is another exciting adventure we follow with Stephen Strange through the Sanctum Sanctorum and the things he knows that most mortals will probably be glad to be unaware of. Big things are coming for him and it is good that through all this chaos there is some sort of plot forming with pacing. Read Full Review
If you've never read a Doctor Strange story before, this is a heck of a place to start. Read Full Review
This series has been my first foray into the world of Stephen Strange, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Dr. Strange #2 is setting up a pretty interesting story that Im excited to see unfold. Im curious about the vestiges of the Sanctum and how they, Stephen, Wong, and definitely Zelma, will handle the upcoming supernatural mysteries. I am most certainly along for the ride. Read Full Review
Aaron's Strange is a more grounded one, and while it's too early to say how effective this approach will be in the long run, for now it's a fun and interesting take on the character that nobody saw coming. Read Full Review
There's a whimsicality to Jason Aaron's Doctor Strange that might be off-putting to those who like their superhero comicbooks played serious and down-to-earth, but those who like a chuckle to their entertainment might find a lot to enjoy here. Like Strange himself says, the Sanctum Sanctorum is "the last truly weird place in New York City," and Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo seem to be having a blast giving readers the grand tour of the estate. Read Full Review
Bachalo continues to provide some excellent art, perfect for the tone and subject matter for the series. It's a wonder that he was never positioned as an artist on this series before now. It's certainly a selling point that would be difficult to replicate. Read Full Review
You know, I get it. The creators are aiming for a more humorous, light fantasy adventure story, and the kind of intense psychodrama I'm perhaps implying doesn't really mesh well withthat. But comic shop shelves are full of books that are humorous, light fantasy adventure stories. Doctor Strannge #2 is an entertaining, solidly crafted comic, and I'd recommend checking it out if you're a fan of the character or desire something more horror/mystical-esque in your superhero reading. But it has not yet made any moves to bust it out of its somewhatstandard comic book trappings, and as such it does not yet really stand out. Read Full Review
No one else draws like Bachalo, and not many books look quite as good as Doctor Strange. Read Full Review