"The Seventh Day" STARTS NOW!
• There's a bounty on Daredevil's head big enough to bring out every contract killer in New York City, but you'll never believe who the client is!
Rated T+
If you haven't been reading Daredevil then issue 15 & 16 are the perfect jumping on point. This is the Daredevil I have loved for many years at his best. Read Full Review
This was a brilliant issue with great writing and superb artwork (that double page splash with all of the characters in Daredevil's world wad gorgeous). A minor quibble but something that boghered me: Father Jordan has some reeeally bad theology. I don't know if Soule intentionally wrote him that way or if he just doesn't understand much about Christianity, but his whole spiel about God creating an imperfect world so that humans could fight to make a perfect one ourselves...so far from what the Bible actually teaches.
That said, looking forward to the next issue as it seems like we'll finally get some answers! I kinda like that Soule teased that mystery and then waited two and a half arcs to address it. Ballsy move Charles! Let's more
The series is hitting a high point with this issue and I'm loving this artist, I want to see him as a regular on the series the style and layouts just suit Daredevil so well. Matt's motivation does pan out after all, which is great, good writing. It's encouraging to know that Soule is not disregarding the continuity from Waid's run.
I wish Matt would turn back to his faith because that was a huge part of who he was for decades and then Kevin Smith happened. Don’t know what the point was of Father Jordan but I can tell next issue will be a mindblower
Daredevil whips a super-serum out of Bullseye while also tackling existential philosophy. This two-parter (with the previous issue) is just stellar storytelling. It grapples nicely with core Daredevil questions like "why be a hero?" Bullseye turned out to be a bit of a MacGuffin delivery service, but the questions Matt asks himself here are top notch.
This is my favourite "Daredevil" issue in a long time. I was hesitant about this whole thing of Matt putting out a hit on himself, and for a while though I was dealing with the "I Am Suicide" Daredevil edition, but Charles Soule masterfully handled the back half of this comic to remind me why Daredevil is an awesome character. That he was always trying to stop Bullseye's bullet was a great touch. This is an excellent comic.
At a time a lot of marvel books seems to replacing or changing their hero's. Daredevil seems to be doing the opposite. Instead heading full steam into the classic Daredevil I grew up loving! Can't wait to see where this series goes now!
Finally feels like this series found it’s footing, I’m just hoping it doesn’t fall apart
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 4/5
Total: 7.5/10