Daredevil #6

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Marcos Martin Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 30, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 25
8.6Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Matt Murdock relives some of his late father's worst nightmares as Daredevil meets Bruiser, a fighter who can't be put down and won't fall! How will Matt survive, and what will this battle mean for Daredevil and his future?

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 3, 2011

    It's great to read a Daredevil comic that features the character I first enjoyed following in the '60s - a smart, athletic and light-hearted hero. He's what most of us would like to be - a man without fear. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Dec 3, 2011

    There is a reason everyone is fawning over the "Daredevil" relaunch, and that is because it is so damn good. There's a clean nature to the events, and yet just enough subverts itself so as to inject danger into the story. Waid appears to be writing flippant storylines, yet he just might be building something a bit more expansive and fantastic. This isn't the downfall of Matt Murdock. We've seen that before. This is the next big adventure of Murdock, and it looks to be a spy thriller with a soft espionage twist. Enjoy it on the rocks, or neat. It'll go down smooth no matter what. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Dec 8, 2011

    For years (and some would argue decades), Daredevil's adventures seemed to take place in a dark place, almost separate from the rest of the Marvel Universe. Sure, he encountered other Marvel heroes, but the New York in which Matt Murdock was tormented by the Kingpin wasn't the same city in which the Fantastic Four fought Galactus. Now, while DD's exploits seem immune from crossovers such as Fear Itself, he's definitely ventured back into the Marvel Universe. In keeping with the lighter tone Waid has instilled in the property, more super-science, wondrous elements have turned up in this title. Daredevil isn't just fighting mob enforcers and skilled assassins anymore. He's having to contend with masters of evil, mutant monsters and mad scientists. It's a dramatic shift, but one that works - probably because it's been a long time in coming. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Dec 2, 2011

    I was hesitant to pick this up since I haven't been interested in Daredevil in years. Waid's run has made me a fan and will make you a fan too if you are in the same boat. His writing in this book reminds me of a 1960's spy thriller. Panels are laid out with the some noir style and the art does a fantastic job of displaying how Daredevil's powers are truly unique and make you wonder if most super heroes could escape his perilous predicaments. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Nov 30, 2011

    On that note, the art in Daredevil #6 is once again stellar. Marcos Martin not only knows how to draw these kinds of stories, he also understands how to pace them. Martin’s art is light, lots of big areas, and strong lines. His minimalism on detail allows for maximum movement, not just panel to panel but also within them. He’s one of the few artists that can block out a page in a pretty standard way; box panels right next to each other, and keep it interesting. The best example of his ability is on page five, fourth and fifth panels. Two henchmen are talking about how Bruiser beat Daredevil and suddenly Daredevil is there. You don’t see what happens, but your imagination fills in the blanks nicely. Waid and Martin are an awesome team that have brought the world’s most melancholy and depressed superhero back into the light! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Erik Norris Nov 30, 2011

    Daredevil, as a series, is a creative juggernaut. Both Waid and Martin are firing on all cylinders, and their work is paying off in spades. We've said it before and we'll say it again: Daredevil is absolutely one of Marvel's best books. You need to be reading this. End of story. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Dec 1, 2011

    Jumping on point?: Even though this is not the beginning of a story arc, you could totally hop on here if you wanted to. The story is managed in that classic way that “each issue can be a jumping on point”. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima Nov 30, 2011

    I can't praise Marcos Martin's incredible pencils enough. His skills as an illustrator are astounding. He is able to capture the movement of Daredevil in a way many cannot, and he is a perfect addition to this particular series. His work paired with Muntsa Vicente's colors are incredibly striking and what we get is another beautiful issue of DAREDEVIL. Mark Waid is writing a really fun book -- bottom line. While I do feel that there are some inconsistencies, this continues to be one of the most interesting and entertaining books coming out of Marvel right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Sara McDonald Dec 8, 2011

    Daredevil #6 is a great blend of art and storytelling that is both visually appealing and manages to wrap up the current story arc in a satisfying way. Waid manages to neatly tie up several plot threads without falling into the all-too-common trap of comic books where storyline endings feel rushed and forced. Additionally, it transitions well into a setup for the next arc, showing promise for a compelling storyline that should continue to be as excellent a read as Mark Waid's run on Daredevil has consistently been so far. If you haven't been reading Daredevil recently, now is the perfect time to hop on board. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - stephengervais Dec 3, 2011

    Even though it doesn't fall under "the relaunch" Daredevil did get renumbered around the same time and has been a personal favorite of mine since. Issue number six delivers another wildly entertaining story by providing great characterization, action, and dialogue. This issue has Daredevil battling an up and coming thug, Bruiser. What a fantastic action sequence between the two! The highlight for me without spoiling anything is Daredevil showcasing his courtroom abilities to get out of a jam. The creative team of writer Mark Waid, artist Marcos Martin, and colorist Muntsa Vincent deliver a solid issue which can best be described as simply, fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Dec 5, 2011

    Whether or not these vast terrorists organizations coming together (or being willing to give their data up to their competitors) is feasible, the comic works well in wrapping up this story arc and painting a bright new target on Daredevil's back. Worth a look. Read Full Review

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