Daredevil #76

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 24, 2005 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 16
6.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Daredevil has been outed in the press, and was made the Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen. What could possibly top that? Four words: Wilson Fisk is back!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 29, 2005

    I have to give the art a lion's share of the credit for selling the idea that Ben Urich has been beaten down by the world, and it's very easy to accept Ben's dire assessment of his future when one gets a look at the character. I also love how the art conveys the ever important little moments, like Ben's discomfort as he's transported to the prison, and the character's reaction shot after the Kingpin is revealed to the reader is about as perfect as one could've hoped for. I will say Alex Maleev's version of the Kingpin is a bit on the small side, but part of this is the simple fact that in many panels he's seated in a chair that towers over him, and this serves to make the character look smaller. Still, the pure evil of the character is well conveyed by the art, as how can one not love the panel where the Kingpin responds to Ben's "Why me?". There's also a solid bit of action in this issue as a rather ordinary foiled robbery is given some much needed visual punch thanks to a couple Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Aug 28, 2005

    So where will he go from here? Based on his work in the past, I think were in for some big changes on Daredevil. Will Murdock be charged with crimes stemming from his double life as Daredevil? Will Milla Donovan be yet another lover to die? Could the Kingpin actually go free? I honestly dont know. Bendis has pulled off some big surprises in the past, and I bet hes got something special planned for his departure from Daredevil. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Aug 28, 2005

    The final pages of this issue provide a fantastic show-stopping moment which reinforces the fact that the Kingpin is back to meddle in Matt Murdocks life, and also hearkens back to one of Bendis and Maleevs earlier great cliffhangers on Daredevil. Whilst such self-referential auto-cannibalistic writing might seem indulgent to some, in the context of the larger run of these two creators it serves a greater purpose of binding this final arc into everything which has gone before it, and unifying the entire arc which has been running since issue #26 into a final punchy storyline. Bendis also cannily toys with the readers expectations here, as a second glance at the headline of Ben Urichs article reveals that it actually confirms nothing about its contents well have to wait at least a month before we find out exactly what Wilson Fisk wants the world to think. If anything, Urich comes off as the hero here hes the moral force who never lets up, finding himself in a situation way Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Aug 28, 2005

    Obviously, Im just not the right audience for this comic; the Kingpin scene aside, there are so many stylistic choices that, while not ill-advised by any means, just do not work for me as a reader, even if Bendis is reining in his usual excesses. While I do recognise that this is an effective bit of storytelling, its just not for me. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Aug 28, 2005

    The ongoing plot: Something about all this matters to Matts struggle to stay a lawyer now that everyone knows hes Daredevil. The Decalogue showed us one reason that should happen (illegal though it is): the common people DD protects need him. I expect this arc to offer another argument. But the problem for me is its the answer to a question I never would have asked. Where does Matt get off donning a red suit and busting up criminals? The answers beyond simple: hes got powers, and hes a hero. That used to be all it took. Read Full Review

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