Daredevil #70

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 16, 2005 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 16
6.3Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

GOLDEN AGE CONCLUSION A hero will be born and an empire will fall, bringing an important chapter of the history of Hell's Kitchen to a close.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 1, 2005

    Alex Maleev's work is especially sharp looking this month as he is called upon to deliver a pretty action intensive issue, and his photo-realistic style serves to lend a real sense of visual excitement to the proceedings, as I actually found myself wincing at the panel where Agent Del Toro is struck from behind by the case of pop, or when the chained Matt is slammed around the abandoned gym by an enraged Bont. The art also does some lovely work on the roof top training session as Agent Del Toro throws it down with Matt and manages to tag him with one of her punches. Also, while it's a little detail I actually enjoyed the various reaction shots that are provided on the opening page as Bont drags Matt through Hell's Kitchen. Plus, while I knew the blade was never going to fall, the scene where the Gladiator prepares to kill Matt did a wonderful job of selling Melvin's conflicted state. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Feb 22, 2005

    Ultimately though, too little happened for this arc to be spread out into 5 issues, and so many little things were in motion at the same time that there wasn't really enough time to focus on the character of Matt (or even Daredevil!), which is always the strongest element of Bendiss take on the series. Bonts eventual fate was a little disappointing and anti-climactic, and the Gladiators fantastic melancholy and tortured characterisation in this arc was dispensed with a little too hurriedly for my tastes by simply throwing him back into prison. A shame for an arc which showed so much potential - but still a decent enough Daredevil story from the current team. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Lucinski Feb 21, 2005

    The Over the course of his run Bendis has created fully realized character in Matt Murdock and the struggles hes faced over the revelation about his identity. This story adds nothing to that. If you managed to miss these five issues, buy the trade only if you want a complete Daredevil collection. Read Full Review

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