Daredevil #66

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 27, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 16
7.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

GOLDEN AGE PART 1 Follow Matt Murdock through a story that literally spans the entire history of Marvel. Who was the Kingpin before the Kingpin and what was his relationship to Matt Murdock?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Nov 2, 2004

    Overall, this initial episode is more of a teaser to set up the adversary that Matt Murdock is sure to face in coming issues than it is about any real conflict. However, the cliffhanger certainly suggests a darker side to this old man, and challenges the sympathy that the audience may have built up over the preceding 21 pages. There are certainly shades of grey in this character, and its in working through these ideas that Bendis normally excels. Its good to see the writer avoid the easy route of countless Kingpin storylines and work at introducing his own villains to Daredevils unimpressive rogues gallery and even better to see a fairly original creation born who has the potential to challenge Matt on more levels than the majority of his costumed foes. After a few months of the title treading water (by its own admittedly high standards), Daredevil really looks to be going places again. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 9, 2004

    I'll give the art credit for making an active effort to reflect the different eras by altering its coloring style to suit the era in which the story would have taken place in the real world. Now I'm sure they had color comics in the 1940s, but the stark black and white images do manage to project the idea that this story is set in the past, and there is a certain visual impact that comes with this lack of color. As for the story that employs the coloring style that Marvel offered up in the late 1960s, I have to say I absolutely adored the extra effort that was made mirror the look of those old comics, right down to the slightly yellowed paper, and fuzzy borders. The modern day material is also quite impressive, as the art does a fantastic job of selling the idea that Alexander Bont is a steam kettle on a hot stove, with his final page explosion of rage being perfectly presented. Read Full Review

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