• The Black Fox has sent Felicia and her crew to steal all kinds of items from all the ends of the Marvel U. But why?
• You'll only find that plan here as there is zero chance you've guessed it already.
Rated T+
Black Cat continues to be one of the very best books on the stands from Marvel as the creative team delivers a truly stunning and emotional journey wrapped up in all the trappings of a traditional (but Marvelized) heist story. Every page is a delight to look upon and the issue hammers home just how great a character Felicia Hardy truly can be. Read Full Review
Black Cat's big climax also seems to be setting things up for the next major plot arc as certain revelations are made about Black Fox that might be explored in greater detail once the whole mess beneath Manhattan draws to a close. It'll be interesting to see how MacKay and company finesse the transition away from the one central quest that Felicia has been dealing with since she started working with MacKay. The character has a really interesting relationship with the writer. Time will tell if that relationship continues to be fruitful. As it stands, Felicia is one of the more interesting characters in all of Marvel. Hopefully, MacKay can maintain that. Read Full Review
While not a good jumping on point, Black Cat #5 is a great example of what Marvel Comics done right is. Read Full Review
There's an elegance to this particular sort of heist story and Jed MacKay pulls off something that is hearbreaking, thrilling, and satisfying all at once. Read Full Review
We finally get to the New York City Thieves Guild Heist, and while it becomes more personal, it felt a bit forced. I am still a fan of This book, but this issue was disappointing after the long wait. Read Full Review
Black Cat #5 is a solid, if odd, issue as the heist the characters have been building to has been turned on its head. The question is, what happens now? Read Full Review