A tragic death at the school reveals a powerful enemy living among the X-Men that they could never have suspected - and no, it's not Magneto. Seriously, if you're not reading this... well, you're the only one!
Theres both success and failure all around here, and perhaps some lesson gone unheard in the contrast between the X-men seeking positive press while a child suffers. Of course, it may not all be their fault, as there are hints of a nefarious presence at school. Whedon hasnt dropped any of the threads from his first arc, remaining intent on examining what it means to be gifted, or cursed, by power. Cassaday backs him up with epic style. Hes quite gifted himself at dramatic compositions and unique point-of-view shots. Read Full Review
John Cassaday may not be the fastest artist, and the erratic schedule that is starting to surface likely means that the lead time this title had has been pretty much eaten up, and we can expect future issues are going to have increasing trouble meeting their shipping dates. However, John Cassaday fits into the same category that I place Bryan Hitch, in that why the lengthy waits are annoying it's next to impossible to be overly annoyed when one gets a look at the work they've brought to the table. I mean there's several wonderful images in this issue from the opening page spread of Colossus on top of the Blackbird, to the battle that follows which has the X-Men working alongside the Fantastic Four against giant rampaging monster, with the one page shot of the two teams working together to topple the creature being the highlight image. The art also does a wonderful job conveying the full impact of the final page, as we pull back to see why this scene is so important to the story. Read Full Review
Good solid superhero storytelling, thats what youre getting here. Theres still a feeling that this title is lacking something, but when what is here is so well done, it seems a bit churlish to complain. Read Full Review
Joss Whedon, John Cassaday with Laura Martin introduce a new storyline, make it obscenely easy for a new audience to be enticed and justify the faithful fans attention span all in one neat package that while not necessarily astonishing still entertains through meaty characterization, a fine battle and a surprise super-hero team-up. Read Full Review