This comic tells two stories in parallel:
The first occurs in the year 2208, ten years after the events of the previous story arc where the ship Boreas sank on the icy moon LV-695, a place where the corporation Jun Yutani III tries to rescue the USCSS BOREAS from the depths of the saguas. frost, to face a new race of xenomorphs that arise from the fusion of an ice monster, this origin was explained in Alien Annual #1 2023.
Zasha meets again with Dayton who considers him his father, but they are interrupted by Mr Yutani, who tries to kill Zasha, but Dayton helps him escape and says goodbye, he launches a nuclear missile at that moon to eliminate everything, Yutani is a Synth and starts fighting Dayton.
But Zasha doesn't want to say goodbye to the only father she ever had, his life has revolved around this meeting.
Meanwhile, outside, a species of snow kaiju emerges and is attacked by the xenomorphs and begins to merge into another hybrid megra.
The second story occurs on the planet HD 202206BK in the year 2168 and shows how Dayton was discarded as a synth after having eliminated a Xenomorph and thus meets Zasha's family.
This new story arc closes in style the story that Declan has been creating calmly and precisely, the ending is shocking and moving.
With textures and tone of 1980s comics, especially the color palette, full of impressive details and a great cinematic vision. The color palette is interesting and changes depending on the year the story is told.
Zasha does not want to say goodbye to Dayton, while Yutani tries to recover information about the discoveries they made in this place years ago. Shocking and moving closure of this story arc more
I mostly agree with AmericanHealthcare here, although I'd be less harsh to the Conan stuff from a few years back. I think Alien just isn't a good fit for the sensibilities that Marvel has at the moment. Alien needs good pacing, for one, and Marvel's constant breaking up volumes is not helping that. Maybe the key here is to give this title to someone who's extensively well-versed in horror comics? And please, for the love of everything that is holy, do not get Tynion on Alien. I mean anyone but Tynion. Please.
This was not an epic ending to any degree. The entire ending takes places in a small section of the original ship with the story bouncing between the Zasha/Dylan story and the frost aliens fighting the Xenomorphs. At least we will never see these characters again as Zasha makes a silly decision to commit suicdide. Let's see if we can get back on track with the next arc.
My Comic Review Channel - https://youtu.be/awyBZYzJhuA
On paper, this story should work, but the execution was a mess. The dialogue was poor from start to finish, big clunky monologues during fight scenes can be excused in a cape book, but this is Alien. No characters were developed enough for us to care whether they lived or died except maybe Robo Dad, and all the action and chaos was basically incidental. It meant nothing, and this Marvel Alien series overall has not managed to create a coherent timeline for events to have significance within. The art was high quality, but not a good fit for Alien. Marvel's handling of this license has just been bafflingly weak. Reminds me of all that forgettable Conan stuff they did a few years back. I'm a big Alien fan; I hope they get it figured out.