"So now the stage is set, and Sam has ID'd her foe
But this town's not big enough for both, so one of them must go
But first, there's a meeting, where they'll come face-to-face
If they can't work it out, there will be a gruesome race
But it's not quite that simple, and for once, Sam is scared
This foe knows quite a bit about her, and the things of which she cares"
Horvath delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the story. I love the visual style of this series and how it showcases the lighter tone of the environment because the violence is more visually jarring. Read Full Review
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees #4 ramps up the intensity of the narrative as a killing has turned into a war between killers. They may be perfectly sensible and withhold violence, but the drama is on high and can be cut with a knife. Read Full Review
Closely knit panels and flashes of events from the first issue serve to create traps that the reader cannot escape as events quickly go from bad to worse. Read Full Review